
I just purchased Tin Pan Alley and I noticed puddles in the sample image: http://www.daz3d.com/shop/catalogsearch/result/?q=tin+pan+alley&x=0&y=0.
Is that something I need to add in as an extra prop/effect? Because my version doesn't have puddles.
Also, I see there is an extra trash can in the sample than what is in my version. Do I have to get something like Trash Stash in order to add trash cans? Tin Pan Alley seems to be a complete prop where nodes can be deleted but not added.
I don't have that particular set, but i wonder whether that's just a texture for the ground. It's possible there are two, one dry and one after a rainy day.
As far as adding a new Trashcan, are you using DS4.5? It now makes it easy to save a parts of a scene, such as a Trashcan to your Content Library, then you can add additional trashcans to the scene. I can post the steps if you want to give it a try. If you're using Poser, then I can't help you.
That's interesting option. I'll have to keep that in mind.
There is no way that I can see to add a trash can by itself, or a way to change the surface from dry to rainy. There are only 3 selections in the content library: scene, lights, and cameras. I would really like to insert some puddles and trash cans to add interest if anyone knows how I can do that.
It's really frustrating when you see an example and once you purchase the item, you find out some of the effects you thought were part of the package, aren't.
Thank you Lindsey and Miss B! How do you add a trash can to the content library? I'm using version 4.5.
There is a puddle available for free on ShareCG by Trekkiegrrrl. It is a poser prop, but I have gotten it to work in DAZ Studio. You will have to adjust the transparency and reflectivity to make it look like water. It will take some fiddling and adjustment to get it right.
Fisty has made a good puddle in her free liquid shaders, which you can find here. Just resize the puddle, apply the shader, and you're set to go.
The link posted is broken...
Here's the working link
I have this set, it does not come with the Wet look or Puddles that was to show what can be done when it's in your hands. As for the trash cans do this, pick the one you wish to add to your scene, Right click it in your Scene Tab and UnParent it. You can then move it to any part of the scene you like. If you want two of the same one, unpartent it, then delete all but that one item. Save that as a new Scene File, then use the Merge option to add it to the full set and put it where you want it. The full set except for a few things can be done this way.
I hope this helps you.