Failed when initializing S4

Today I bought S4 starter pack. After installing. The installer prompt me to initailize S4. I clicked ok. But the installer said it failed to intialize. And When I load S4 it is looks weird. What should I do? I tried reinstal for several times, but it does not work. I am using ds 4.5

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Post edited by guangh69 on
And all my other figure can not load well now. They all changed shape. What should I do? Help
S4 is a morph of V4, and MUST be installed into the same runtime folder as V4 is installed to.
Are you doing that? What is the exact error message when the initialize step fails?
Yup. I installed to My Libriary folder as v4. All of my figures can not load correctly. Whtat should I do?
Uninstall S4 again, and see if your other V4 characters work (A4, G4 etc).
Do you have V4 installed into more than one location on your machine? Please do a search for Victoria 4.2.cr2 to make sure. If you have multiple copies of V4, it will cause problems with the morphs.
This is the error message
And this. Let me do a search now
Thank you. JimmyC_2009
I uninstalled s4 and v4 elite:reby sky whick I get from the vote. And All the other figure can load well now.
But how can I initialize it successfully
There is a file in Documents > DAZ 3D > Studio > My Library > Runtime > libraries > !DAZ, called DzCreateExPFiles-V4.bat. You should try to run that.
When you install S4, another .BAT file should be created for S4 as well. Try to run that.
All the BAT file does is call a file named DzCreateExPFiles.exe which should also be in that same folder.
I do not found a DzCreateExPFiles which is created for s4. And so I can not run it. There are only 4 files
The error you were getting during the install of S4 was for DzCreateExPFiles-V4.bat
Have you tried running it from that folder to see what happens?
I clicked DzCreateExPFiles-V4.bat.then a black window flashed and disappeared. I do not know.
It seems the problem is not caused by S4. it`s caused by v4 elite reby sky. I uninstalled it.
Oh my``` I installed this file to my libarury folder/
That is correct, a DOS window appears, and creates the EXP files for you. I don't see why the installer couldn't do that?
Now that hese are initialised, you should be able to install S4 I think.
I will have a look at the V4 Elite Reby Sky for you, I have it installed I think, but I am not sure.
I do have Reby Sky installed, and the Powerloader for it as well. It works well for me. Do you geet any errors when installing?
Once again, it is a morph of V4 and needs to go into the same runtime as V4
Haha, that wont do much good. I just reinstalled my Reby Sky and it went well.
You know what to do now anyway, well done :)
I do not know why. After I installed reby sky. My other figure will load with some diformation. After I uninstalled it, the others can load with no problem,
I take it that you are not installing the Carrara files again?
You should be installing 10304_18_expa_V4EliteRebySky_18.exe, is that the file you are installing?
Also install 10304_17_ds_V4EliteRebySkyPowerloader_17.exe which is the PowerLoader file. I cannot see why that would cause a problem with other figures.
You should also initialise Reby Sky when asked by the installer.
I uninatalled the Carrara file and all the reby sky file. And installed 10304_18_expa_V4EliteRebySky_18.exe and 10304_17_ds_V4EliteRebySkyPowerloader_17.exe again. Still can not solve the problem. Again, initialization of reby sky is failed too. I can not initilize successfully.
What file is the initialise trying to run (look at the error message) It is probably the V4 bat file again.
You should maybe reinstall the V4 Base figure to see if that gets rid of your problem.
Thank you very much! JimmyC
I will try to reinsatall the v4 base. Is it ok to uninstall v4 base, Will this influence other files?
You will need to re-install the V4 Base. All of the other figures are morphs of V4 (S4, G4, SF4 and Reby Sky), and none of them will work without it.
I reinstalled v4 base today. s4 and reby sky initialized successfully.
Thank you, JimmyC
You are most welcome, well done.
What does the initialization do? My S4 and Reby Sky initialization also failed, but they seem to work. The morphs appear in the powerloader and I can adjust them from the parameters tab. What am I missing out on by having the initialization fail?
If they're working then it may be that the initialization was incorrectly reported as having failed, or else it succeeded when you ran the powerloader (I think it by default it creates the ExP files). Either that or you haven't run into whichever morphs it failed on. Initializing creates the morph channels and files.
What are ExP files? Are they something created in a folder on my hard drive that I could look for to see if the were created?
Those are the files in the "Runtime:Libraries:!DAZ:Victoria 4" folder that generate the morph channels. There are hundreds of them, so you're unlikely to be able to tell if something is missing. I don't know what triggers the "initialization failed" message, so I don't know if a partial initialization is possible. In the powerloader dialog is an option to create ExP files -- if that is checked, then the powerloader probably succeeded with the initialization, so there's nothing to worry about.
Great! I'll consider it all good until I run into a problem. Probably it is fine. I've tried many of the morph, just playing around, and they worked. Thanks for your help.