Any Free Alternatives to Poser?

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Are there any free alternatives to Poser software where I can pose my 3D figure and even create clothing in it and export it to .cr2 or .dson files?
Other than Daz studio the likely answer there is not.
You cannot model clothing in Daz Studio but other then that, you can render you characters in it to your hearts content.
Poser can't actually do clothing either, btw. There is an addon for purchase that will let you, but the majority of people normally create clothing models, for Poser or Studio, in external 3D programs. A free, open source program that is available is Blender.
Blender, I know for a fact that Vendors at this Store make Clothes, Morphs, Model 3D figures in this free Open Source 3D Powerhouse.
I use Blender, and this is my job. ;) Over time I've added 3d Coat, Zbrush and Substance Painter, but that's more as I've expanded into more product categories. I still use Blender for base meshes and UV mapping on basically everything, and non-3D-painted textures I do in the GIMP. I recently added PictureNaut for setting up HDRs.
Blender is known to be a difficult interface for many people to learn. A lot of my colleagues here use Hexagon or Silo. Those with the budget also use Lightwave, Modo, 3ds Max, or Maya, but when I asked for a show of hands at a PA event once by far the biggest number were using Hex.
Hexagon is fantastic.
Until it crashes and you lose all your work. I get caught up working on something for hours and forget to save! Oh man will this haunt you in Hexagon! Great modeling program but very buggy. 32bit software is very dated, and most people now run 64bit with plenty of extra ram to work in. So I bought Silo when they went 64bit and never looked back. The modeler in Blender is great but I'm used to Silo now, but if you don't want to spend money and want a great modeler Blender can't be beat>> It is the best free 64bit modeler out there bar none and it is being upgraded contstantly. It has 3D Connexion mouse support which makes getting around easy. I wish there was a bridge for Blender then I would start using it regularly, but I got used to Silo. Hexagon has some 3D Connexion support but it needs to be tweaked a bit, but I've got it working. Now if Daz could make this great piece of software 64bit and fix some of the bugs with updated bridge support I would return to the fold. Hint Hint