It's time to take a break when...

.... you look at a magnificent sunset and say "looks kind of fake, I'll fix it in Bryce".
.... someone backs into your car and you say "oh man, I'm going to have to replace all the polygons on the right front quarter panel".
:-) :-) :-)
It seems to be a 'phase' that we all go through. I haven't had it for a while now, but I'm sure it will probably come back.
Sometimes it's hard to think of anything else!
... you look into the mirror and think : "Dang, I really need to buy a new texture for this."
Yeah, me too! Only I think I've left it a bit late.
You see someone standing waiting for a bus and think "That pose needs tweaking a bit"
All I know when it is time to take a break as I am found dribbling in the cornor of a darkened room.
I can't watch a movie these days with thinking how did they made that, or that is a great texturing job.
yep me too
...your downloads add up to thousands of dollars for your cheap little hobby and all you can think is I don't have enough content.
you tell your brother:" Hey, go there and pose like a hero." Than you circle round him and observe the light, shadow, how it reflects on the materials.
LOL, I have this problem so much.
Made worse when you realise that your 3d figures wardrobes contain more items than your own. :roll:
...when you look at the figure and wish to have the exact hair its wearing in reality.
lol all of you cracked me up here big lol :)
You realize you take better care to your 3d dolls than yourself....
another one :
you wander why when you wear your boots your toes are not poking out
Last night I had a dream where I was getting dressed and all my clothes were made out of polygons.
It wasn't a dream.....
... even you can not remember how you set up half your categories any longer. "I know the darn thing is installed but where did I put it?"
....when you are getting ready to go out and you ask yourself which runtime you stored your raincoat in.
yep swiss cheese syndrome.
It is time for bed when you read the thread title 'Flock Formations', and it says something very different :)
Night all!
You look at yourself in the mirror and say "Oh no! I'm too short! Don't worry, I just need to tweak a few dials in DAZ".
That's called being a real addict. (NOT ME :D)
...a item in the store sends you off on a two day comedy bit just because you think it will be fun to play with.