Where if any, is my monthly discount?

I was under the impression that one of the benfits of being a Platinum member was a monthly discount. I also thought there was a free gift each month. Now i am not that frequent a visitor to the store, so i dont have a great deal of familiarity with the way things work, but i dont seem able to find either of these things. Can anyone tell me if i have things right, and if so, how to claim them please
Check this Forum for all things PC http://www.daz3d.com/forums/categories/3/
There is no monthly discount as such, but there is a monthly $6.00 coupon which can be deducted from DAZ Originals, and the code for it is published on the first of each month in the Members forum. As a PC member, you also get 30% off of DAZ Originals, and that has been upped to 40% during the PC sale for October only.
There is a monthly freebie, but use the link Jaderail has supplied, and keep an eye on the Members forum for any new items and deals.