Losing my Materials/Shading Domains/Mind

I'm working on a model in Hexagon. I can see all the materials and shading domains are there. But when I go to send it to Daz or export it as an OBJ I lose all shading domains and materials. All that is there is def_surf_map.
What's going on? This is driving me crazy.
When I save as an OBJ, the materials for any shading domains I have created show up in the Surfaces tab when I load it into DS4.5. Even if you don;t rename the material, the default material name (material23 and material25) should still be there.
Is that not the case with you?
Nope everything was gone. All my domains and materials showed up fine in hexagon but nothing was getting saved either in the obj file nor when I sent it to Daz. I luckily had a previously saved version of the model as a Daz actor so I sent that to hexagon and continued to work on it there and that one was able to be sent back to Daz with the domains and materials intact.
This has happened to me twice so far working with Hexagon. The only thing I can think of that I did was collapse the dynamic geometry but all the domains and materials were still there in hex.
HI ghastlycomic :)
I may be wrong here because I don't use Hexagon for much stuff,.. but,.. generally when you Collapse subdivision smoothing,.. it'll convert the smoothing into real polygons,.. and that will normally effect the shading domains (and not in a good way),.. as well as increasing the geometry.
Blender has the option to subdivide the UVs, which basically means they'll stay in sync.
Also there's a check off to write the materials.
Either of those being messed up will mess up what you get in DS...basically with a bad UV, the materials will still probably be named and such, but probably won't load anything. The export not writing/saving materials will probably show up as 'default material' or something. For me, if I don't have any material at all, when I try to import the item the import fails.
I'm not sure how it works using the bridge, though..
This is so driving me nuts. I can clearly see all my materials and shaders are right where they're supposed to be in Hex. The UV map is still intact but when I export as an obj. or send to Daz all I have is def_surf_mat.
The UV maps are still intact in Daz. But the shaders and mats are gone. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. I'll be working away tweaking the outfit and then all of a sudden everything goes to crap and nothing I do will bring them back. Re-select and re-set makes no difference.
Try removing the spaces from the material names in Hexagon.
I'll keep that in mind for all future builds. I ended up just rebuilding all the materials from the materialess version. Tedious but it works.