Z1 Workstation. Yes or No?

Since I'm buying a computer just for Daz3D, Carrara, Poser and similar software I don't want to get the wrong one. Can you guys advise me? Other brand and model suggestions are OK. Thank you.
you can get what you need for a lot less then what you are looking at -
laptops - about $600 - $900
desktop - about $700 - $1200
That's great news but these are within my budget. So which of these would be best? I've never had an interest in computer hardware before so I don't know much about it and I don't want to get the wrong one. Please advise.
Go with the 3rd one. It's got an NVIDIA graphics card in it. DS LOVES NVIDIA rest of the specs look good! Although looking at the RAM... 4 gigs is kinda low. You really should find out if the RAM is upgradable to at least 8 gigs to really have the speed without hiccups that you need to run 3D and Windows at the same time.
Thanks, Ramwolff.
I just checked the link to that third system you are thinking of. I notice it is $2900 and in your budget. I also noticed it is a HP.
Just a heads up you might wish to consider. I bought my PC from HP themselfs, I custom built the system I wanted. My PC is
Win 7 Home Premuim 64 bit
Intel i7 quad core with multi threading 3.4 Mhrz
1 Tb HD with bay for second HD
CD/DVD/Blue Ray player Burner, yes it burns Blue Ray
8 gb ram expainable to 12
nVidia GeForce GTX 550 TI
With a 29" HD monitor
I only paid $1600 for the full kit. You could BUILD a much better system and pay less if you went straight to HP.
The only item I had to buy off site was a better power supply.
Just my two cents.
EDIT: It was in my home and up and running in just TWO days. That was with normal shipping no extra cost.
Also you could watch lenovo's website .... they have weekly amazing sales (sometimes up to 60% off so worth watching!) when I was going to buy my laptop a few years ago, I waited until the series I wanted was on a mega sale, and bought it then. Saved myself bout $500 bucks. :)
Actually, I may be able to buy a new laptop soon.... my husband *MIGHT* be getting a much better job.... and we may actually afford a new computer....GASP I know right??? Okay well its up in the air and dreaming...
but far as I know, laptops only go up to 8 GB memory. Would like more but don't think any laptops hve more than that. What would Bigh consider good Daz friendly laptop? And I agree to get something with nVidia, it plays the nicest with Daz, others may have errors and weirdness :( (my first laptop).
Do you guys think it would be worth a tablet laptop? I mean, if I understand it correctly, after you render you could open the pic in a graphics prog, and use the tablet pen to draw right on the screen (wel you know what i mean.... like a wacom, except directly over the picture). Right?
And Jaderail not everyone can set up a computer. i made a mistake the first time I got my desktop.... I got it in pieces from NewEgg, and even with all the manuals i couldn't figure out how to put it together... in the end I had to call someone to come over and assemble it and had to pay for it. Not worth the stress unless you're able to do it yourself!!!
Beloved the Build part is just picking the parts you prefer, HP builds the system. My Frankenbox days are well behind me.
oooooohhhhh well that is doable then!!! I have no hardware skillz at all.... @_@ couldn't build a comp to save my life!!
my current machine is 4GB memory which was the max possible when I bought it (remember those days? lol) and i can say for sure that it runs Daz Studio 4 veeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sloooooooooooooooooooooooooowly!
There are multiple sites that will build to order for a lot less than the HP's. The Z1's are attractive, but you will be paying more for that all-in-one form factor. I used this one last year for my daughter's workhorse:
Building my own workstation without having to assemble it will be great. I've never done that before so it will be a milestone for me. According to NVIDIA I need a Quadro card because some programs (like Autodesk) won't function without it. Is a touchscreen monitor useful in this line of work? Maybe a touchscreen all in one would be ideal for not getting carpel tunnel or general hand-pain when spending hours at a time on a project?
I'm not sure you would want an all-in-one for a render station, lots of CPU usage at render time. Cooling is very important when your chips are working overtime for hours at a time. I've done renders that took 24+ hours with all cores maxed.
Never looked at touch screens so I can't say much on that subject. I'm disabled from Arthritis so when my hand gets bad on me I switch to a trackball mouse. Much easier on the hand.
OK, I'll buy a custom machine and a trackball mouse. Thanks to everyone.
Hello, I just wanted to suggest a really cool method for relieving pain from using normal mice. It's to add what are called mouse blisters. They work super great for me. Much more comfortable now than even a trackball. :-)
For custom builds, you can check out Micro One Computers ;-)
Thanks for the suggestions, Tako. It'll be great to work as long as I want without getting hand and wrist pain.
No problem. :)
you might want to look at these -
The 24HD is really cool. Thanks, bigh.