Correcting Animation Blocks and Freezing Transformations

Hey there folks,
What I’m trying to do is correct a walk cycle with a female genesis model and animate2’s ani blocks. The problem is that the original blocks make a walk that looks a bit masculine and bow-legged. I can slide the feet closer together in the appropriate keyframes when the heels hit the ground no problem. However, when I tried to exaggerate the sway of the hips I couldn’t find a way to rotate or move along the x axis without moving the entire lower body. When I tried pinning the feet they were out of place when scrubbing back to the begginging frames and rotated as if I’d altered their translation for every frame up to the hip rotation.
Is there a way to lock the foot positions in the frames where I’ve rotated the hips? I’m also not sure what the pin function is supposed to do.
I can keep looking at the animation tutorial links on the, “Animation Help Topics and Tutorial Links” but I thought I’d try posting first.