Questions about DSON File Format Specification and sharing files

On this page it states
Enable a means of legal sharing of scenes by use of an asset referencing scheme rather than inline storage of all elements of a scene.
Will this allow me to share new surface settings for a figure?
If so how do I save the files and how are they opened by others?
A Materials Preset? Yes. Or do you mean rearranging the surface groups?
Scene Subset, and only select the item you've made changes to.
I believe the system was designed to allow easy distribution of changes, but without having to RTEncode everything, as only the actual changes are stored in DUF, which means DS still needs, reads and loads the original DSF asset files before applying the changes.
For saving surfaces, as opposed to materials, Scene and Scene subset of course work - but so do some presets: Character preset (when it is sued to load a new figure rather than modifying an existing figure), Wearables presets (again, the items loaded by the preset, not the figure theya re loaded on to).
Thanks Richard and bejaymac I knew you would have the answer I needed. Yes it's the surfaces I wanted to save. I always wondered what the scene subsets are for. Thank you for your help.
Reason I said Scene Subset is that it's the general purpose save file, it means even the less tech savvy content makers and end users know that will work for them for things like this.
Saving as a Scene will also work, but you have to remember to right click >> Merge to load it (or turn the air blue if you forget), and unlike a subset you can't pick and choose what gets saved.
Saving a Material preset works for surface group changes and/or UV changes, but it requires the end user to load the original item then apply the preset.
Where as a Wearable preset will load the original asset file and apply the changes before the item appears on screen, which make life a bit easier for the end user.
So would I be better off to save it as a material preset as it is just surface group changes?
I didn't know that you could save surface groups and uv changes that way before this thread...