Fire in DS4.5

Here is a quick example from an upcoming plugin for DS4 (not mine, I'm just a tester). I've blackened the surroundings to highlight the effect. More as I generate them.
Nice...Check your email later...
My email auto-checks and notifies me of new mail every 5 minutes. :-)
code for "Sent to Daz3d O&A" is that? :P
ParticleFX RonsFire converted
This is a test using Rons Flames Package after converting thru PSP to use in ParticleFX DS4.5
The particle effect looks very promising, Kendall! But the shading could use some improvement, honestly. Can you share moar, plzzzzz?
edit: Regarding shading, The Gimp has a "gold" palette that might help in narrowing down better colours for the flames.
I can share more soon. What I posted was just quick default settings. Since he's posted to this thread as well, I guess it's OK to let the cat out of the bag... This is from ParticleFX! for DS4.5. Excellent plugin! I'll be posting other pieces as I compose them.
Oh, I thought these were two different products. :-S Hmm, so how many particles can you get going at the same time?
Great news the Problem with Scene saving in duf format has been fixed and will be in the next update...Hopefully sometime this week...
New Textures and Presets coming too...
Fightinthe shade will be renamed to arrow Storm..Arrow objects now in presets...Think the movie "300"
Smoke presets...
New Fire and Rocket Presets...
Working on the gunfire Presets...Will be New...
Thanks for Being the Man...
I have had 7 different Particle emitters going at the same time...I did run into memory issue's on my OLD and Slow computer running dual quads and only 3 gigs Ram and a gig NVidia.....
Cool, Arrow Storm sounds exciting!