How to move the pivot point to a different location?

I have a prop (earring) and I'd like to move it's pivot point to a different location for better rotation possibilities.
What I did was, I placed a null object to the location where I want to new pivot point to be and parented the prop to it and it works fine, but I can't seem to be able to save these 2 objects as one item?
Is there actually a way to do this?
You can do this with the Joint Editor tool - moving centre and end points is its default mode.
How exactly would you do this? I just loaded a figure with a pose that Y-rotates it in an orbit about six feet in diameter to experiment with the Joint Editor Tool, and nothing I've tried will get it to orbit around it's center of mass!
Is the figure posed? Often if the figure is offset from its origin that's because the hip, or equivalent, has been used to move it - which doesn't affect the figure centre point.
O thanks a lot Richard! I think I got it working : )