Sub-D settings hidden after applying

Has anyone seen this recently (DS4.9.2.70) Apply Sub-D save as a Figure/Prop assest and open DS, load prop and this is what I see. If I show hidden the sliders show but this is not how it should work given my years of using DS and Sub-D. Is this a bug that needs reporting?

432 x 299 - 69K
It does look like a bug. I haven't tested it out though. Does the mesh load as subdivided?
Yes it loads with the High Resolution setting just no parameters like in the image
Just gave it a go. I had no problem. I could control the subdivision level as normal.
Have you tried saving a different version or a different mesh to test if it happens again?
Strange behaviour indeed as I tested it myself with a cube and had no problems and then tested it on a prop and the same thing happened. Thanks for testing for me though I appreciate it.
Weird. I just tried again with a different prop. Still works as usual. Which version are you running? I'm running the latest stable.
yeah lastest stable
Did you end up submitting that ticket?
No not yet I need to get it all straight in my head first, plus I have more testing to do.
is that a question or a correction
The numbers are integers separated by dots, so the trailing zero matters - seventy not seven.
Cheers I will remember that. :)