Carrara 8 Pro on 69% sale for new customers *UPDATED*

3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
edited October 2012 in Carrara Discussion
Post edited by 3drendero on


  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Link through the newsletter. Although the page says $99, when you use the drop-down and choose Multi-Pay you get the $59. Go on through checkout, don't worry about the $99 still showing, it give a 40% discount at the end.

    I bought it around midnight and immediately was able to download. Only problem is that it looks like all the files are duplicated in my available downloads.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    HI Anne :)

    You get all the Carrara 8 files, (both Mac and PC) and you also get the latest "beta" version of 8.5

    They "should" be named appropriately,. but with all those different files,.. it can easily be confusing .

    The main Carrara program installer.., and the "Carrara Native Content" installer, are the main two parts which make Carrara.
    The Carrara "render node" is a network renderer, if you want to set up a render farm with some other machines.

    The "bonus" content (V4 M4, figures morph packs), and the "Carrara Hi-res shaders" are there to get you up and running if you don't already have those figures.. there's also some bonus files, like Howie's Snow scene, which are just great example scenes, and nice tree's :)

    You should install the main program first, and then the Carrara native content, which should be installed to wherever you installed Carrara.

    The beta, should be installed into a completely separate folder., it's not supplied with any native content,.. just the program,..

    Hope it helps :)

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    3DAGE said:
    HI Anne :)

    You get all the Carrara 8 files, (both Mac and PC) and you also get the latest "beta" version of 8.5

    They "should" be named appropriately,. but with all those different files,.. it can easily be confusing .

    The main Carrara program installer.., and the "Carrara Native Content" installer, are the main two parts which make Carrara.
    The Carrara "render node" is a network renderer, if you want to set up a render farm with some other machines.

    The "bonus" content (V4 M4, figures morph packs), and the "Carrara Hi-res shaders" are there to get you up and running if you don't already have those figures.. there's also some bonus files, like Howie's Snow scene, which are just great example scenes, and nice tree's :)

    You should install the main program first, and then the Carrara native content, which should be installed to wherever you installed Carrara.

    The beta, should be installed into a completely separate folder., it's not supplied with any native content,.. just the program,..

    Hope it helps :)

    Hi, Andy,

    Windows 7, 32-bit.

    I previously had C7ProTrial and C8ProTrial installed. 8Pro's trial period had expired a week ago. Uninstalled both programs. Left 8.5 beta installed.

    I only downloaded the PC files and there are 2 copies of each. So far I've installed, NativeContent, Digital Painters Shaders, and Digital Painters 3DPPaint Brushes Sampler. All these went into C:Program Files. I don't need the RenderNode. Wanted to see how things were looking, but can't get into C8Pro. After splash screen I get "Trial period expired" followed by 2 boxes: User Name and Serial Number. Oops, no serial number with the others in my account, no seriial number on the order confirmation email. Tried "trial" and still no go.

    8.5 beta is still working. Maybe I should uninstall C8Pro, clean registry, and reinstall? Is there some way to point 8.5 to the files I've installed so far under C:ProgramFiles>Carrara8? I sure would like to play with Carrara this weekend, instead of waiting until Monday when DAZ opens.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi Anne :)

    If you've just bought C8 through the store here, then the serial number should be in your account , under available serial codes.

    note: you may need to change the page settings to display all of the serial numbers you have, or flick through the pages, since it only displays the first ten or so.

    In the 8.5 beta,. you can add any folders to the browser. (there's a little icon at the right of the browser, where you can select "add folder" then browse.
    You may need to select which type of content is in the folder before carrara will show anything,. EG: Shaders, Objects, atmosphere's etc..

    but you can run the beta without the Carrara native content.

    If you have DS 4.5 installed, or poser , then carrara should have found those already, and added them to the browser, Content, and Smart Content tabs.

    You can also use,.. File / Open, then browse to load a file from the C8 content.

    I hope the serial number is in your account and you don;t have to wait until Monday

    399 x 341 - 30K
  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    You *may* want to hold off on installing the beta... the current serial number is set to expire Nov 1. Most likely we will just get a new serial number (Sticky post at the top of the Carrara forum) to extend it, but there's a (very) slight chance we could get a new version of the beta....

  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    I just did the 3-pay and first, a lot of the files were repeated. I'm thinking I saw as many as 4 copies of some downloads.... I was going to sort through that before starting the install.


    I have checked my registration numbers in my account and no new registration for Carrera has appeared. This would be the 11th number for me... No Page 2 appears and when I set it to show 20 numbers, still no number in there.

    So, I guess I'm stuck until Monday.

    Now, why on earth would I believe that the Daz store would work like it should over the weekend? :) There are issues on the PC 99 cent sale as well where they all disappeared... yes... during the weekend. Does this equate to shooting oneself in the foot?

  • edited December 1969

    I also just purchased Carrara 8 Pro for the discounted sale price and don't have any new serial numbers. I also don't have a download link to the latest final version "Carrara_8.1.1.12_Win64.exe - pc". I only have a link to the 32 bit version (Carrara_8.1.1.12_Win32.exe - pc). I am running Windows 7 64 bit. I would love to run the software I purchased. Anyone?


  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    Duh. I missed that. There is the one for 64bit 8.5 beta but none for 8 64bit. :( So, it's Saturday night... have some free time.... spend some money to have some fun and suddenly it starts to rain... and not water.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    I don't think there was a 64-bit for Think I read that 64-bit support is new with 8.5..

    Evidently the lack of a serial number and doubling of downloadable files is common. I filed a support ticket on it yesterday morning. Those of you who are having this problem should file a ticket also. Maybe that will get their attention.

    I look at this as another indication that the 8.5 release will be in November.

  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    Under "What's Included" for Carrera Pro 8 it states:

    NEW in PRO - 64-bit support for MAC and WIN OS - Work faster and smarter as you take full advantage of your computer's 64-bit hardware.

    This is under Pro 8. I wasn't looking at 8.5. But.... just because it says it doesn't make it so. ;) We know that positively.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    just a thought,.. what about the Trail period ?,... Carrara should run in trial mode for 30 days as the full Pro version, whether you have a serial number or not. then it'll either time out, or revert back to standard, or continue as Pro,.. depending on your serial number.

    Hi AtticAnne :)

    Carrara 8.0 was the first version to have 32bit and 64 bit support,. BUT,... the 64bit is only in C8 PRO.
    so the C8 standard version,.. is only 32bit,..

    As far as I'm aware, the same will apply to the Carrara 8.5 when it's released.

    the Beta comes as 64bit and 32 bit,.. PC and MAC, to allow everyone to test it out.

    The doubled downloads are only there because of the Beta being available to carrara owners right now,. and normally you'd only see the one set of files. (excluding the fact that you'll see both Mac and PC versions)
    but they should be named either 8 or 85 to help you identify which is which.

    also, the beta files, should only be the main program, and the render node. as there's no native content, or bonus files included with the beta.

    Hope it helps :)

  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for trying 3Dage! Here's a bit more info on it all.

    Here's the download list provided for Carrera 8 Pro. Some things show up at least 4 times. ps_pe069_Victoria4PwrLoader.exe - pc for instance.

    6698_DigitalPaintersShaders_1.0_ca.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7877_1_dpc_M4Base.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7877_2_ds_M4Base.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7877_3_dpc_M4BasePwrLoader.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7878_1_dpc_M4Morphs.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7878_2_dpc_M4Genitalia.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7878_3_dpc_M4MorphsPwrLoader.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7878_4_dpc_M4GenitaliaPwrLoader.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8389_6_dpc_BasicwearforM4_6.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8389_7_dpc_BasicwearforM4_7.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8440_2_ca_V4HighResShadersforCarrara_2.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8441_2_ca_M4HighResShadersforCarrara_2.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8442_1_ca_DigitalPainters3DPaintBrushesSampler_1.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8444_1_ca_HowiesSnowScene_1.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8622_21_dpc_BasicwearforV4_21.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8622_22_dpc_BasicwearforV4_22.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8622_23_dpc_BasicwearforV4_23.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8783_1_ds_Michael4Presets_1.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    9529_1_dpc_BasicwearUnimeshfits_1.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    9529_2_dpc_BasicwearUnimeshfits_2.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    C8_NativeContent_8.0.0.4_Win.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    CarraraRenderNode_8.5.0.132_Win32.exe - pc (download)
    CarraraRenderNode_8.5.0.132_Win64.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    Carrara_8.1.1.12_Win32.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    Carrara_8.5.0.132_Win32.exe - pc (download)
    Carrara_8.5.0.132_Win64.exe - pc (download)
    ps_pe069_Victoria4.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    ps_pe069_Victoria4DS.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    ps_pe069_Victoria4PwrLoader.exe - pc (download)
    ps_pe069_Victoria4PwrLoader.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    ps_pe070_V4Morphs.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    ps_pe070_V4MorphsDS.exe - pc (download) (download)
    ps_pe070_V4MorphsPwrLoader.exe (download) - mac (download)
    Victoria4DeveloperKit.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    6698_DigitalPaintersShaders_1.0_ca.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7877_1_dpc_M4Base.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7877_2_ds_M4Base.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7877_3_dpc_M4BasePwrLoader.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7878_1_dpc_M4Morphs.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7878_2_dpc_M4Genitalia.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7878_3_dpc_M4MorphsPwrLoader.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    7878_4_dpc_M4GenitaliaPwrLoader.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8389_6_dpc_BasicwearforM4_6.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8389_7_dpc_BasicwearforM4_7.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8440_2_ca_V4HighResShadersforCarrara_2.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8441_2_ca_M4HighResShadersforCarrara_2.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8442_1_ca_DigitalPainters3DPaintBrushesSampler_1.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8444_1_ca_HowiesSnowScene_1.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8622_21_dpc_BasicwearforV4_21.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8622_22_dpc_BasicwearforV4_22.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8622_23_dpc_BasicwearforV4_23.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    8783_1_ds_Michael4Presets_1.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    9529_1_dpc_BasicwearUnimeshfits_1.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    9529_2_dpc_BasicwearUnimeshfits_2.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    C8_NativeContent_8.0.0.4_Win.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    CarraraRenderNode_8.5.0.132_Win32.exe - pc (download)
    CarraraRenderNode_8.5.0.132_Win64.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    Carrara_8.1.1.12_Win32.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    Carrara_8.5.0.132_Win32.exe - pc (download)
    Carrara_8.5.0.132_Win64.exe - pc (download)
    ps_pe069_Victoria4.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    ps_pe069_Victoria4DS.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    ps_pe069_Victoria4PwrLoader.exe - pc (download)
    ps_pe069_Victoria4PwrLoader.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    ps_pe070_V4Morphs.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)
    ps_pe070_V4MorphsDS.exe - pc (download) (download)
    ps_pe070_V4MorphsPwrLoader.exe (download) - mac (download)
    Victoria4DeveloperKit.exe - pc (download) - mac (download)

    You can see that the Mac 64bit version is in the list but the Windows 64bit version only shows for 8.5. From what I'm reading, I should install version 8 Pro as the 8.5 Beta is set to expire around the first of next month. And, I really don't like starting out on a new application under a beta version as the learning curve is enough on an active version.

    Also, I cannot find a trial download for Carrera anywhere on the website. I really don't want to install the 32bit version, then turn around and uninstall it and reinstall in a day or few.

    I simply add this to my list of being smacked in the face for trying to support Daz with my money... yet again. So, I bought Poser and will start learning things over there for now.

    I too have filed a support ticket. Most likely I'll have my 'fix' by Tuesday.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for posting the list, dumarian. It's the same as mine. Also note that both AfterEffects are for Mac.

    In the meantime I am usiing 8.5 which I installed a while back. I manually added the content from 8 to 8.5 until Wendy tipped me off that I could just use the installers. That made it much quicker.

  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    Thanks for posting the list, dumarian. It's the same as mine. Also note that both AfterEffects are for Mac.

    In the meantime I am usiing 8.5 which I installed a while back. I manually added the content from 8 to 8.5 until Wendy tipped me off that I could just use the installers. That made it much quicker.

    The list is sooooo long, I get tired of reading through it. LOL!!! Again, I hope the sort by OS function comes back to the DL area. And, thank you very much for the heads up on AfterEffects. I'll keep a watch out for that. I actually don't even know what I'm supposed to get with the product and am relying on Daz for a 'proper delivery'. I sort of noticed that was missing, but assumed it was included in one of the other installers for the Windows version or somewhere else within the huge list.... but one should never assume. I bought the 2 PC10 items at the same time, so had like 200 items on my list which at show 50 was back to page 4. I didn't try the links in the email as I figured each one would fire up a new browser tab.

    There seems to be so many amateur mistakes in the whole store area. Someone seems to be either overworked (or underworking) as something like this 'Special Launch' should have been completely tested. I'm really trying hard to be calm and forgiving, but my wounds are getting crusty with all the salt being rubbed into them. Now that gives me an idea for a render challenge! :)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the list, dumorian :)

    Now i can see why it's so confusing,.
    it looks like the beta version IS coming with additional content which is strange.

    the key files you need for Carrara 8 are.... - mac (download)
    C8_NativeContent_8.0.0.4_Win.exe - pc (download) - mac (download) - mac (download) - mac (download)
    Carrara_8.1.1.12_Win32.exe - pc (download)

    depending on your system and Mac OS version.

    for the beta of 8.5, the files you need are... - mac (download) - mac (download)
    Carrara_8.5.0.132_Win32.exe - pc (download)
    Carrara_8.5.0.132_Win64.exe - pc (download)

    The After effects download look like it's been named incorrectly.... - mac (download)

    the "" part of this suggests that it's for PC, and NOT mac.

    It also looks like the 8.5 beta , and render node, are listed twice,. and there's No render node listing for the C8.1.1.12 version

    at least it gives the Daz3D staff something to do on Monday :)

    As for the Bonus content,. .. there's no difference in the versions for C8 or the beta, so you can download the V4 / M4 stuff, and the carrara High res shaders for those figures,. plus Digital painters brushes samplers, and Howies snow scene etc..

    Any Daz figures, clothing, and the Powerloaders ... should be installed to either a Poser Runtime (no need for the powerloaders in poser) or into your Daz Studio / my library,.. which is the only program where the powerloaders will work.

    All the other Carrara specific files should be installed into the same folder where you install Carrara.

    you only need to install the Render Node, if you're using a network of computers to render.

    you only need the AE plugin if you're using After effects. and it should be added to your Adobe After effects Plugins folder.
    also,. multi-pass rendering and compositing in AE is probably a better option.

    The BETA of C8.5 MUST be installed into a separate New folder EG: Daz3D/Carrara_beta.

    Hope it helps :)

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for the clarification, Andy. I was just too lazy to pull my download list together and post it. As you said, it will give them something to do when they open in the morning.

    I didn't know what the After Effects was, but did download the right one. Haven't done anything about installing it which is evidently a good thing. I use Paint Shop Pro.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited October 2012

    I just purchased Carrara 8 and these are the files I received..why are there 2 of each of the first 4 and are these it for files...which ones do I need to download. My computer is 64 bit.

    Carrara 8 - Win64bit - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Win64bit - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Win32bit - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Win32bit - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Mac64bit - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - Mac64bit - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - Mac32_i386 - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - Mac32_i386 - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - Carrara Native Content - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - Carrara Native Content - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Carrara Hair Caps - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - Carrara Hair Caps - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Carrara 8 Application PC 32 - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Carrara 8 Application MAC 32 PPC - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - Carrara 8 Application Mac 32 i386 - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - 3DPaint Brushes Sampler - zip - mac
    Carrara 8 - 3DPaint Brushes Sampler - exe - pc

    Also got the 8.5 Beta about a week earlier...these are the files I received with it

    Carrara 8.5 beta - Carrara_8.5.0.172_Win64.exe
    Carrara 8.5 beta - Carrara_8.5.0.172_Win32.exe
    Carrara 8.5 beta -
    Carrara 8.5 beta -
    Carrara 8.5 beta - CarraraRenderNode_8.5.0.172_Win64.exe
    Carrara 8.5 beta - CarraraRenderNode_8.5.0.172_Win32.exe
    Carrara 8.5 beta -
    Carrara 8.5 beta -
    Carrara 8.5 beta - C8_MimicPro_2.0.8.172_Win64.exe
    Carrara 8.5 beta - C8_MimicPro_2.0.8.172_Win32.exe
    Carrara 8.5 beta -
    Carrara 8.5 beta -

    I did not get all those other files such as the bonus that only for the pro version? Also I didn't get a serial # for the beta version


    Post edited by Kharma on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi Kharma

    Welcome :)

    If you're on a 64 bit PC, then you would download the PC files,...

    Carrara 8 - Win64bit - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Win32bit - exe - pc

    You can happily install BOTH the 64bit and the 32 bit versions of Carrara,
    the single advantage of the 32bit version "right now" is the ability to export animations in Quicktime format.
    Apple have STILL not updated Quicktime to a full 64bit application. so it's only available in the 32 bit version.

    The native content installer, adds all the Carrara models, shaders, sample scenes, scene wizards etc..

    Carrara 8 - Carrara Native Content - exe - pc

    Installing those three files will give you Carrara

    I'm not sure if the bonus content is different for the standard and Pro versions. but, as you're also seeing Double listings, and perhaps missing some "Bonus" files,.. I'd suggest contacting Daz3D sales support, Just to check what you should get.

    These two bonus products, are not "essential" to carrara, but they are extremely handy to have, so, I'd recommend installing them.

    Carrara 8 - Carrara Hair Caps - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - 3DPaint Brushes Sampler - exe - pc

    The 8.5 Beta files, and Mimic are both set to time-out on the first of November , so, it's up to you whether you want to install them Now, or wait until we either get a New beta version, or a new serial number to extend the life of the current beta.

    The beta version of Carrara 8.5,.. must be installed into a different folder from the main Carrara 8 application.

    Hope it helps :)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    HI Anne :)

    I also have paint shop pro, although the last version I bought was X3, and I think I've used it less than five times :(

    Photoshop is still my editor of choice, and with Filter-forge and eye-candy it;'s a texture making workshop.

    After Effects,.. is Adobe's Video effects editor,. and it's a really great program for compositing clips of animation or video, and adding effects.

    If you're remotely interested, or mildly curious and you have half an hour to spare,. then go checkout
    look through some of the free tutorial videos for examples of how to use compositing and create effects.
    Andrew Kramers tutorials are funny and interesting.
    They also "occasionally" have crazy give-aways of stock video footage which you can use in AE or in Carrara.


  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    If you install DP3D Paint Brushes Sampler for Carrara you need to change the name of a folder after you install it so it will work correctly.

    Change the folder DP3DPaintBrushesSampler

    located in your Program folder at


    to DP3DPaintBrushes

    so the renamed folder will look location wise like this now.


    The double items is caused by a store glitch from what I understand.

    Also, look at the Read Me's for any bonus content you install as you may have to do some additional things so the product will work.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    Thanks I install both 32bit and 64bit to same directory then? Also was there an upgrade C8 from Carrara Express 7 to C8 that I could have gotten for less than purchasing the C8?


  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    edited December 1969

    I think that the new upgrade price to C8Pro from any earlier Carrara is 300 bucks, 200ish for PC members. The 69% off campaign is prolly cheaper and definately simpler.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi Kharma :)

    do I install both 32bit and 64bit to same directory then?

    In Windows 7, (64 bit)
    you should have two folders ,.. "Program files" (for 64 bit applications), and "Program files(x86)" (for 32 bit applications).

    Windows should identify where a program should be installed.

    When you install Carrara, 64 bit, it should automatically install to the "Program files" folder, since it's native 64 bit.

    The 32 bit version should automatically be installed into the Program files(x86) folder.
    It can't be installed into Program files.
    so, they're completely separate, but .. Both of these versions can access the same content in Poser or Daz Studio runtime folders.
    and they can open the same files created in either version of carrara.

    for example: I can create a scene in C8 64 bit,. save it, then open the 32bit version and render out a quicktime movie, while I'm still working on a different scene in C8 64 bit.

    Also was there an upgrade C8 from Carrara Express 7 to C8 that I could have gotten for less than purchasing the C8?

    that's a harder question to answer, ,

    If the store was working properly, there should be upgrade options for each previous version,.. but it's not,.

    personally I would have contacted sales by email, since I'm not in the US ..just to see what the upgrade options were.
    or would wait until C8.5 was officially released,. (which usually comes along with some sort of promotional offer / sale)

    but that's a bit like saying,.. well,. I wouldn't have spilt the milk in the first place :) so , My apologies for that.

    but you do have the standard 30 days return policy. and could wait until either the store is working, or C8.5 is released, but either of those options could take an indefinite amount of time to happen.

    C8 is a completely different program to C7 express, just as 8.5 is to C8,. so technically speaking there's no such animal as an upgrade, since it's a new and different install, but Daz have always previously offered an option to existing users, to move up to the latest version.
    As far as I know, the new store, is the only reason that those options are not currently available.


  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    3DAGE said:
    Hi Kharma

    Welcome :)

    If you're on a 64 bit PC, then you would download the PC files,...

    Carrara 8 - Win64bit - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - Win32bit - exe - pc

    You can happily install BOTH the 64bit and the 32 bit versions of Carrara,
    the single advantage of the 32bit version "right now" is the ability to export animations in Quicktime format.
    Apple have STILL not updated Quicktime to a full 64bit application. so it's only available in the 32 bit version.

    The native content installer, adds all the Carrara models, shaders, sample scenes, scene wizards etc..

    Carrara 8 - Carrara Native Content - exe - pc

    Installing those three files will give you Carrara

    I'm not sure if the bonus content is different for the standard and Pro versions. but, as you're also seeing Double listings, and perhaps missing some "Bonus" files,.. I'd suggest contacting Daz3D sales support, Just to check what you should get.

    These two bonus products, are not "essential" to carrara, but they are extremely handy to have, so, I'd recommend installing them.

    Carrara 8 - Carrara Hair Caps - exe - pc
    Carrara 8 - 3DPaint Brushes Sampler - exe - pc

    The 8.5 Beta files, and Mimic are both set to time-out on the first of November , so, it's up to you whether you want to install them Now, or wait until we either get a New beta version, or a new serial number to extend the life of the current beta.

    The beta version of Carrara 8.5,.. must be installed into a different folder from the main Carrara 8 application.

    Hope it helps :)

    No hair caps file included in my download, Andy. Maybe DAZ has decided we don't need it.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    3DAGE said:
    HI Anne :)

    I also have paint shop pro, although the last version I bought was X3, and I think I've used it less than five times :(

    Photoshop is still my editor of choice, and with Filter-forge and eye-candy it;'s a texture making workshop.

    After Effects,.. is Adobe's Video effects editor,. and it's a really great program for compositing clips of animation or video, and adding effects.

    If you're remotely interested, or mildly curious and you have half an hour to spare,. then go checkout
    look through some of the free tutorial videos for examples of how to use compositing and create effects.
    Andrew Kramers tutorials are funny and interesting.
    They also "occasionally" have crazy give-aways of stock video footage which you can use in AE or in Carrara.


    PSP 9 is still my favorite. Inadvertently, I installed PSP X after my crash instead of XII. If I ever get C8 up and running, I'm going to put XII back on this laptop. Then I'll go check out the tutorials you recommended.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Kharma said:
    Thanks I install both 32bit and 64bit to same directory then? Also was there an upgrade C8 from Carrara Express 7 to C8 that I could have gotten for less than purchasing the C8?


    No, there was no upgrade path from C7E to C8.

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for that info Mike :)

    I wasn't sure about C7E, since it was discontinued, and as far as I remember , almost given away,.
    ( I think I bought it for around 10 bucks) just to have it to check that scenes I was building in C7 pro, also worked in C7E

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 1969

    thanks for all the info and the welcome :) I think I have a hand in every pot now lol trying to learn so much about everything at once . I will call DAZ tomorrow and ask about the files. I tend to do so much better talking to a person than email , I like an instant response, I have no patience at all.


  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    OH well... and Monday ticks past and no response to my ticket. So, Saturday, Sunday and Monday... I have purchased a product and can't use it due to not getting the 64bit version in my downloads area but worse, I still have no registration number in my account. :( What a wonderful sale! But my credit card sure as heck has been charged!!! There didn't seem to be any problem with that getting accomplished. If they hold off for a month, they will have the second payment which means the third would shortly follow which is exactly the same as a 30 day trial except they have most of the money before the trial expires. I'm about to convince myself to just toss in the towel on this and ask for my money back.

  • Dumor3DDumor3D Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    OK, finally got my serial number late Tuesday afternoon... in an email and not in my serial numbers list online. No response to my questions about the 64 bit version nor the missing After Effects plugins. So, I took it upon myself to reset the downloads for the package and they were there this time. Seems as if support should 'suggested' doing that. Anyway, for the others in the same boat... that was my solution and I have all my downloads now I think? Now to install it and see if this number works.... I'll be sure to let you know if it does not... but will likely be distracted if it does. :coolsmile:

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