Can't connect in DS postgresql error no content database

I just installed on my PC. I didn't just go through the program, which I'm guessing maybe I could have done rather than installing over the old file, but I didn't think about it. So when I open DS I get the error that DS requires a valid connection to a postgresql cms database. I checked my virus protection and firewall, but nothing was blocked. I even added both DS and DIM as exceptions.
Upon some investigation, I realized that although DS installed on correct drive I told it to (X), the user files were under the incorrect username on C (long story short when my father set Windows up he spelled my name wrong...sigh...anyway, I was able to create the correct admin account and now everything is under this user). It must have defaulted to that, which I don't know how to fix. So I copied all the files it installed under that user into the correct one, and now I got the connection box to pop up but it won't connect to the server. I can use offline but nothing will show up under content library.
It has the directories set corretly in preferences, and I even did a search and it found them, but it won't connect to my account, which is why I'm assuming nothing is showing up. Should I do a migrate old content database? I'm at a loss what to do content directory manager options are set corretly. I'm assuming it's because it's not connecting right. The odd thing is if I choose from the menu connect>my account it brings up Firefox and is logged in.
I'm not exactly sure what I do with the postgresql. Is there something I can reinstall?
Do you have PostgreSQL installed?
I assume so it worked before. I think I figured out more. I finally got it to be able to connect to my account and it shows the products under all but nothing under installed. It isn't reading where the DIM installed everything still. I tried changing the CMS settings made sure its the directory it had listed but under the correct username where I copied the files. Something just has to be linked wrong somewhere, which is why I thought maybe migrate old database would help but I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do. All the database directories are set up right.
It isn't seeing the database, it's possible that this is the first time you have had PostgreSQL isntalled - you may still have been using valentina before, which is not supported in 4.9+. If that iss o then you will need to run the Valentina to PostgreSQL conversion utility, assuming the Valentina database is not corrupt.
Ok how do I find that? Also, does it matter that I have that I have two DAZ 3D folders under documents? one contains the studio folder and the other contains the installmanagerfolder with the manifest, etc. Thanks
I think it tried to rerun something because now within the appdata roaming folder, I have cmscfg.json and the contentcluster folder, but within the folder is another contentcluster folder
It does sound as if you may have duplictaed settings, which could certainly break things. That also suggests that maybe you ddi have PostgreSQL installed. Open the cmscfg.json file and the postgresql.conf in the fist ContentCluster folder in a text editor - do the port settings match (the one without a leading # in postgresql.conf)? Does the ContentCluster directory in cmscfg.json match the folder you are using, and have listed in the Daz Studio Preferences?
The two Daz 3D folers are probably right - I suspect you are looking in the Documents library rather than by actual folder on disc, one (with the DIM data) is in Public Documents the other (with the content) is in your own Documents.
Ok so under C:\Users\jamie\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\cms, which is the correct username, the cmscfg.json has this:
"Port" : 1024,
"DatabaseClusterPath" : "C:/Users/jamie/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms/ContentCluster"
The postgresql.conf within that ContentCluster file specified has the port (without the #) listed as 17237
The postgresql.conf within the nested ContentCluster (C:\Users\jamie\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\cms\ContentCluster\ContentCluster) has the port as 1024 so that one matches. There is only one cmscfg.json file.
So I'm assuming the first needs changed to match 1024? Inside DS that is the number it has.
Also, the folders in the incorrect username has nothing within these two folders.
Studio is installed: X:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4 and the DIM is installed here: X:\Program Files (x86)\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1
I also have these two folders. I'm guessing the second is the new one, but I don't know.
C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles
C:\Users\jamie\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud\meta
In the end, honestly I would like to be able to keep this all on X but I didn't know how to do that, but C is almost completely full and pretty soon I'm going to have to get a new drive and start over again if it keeps adding to it.
Thanks for your help
Ok, so I tried changing the second file to match the first, and I tried changing the first to match the second (& made sure DS matched). No go. I tried changing the address in cmscfg to the nested folder and changed it in DS but still the same thing. Changing the port to 17237 the files disappeared under all completely so I guess 1024 must be right, but either way, it's still not connecting to the database of what's actually installed, just showing content available, which is I assume what's available to download from the account.
Should I just reimport the meta data under content database maintenance? I tried that for one product and it showed up then in the content library. I don't want to reinstall everything, but when I went to look where the file was installed, it's where the file was already installed, because I can see everything else already installed in the folder. Maybe that's all that's wrong, but what is the userdata part should I reimport that too?
Was DS closed when you edited the config files?
I believe so, but it had to have been, since it changed the setting within DS when I changed the config file.
At first I was afraid what the reimport would do but the more I read about it, it sounds like it is just the data base, not the files themselves so not reinstalling. It couldn't have because it only took a minute or two. So I went ahead and reimported the meta data (I meant to not put use user data first, because I didn't know what it meant at first, but I never edited anything) and that fixed part of the problem. So now under smart content I appear to have everything, new stuff included that I installed after I got the content to show up with DIM.
But here's the other problem. As much as it shows up in smart content (and does show up under installed now), it won't let me browse the content library. It's just stuck on whatever I tell from smart content to show in the content library. If I try to go up a folder or anything it's blank. I can hit it twice and then it's grayed out so I have to hit back twice to get anything to show up. This is frustrating, because everything is separated into runtimes by character, which means now I have to know the name of the product to earch it, because I can't see the file structure. All the folders are correct under preferences (the attachment).
I appreciate all the help!
ETA: a lot of the icons in the library are missing. It makes it even harder to find anything considering I can't specify the runtime.
ETA2: It actually looks like a whole pane is missing from the content library that shows the structure (pic 2).
You don't want both the PP2014 folder and itss ub-folders set as content directories, nesting content directories is likely to make a mess of the relative paths in saved files.
In the Content Library your folder list is closed - click the dark area just above the 1-276 of 291 text.
I think sometimes what is showing up is based on whatever runtime the previous search I did in smart content is on, because now I'm getting a different set of files. Anyway. when I click the bar it just collapses the search parameters. Here is the before and after. That's why I said it seems like that part of the pane is just completely missing.
also as for the runtimes, and this is why I need to be able to select the runtime in DS so it isnt just using the one it chooses, I have all the files I thought might need installed in teh main directory PP2014 (this is the outside folder of everything) but then have each character separate. I know a long time ago certain files had to be installed in the main directory though I'm guessing this is not the case anymore. But even so, what about the content that poser itself installed in that main directory when I installed it? That's what I put for the default when I installed Poser 11 Pro
Sorry, I missed that you were using Side by Side view - the bit you need to click is on the left, slightly above the bottom of the middle tumbnail.
Content still relies on the relative path - the \Runtime\Textures and \Data\DAZ 3D\... bits - and you tell DS where those folders are so it can stick the relative path on to get the full location. If you have both 2014 and 2014\Props,s ay, set as content directories then DS doesn't know whether ...\2014\Props\Runtime\Textures\IMage.jpg should be stored as \Runtime\Textures\Image.jpg or \2014\Runtime\Textures\Image.jpg - and the latter will cause issues.
THANK YOU! Now I feel really stupid lol. I kept expanding the panes and just wasn't finding it That was a lot of help. Now at least I can tell which runtime I'm in!
Ok so you are saying I can use different runtimes, but they shouldn't be under the main content folder I installed PoserPro 11 into? Nothing that matters is in the main PP2014 folder other than what the program installed, everything is divided into runtimes. I think I had installed a couple figures there but I can move them. Would that fix the icon issue?
I made a mistake and cant figure out how to delete this post.
If there's no content in the 2014 folder (no Runtime or Data folders) then remove that from the list of Content directories and keep the sub-folders.