render options

studio seems to take up Way more resources as to bryce when rendering. can i chnage any setting to get, relatively, the same render without so much co-opting?
also, i don't see the option but can you at least pause the render as with bryce? and if i cancel render does it save what was rendered or does the whole file get corrupted?
Files usually get corrupted if they're left open too long between saves (I mean, like five-plus hours or so). And Iray is pauseable. I don't know about 3Delight.
In Iray you can pause a render, and resume it, as long as you don't close the render window. As for resources, what do you mean? CPU or RAM? If you are on PC, you can press CTRL ALT Delete key and bring up task manager. You can right click on daz studio process and set priority lower, or set how many cores you want used with set affinity. RAM, I don't think you can change that without going in and manually shrinking textures with photoshop or GIMP.