Daz Studio: ability to save and restore rendering state

A feature I really would like to see in a next version of Daz Studio is the ability to save and restore the current rendering state.
I mean: saving the current state of a render to the hard disk, quit Daz Studio and then have the ability to run daz studio again and restore the rendering state .
Something similar to the VMWare ability to take a snapshot and restore it later.
It would be *VERY* useful for images that take long time to render.
Thank you.
It would be awesome, although being able to render in vmware or virtual box, or one of the other commercial offerings would be good
Just a posibility to pause and resume a render would be great. So you don't have to kill the renders because you need the computer for something else.
Oh yes!
It's one of the things I love about Bryce, Vue and Poserpro - stop and resume renders, even after closing the software ...
I think you can already do that, can't you?
In Iray, yes, but not in 3Delight.
And even that functionality is limited in that the render-in-progress only persists as long as DAZ Studio is still open.
A part of me doesn't really understand *why* though. It should be easy enough to save the cache/temp file state along with the calculations... on the other hand, that could be several gigs in size.
And even in Iray, you have to let the computer AND DazStudio running - stop one of them and you are out of the game. No resume no more ...