Zombie rotted and Ripped Clothes?

I'm trying to create a scene of a Zombie crowd. I'm looking for suggestions on how might be the quickest and easist way to say take existing clothing articles and modify them with rips and rot and holes etc. This is for my own renders not necessarily for resale. However it would be acceptable I believe to create something for sale that requires the purchase of the original clothing Item it was based on?
I have Daz 4.0, Photoshop CS5.1 and Studio to Photoshop Bridge and Lightwave 10.0 and a Poser CR2 import utility for Lightwave.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The easiest way would be the Grunge bundle...
Included are ripped jeans - http://www.daz3d.com/shop/mr-hyde-for-genesis
If you are interested in making your own textures, you can modify the textures of the clothing you already have. Make sure you have the surface selection tool active and select the clothing or part of the clothing you want to modify. In the Surfaces (Color) tab, experiment with both the Diffuse Color and Opacity Strength parameters.
If you just want to add dirt and grime, you can just scribble over the top of the Diffuse texture with the appropriate dark colors.
If you want to add holes, you'll have to work a little harder, but basically you want to make a black-and-white copy of the texture to use for the Opacity parameter. Any part that's black will be the holes and any part that's white will keep showing the original texture.
If you want more detail on how to do that or have questions about any part of this, let us know.
If you don't know where your textures are located, you can find them quickly and easily by clicking on the little picture at the left end of each parameter, write down or remember which filename has a checkmark in front of it, then select the option to browse to the location. Find the file that is being used, then copy it (don't modify the original!). Make your changes in the copy. Then browse to that copy to select it. If you make repeated changes, remember to select the Refresh tool to make DAZ Studio look for your updates again.