Loading Vanishing Point's V.I.N.CENT. model in Bryce 7

I've downloaded the free V.I.N.Cent model (from The Black Hole) for Bryce from Vanishing Point, with the intention of converting it from Bryce to a format that I can load into Carrara 8.5 Pro. The download only containes two files, a text file in .txt format, and the model in .obp format.


I started up my copy of Bryce 7, and I have yet to figure out how to get the .obp file to load into Bryce. Can someone tell me how to get this model to load, or if all else fails, point me to where I might be able to find a copy of the same model that has already been converted to a Carrara or DS-friendly file format like .obj?


I've got models of Maxamilian, the Cygnus, the Palomino, and a black hole from off of ShareCG, and I've got Dodger's Black Hole laser pistol as well (and they all load just fine in Carrara & DS), but the collection just isn't complete without V.I.N.CENT.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    You need to import the obp into your preset objects library and then open it in Bryce from there.   Obp  stands for Object Bryce Preset.

    So open Bryce   Look on the top line of icons,  The very first one should say create   when you hover the mouse pointer over the arrow it will then say Object Presets, so click on that

    Now you have a little window opened.   If you click on the Arrow next to the word "Installed" at bottom left of that panel and click on User you will get an empty library (unless, of course, you have already added some User Libaries),   along the bottom of the panel click on import, and then negotiate to whereever you unzipped the product file, and clcik on the preset icon to import it into the library panel.   Then click on the object thumbnail itself, once it shows up on your library panel, and then clcik on the arrow at the bottom right corner, to add it to your bryce scene.

  • Thanks. I've had Bryce all this time and I've never used it, I tend to use Carrara for it's "all-in-one" practicality. Over the past ten or so years, I've accumulated a few Bryce format models, so now I can get them converted over to .obj. Now if only I had an application that could open .max files. Fortunately I've never nabbed too many of those, and only a few freebies I got that were in .3ds also included .max.

    What is it with Autodesk using such odd formats like .max that can't be imported into more common apps like Poser or DAZ Studio? Talk about no cross-platform compatibility. It makes about as much sense as a guy with a gun intentionally shooting himself in the foot (i.e. basically none).

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433

    Although this will be of no use for either .obp or .max files, over the years it has come in extremely handy for me and it works well 99% of the time.


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