Duplicate formulas found in files

I get this error now everytime I load a G3M. How should I solve this?
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I get this error now everytime I load a G3M. How should I solve this?
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Load G3M then go to Help>Troubleshooting>View Log, scroll to the very end and look backwards: you should fairly quickly find the lines giving more details of the issue.
hi, i have this with every G3F too now. i know we're assumed to find a solution in the log file, but if anyone can help me dish out what's wrong here, i'd be grateful :) Here are some errors from my log file (most of these get repeated dozens or hundreds of times!)
thank you :)
2016-33-25 13:33:22.368 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(4789): Could not find parent for modifier: Z_DB_11.
2016-33-25 13:33:22.368 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1381): Failed to prepare modifier: Z_DB_11!
2016-33-25 13:33:22.408 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(1392): Failed to create modifier: Z_DB_11!
2016-33-25 13:33:23.113 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5503): Could not find output property for formula: Genesis3Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Mei%20Lin%207/FBMMeiLin7.dsf#FBMMeiLinTest3?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/Virtual_World/VWAkiko/VW%20Akiko.dsf
2016-33-25 13:33:24.277 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5503): Could not find output property for formula: Genesis3Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Measure%20Metrics/PBMWaistCircumference.dsf#PBMWaistCircumference?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/Godin/Annelies/FBMAnnelies.dsf
2016-33-25 13:33:24.442 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5503): Could not find output property for formula: Genesis3Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Rune%207/FHMRune7.dsf#FHMRune7?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/FWSA/Lexi/FHM-FWSALexi.dsf
2016-33-25 13:33:25.381 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5503): Could not find output property for formula: Genesis3Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Rune%207/FBMRune7.dsf#FBMRune7?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/DeviousDolls/Varna/CTRLVarna.dsf
2016-33-25 13:33:26.178 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5561): Could not find target property for formula: Genesis3Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Expressions/eCTRLTriumph.dsf#eCTRLTriumph?value in file : /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%203/Female/Morphs/DAZ%203D/Aiko%207/eJCMAiko7Triumph.dsf
2016-33-25 13:33:26.615 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5886): Could not find property for animation: name://@selection#JCMPregAUBend:?value/value
2016-33-25 13:33:26.615 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5886): Could not find property for animation: name://@selection#JCMPregAUALBend:?value/value
If you have Duplicate Formula warnings load the item that triggers the error, open the log file, scroll to the veryt end and search backwards for duplicate. The messages you posted just mean that the character had a link to a morph you don't own - some wil make a difference (you have Lexi but not Rune 7, so the Lexi shape will not be as intended - whether that matters to you is a matter of taste, and how you sue the product) while others won't (You have some links between expressions and the Aiko morph - if that's a correction morph then since you don't have the shape you don't need to worry about the correction).
thanks richard. do you mean that in the log file i should find some reference to a duplicate? or what am i looking for exactly? the word "duplicate" is not in the log file at all...
i'm sorry, i was wrong, the search function didn't turn up anything because i was at the end of the file
apparently it's about this?
2016-27-25 18:27:08.536 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5736): Duplicate formula found linking Value & Value in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Female/Morphs/Redz/Ying Tai/Ying Tai Apply.dsf.
2016-27-25 18:27:08.547 WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5736): Duplicate formula found linking Value & Value in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Female/Morphs/Redz/Ying Tai/Ying Tai Apply.dsf.
what should i do with that?
The first thing to do is make sure there's only one copy of the /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 3/Female/Morphs/Redz/Ying Tai/Ying Tai Apply.dsf file on your system (or at least, only one copy in your content directories). If there are no duplicate copies that sounds like a bug in the product - since it is a non-Daz store item you should probably contact the vendor or creator directly for a fix.
thanks, i'll see if i can find different instances (could be hard as my windows search index seems to be broken right now). but i'm not sure what this morph is. it seems to get loaded with any G3F model i'm trying to load...?!
All installed morphs get loaded - in the sense of being added to the property list - with the figure. It appears to be a character named Ying Tai by the creator Redz (who has been posting on the forums just recently).
I am getting this error whenever I load a G3F character. It seems to be caused by the Victoria 7 Attitudes Expressions product. If I uninstall that product, I don't get the error. I even tried removing the product from my library, then having DIM re-download and install it, and the error comes back.
How do I fix this?
That sounds like a possible product bug - please report it to Technical Support http://www.daz3d.com/help/help-contact-us