Using DIM offline or manual install?

My graphics computer is NOT online (and never, ever will be) and while I've been using Daz3D since it was fIrst released (gosh, I miss those heady Zygote days), I've only used my massive, huge, gargantuan, large, big, volumous collection of Poser formatted content (yes, I've got a lot of it). I'd like to try a few Daz format items (architecture mostly) but find the Daz heirarchy to be a mess. The traditional Poser runtime (which Daz3D supports brilliantly) is simple and straight forward. I've tried to make some sense of the arrangement of items that come with a Daz install but it looks like someone loaded a shotgun with the various files and directories and just shot them at randon all over the root directory called 'Daz Content'.
Still with me?....
1) Will DIM work offline to install stuff I've bought? Why is DIM 32 bit only? Does this matter?
2) Some older stuff doesn't come pre-formatted in a DIM friendly installer. Much of the third partry stuff is similarly DIM unfriendly (so I've read). I know that some folks vehemently avoid DIM and install everything manually. Could one of you provide a screenshot or graphic of the preferred DAZ content heirarchy please? Free cat to on topic replies!

1) yes, download the zip and place it in the Downloads folder used by DIM - Public Documents\DAZ Install Manager\Downloads I think, though mine is no longer set to the default - then it will appear in the Ready to Install tab.
2) place the Runtime, Data and any folders at the same level of the zip in your content directory (the one that appears under Poser Formats/DAZ Studio Formats in the Content Library pane) so that they merge with the existing folders.