Aging Morphs for Genesis 3 Female(s) and Male(s) (Commercial)



  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Totally dumb question.

    I have at least 8 Daz My Libray Runtimes installed on internal separate drive

    Question: the Aging Morphs for Genesis 3.

    I installed it to MyLibrary 7, works well with Genesis 3.

    New Genesis 3 figures installed on My Library 8, would I have to reinstall the morph programs again( per  each Runtime?)

  • No, the DSON assets such as the Genesis figures should be able to gather their componenets from all your content directories. Multiple isntalls are likely to cause problems as the same file is loaded twice.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Thank you usual......

    Hope they pay you for this.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Followup to above question.

    Recap, multiple runtimes, product installed to one but not availabe for characters in other Runtimes.

    I am two runtimes away from the original installation of the Aging morphs product.

    As I create other runtimes, same problem seems to appear on all characters.

    I load the character, there are no aging morphs available.

    I go to the runtime folder where the original aging morphs are installed.

    The icons available are all presets and totally exaggerated from what I want to do.

    So I must apply the preset to get the morph dials to appear.

    Problem is then I have to adjust 10 to 15 dials.

    Would be content just to have the dial "Face Age Controller appear.


    Is the only solution to apply the presets from the original runtime and play with 15 dials


    Separate installation for each runtime.

    This is a great product, with the exception of this problem

    Thank you

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,843

    What property list are you looking at?

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    What property list are you looking at?

    Not sure of question, but when figure (G3 Male Character) is loaded initially, I look at Parameters, Also Shaping.

    Nothing there, I then go to the MyLibrary where I installed the Aging Morphs.

    Under Genesis 3 shapes the Aging Morphs Preset is listed. I double click one of the presets and the figure changes

    radically. Now, under Parameters and Shaping there are over a dozen items applied which I have to reset my hand .

    Must say that there are currently 8 My Library Runtimes with only DAZ Studio items about 50 gbs each

    There are over twenty Poser Formats with runtimes about 50gbs each.

    All are installed on an separate internal drive, purchased and installed just for the content.

    With exception of very long searches, this is the only problem I have encountered.

    I could obviously install the product on each runtime, but am hesitant due to problems it may create.

    Thank you for your time

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,843

    So are you looking, on the left of the pane, at Currently Used?

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    So are you looking, on the left of the pane, at Currently Used?

    Yes, after aging morph preset is applied, in currently used, there are over dozen new dials that were not there before with settings


    Same as in Shaping.

    At this point the figure is grotesque and all the dials have to be manipulated.

    A few need renders to see the effect.

    In all, a pain in the ass, but necessary.

    Unfortunately it works and produces results

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,843

    Click on All to see all properties, not just those with non-zero values. Or use the sub-groups lower down the list to focus on a particular area.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    That is the way I do it.

    Appreciate your help. The take away I get from this is that I have two choices.

    The easiest one is obvious, just reinstall whenever a new runtime is created.

    Truly grateful for your time, I think subconsciously knew what would be the outcome

    Fortunately have a lot of available memory, and for once when I see a duplicate message will know the source.

    Thank you


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I wonder if this could have anything to do with your file structure (nested runtimes?), or the way you have your Content Directory Manager set up. Have you added all of your libraries to the Content Directory Manager? Do you want to attach a screenshot of the Content Directory Manager fully expanded? Maybe someone can spot a problem there.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    here goes!

    558 x 723 - 57K
    570 x 723 - 55K
    screen 3.jpg
    546 x 831 - 63K
  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Should add that with all of this, only have two problems.

    The duplicate file id that everyone gets on loading a figure.

    And the one I mentioned here.

    All the Runtimes are on a separate installed second hard drive, 3tb dedicated to this alone.

    Have external drives ( ebooks) that contain texture products etc.

    There is no problem, space wise, installing the product multiple times, after tweeking 20 or so dials, lesser of two evils

    As a side note, the quantity is the result of about 15 years of collecting.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I'm not sure what you mean by "The duplicate file id that everyone gets on loading a figure.". I don't get a duplicate file id when I load a figure. How did you conclude that everyone gets that error?

    Your screenshots are of the Content Library, but don't show the Content Directory Manager configuration. Click on the Edit menu and select Preferences (F2). Then go to the Content tab in the Preferences dialog. At the bottom, click on Content Directory Manager. When the Content Directory Manager dialog pops up, click on the triangles to expand the whole tree. Screenshot that. You should have all of your libraries shown there, either under Daz Studio Formats and/or Poser Formats, depending on what type of content each library has. I think it is easiest to list all libraries under both categories.

    Back to your Poser Formats screenshots. What are all the things like a  0727, 101113, a 0425, etc. that aren't in any library? That doesn't look right to me.



  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Barbult, my thanks to you, for your help and your time.

    Problem resolved

  • Where do I find the morphs for the G3M Aging?  All I can find are the Presets.  I'm searching all over and it's not showing up.

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