Hi head wax - sorry I haven't replied earlier - haven't been able to get through for a few days. I suppose Daz does site maintenance while you guys sleep and I'm awake.
Yes, Uniconverter converts pretty much every vector format to pretty much every other one. It outputs ai5, which is perfectly compatible with Carrara.
thanks Roy
you are allowed to be tardy
cause your replies are always worth waiting for :)
For converting SVG to HTML5 (on Mac) best solution I know of is Tumult Co's Hype on the Apple App Store. You can author HTML5 interactivity or make animations. Not as robust as Flash but at least it works on iOS devices. Creates publishing alert warnings...all I can say to those who can't see my content... so sorry!
Are there any vector formats that are HTML5 compatible? (Not Flash)
Did SVG ever get adopted as a web standard?
thanks Roy
you are allowed to be tardy
cause your replies are always worth waiting for :)
For converting SVG to HTML5 (on Mac) best solution I know of is Tumult Co's Hype on the Apple App Store. You can author HTML5 interactivity or make animations. Not as robust as Flash but at least it works on iOS devices. Creates publishing alert warnings...all I can say to those who can't see my content... so sorry!
Oh, Thanks 3DPixLA! I actually have Hype... Good to know! I will try some experiments with SVGs from Carrara....