Problem with pants that I made for genesis 3

I have a little problem ... I don't understend why, if my pants ( slip ... :P ) normally are ... normal! Smoot, not serrated ... But when genesis opens her legs, for walking or ... some other pose with moved legs, the lower part of the pans become serrated ! But why ... ? I'm so sad

1440 x 858 - 524K

1440 x 676 - 614K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Moved to Daz Studio Discussion since it's a question, not a suggestion for a future product or search for a particular kind of item.
It's hard to tell but it may simply be that you need to adjust the weight nmapping or add a joint-controlled morph to avoid the edge of the pants disappearing under the figure's skin. If you use wireframe view (ctrl-3(Win)/cmd-3(Mac)) do you see the mesh iss till smooth in side the figure?
I agree. Show us the weight maps for the thighs and hips (and other relevant bones). You could also add smoothing. Another thing, when you first fit it to the figure, if you're using autofit to generate the weight maps, the clothing items needs to be modeled onto the base G3F with no morphs.
Hmm ... autofit moves the bones, generating only caos. I'm learning jet ... maybe ... do you know some tutorial that can help me? Because, without the weight paint the faces, as you can see, moved wrong, and if I paint them red (in the middle of the pant), they don't move with genesis, or moved wrost!
However, thank you so much :)
Also show use the wire shaded view. Based on some shading anomalies I am seeing I suspect you have a poorly modeled mesh.
Ok, so there are no bad n-gons, it just a matter of not adding edges and edge loops to define sharp and smooth. That means the problem is the usual 'panties' problem. The weight mapping needs to be adjusted so the legs have no influence on those areas of the mesh.
Hmm ok, thank you! but how can I repair this type of problem with weight mapping? Do you know some tutorial?