[SOLVED-ish] Gaps in subdivided or smoothed geograft

I'm having a problem with geografting -- and I'm an admitted noob at it, so it's probably something simple. When subdivided or smoothed, my graft shows gaps around the edges, even with the parent figure subdividing and/or smoothing at the same level with the same algorithm. Screen shots below. Can anyone advise what I'm doing wrong?

Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 11.58.41 AM.png
2386 x 1208 - 733K

Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 11.59.37 AM.png
2418 x 1180 - 627K
Post edited by Jack of Spades on
That means your graft isn't welding - are you sure the vertices around the edges match on graft and base figure?
Fairly sure; you can see them line up in the base mesh picture. I made the graft object by separating the chin from a .dae export of Genesis 3 Female in Blender and then modifying it, then reimporting as Wavefront.
It doesn't take much divergence to break the welding - it might be worth using snapping in Blender to snap the vertex on the graft to the matching vertices in the base. It may also be worth scaling the mesh up, and adjusting the import scale into DS to compensate, to make sure rounding errors aren't coming into play.
I started over from scratch (there wasn't much modeling work involved) and got it to work this time. No clue what went wrong.