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Are all the old threads gone? Or archived somewhere? There were some useful information in one of the threads I was reading and I hope they're not lost...
I came to ask the same question. I come to the forums in search of information. There was years worth of really valuable information here and I pray that it is not all lost. Anyone know the answer?
The old forums are at
Thank you...but I just tried to go there and nothing comes up. Are they in that archive yet or are they going to be?
It's working for me...everything except the "Members Only" forum (which, I understand, is not accessible for the time being due to technical reasons). Note that there's no www in the address. If you still can't get it to work, maybe try another browser?
You might want to put 301 redirect from* to forumarchive domain. Will make things easy for people who have bookmarked some information, and also for people searching the forums with Google.
Tried again and got it this time. Thank you!
So glad the forum is back up.
At least it's up and
runninggetting there. No avatars makes it seem ghostly, hopefully that'll be fixedsoonquickly ;)I miss the old smileys (especially the emoti-guy special ones).
On the plus side, I'm nearly in a position to be rendering again so might end my self-imposed exile of laziness :P
edit: Hmmm, html doesn't seem to be working for me - is there a BBCode/whatever for strikethroughs?
edit again: leaving a line-break in the write-post bit doesn't show a linebreak in the post once posted - is that deliberate? It'd be easier to follow longer posts if the formatting could be used like that.
Edit 3: I'm out of date - that'll be 'del' not 'strike' these days
you mean you want
to have your post
look like this ???
Then you need to hit the button twice.for every one space you want.
How bizarre :ohh:
that'll take some getting used to and won't be intuitive for new users
is it in the FAQ?
Thanks :)
No, we only found out by experimentation. I also found out that each time you hit the "new line" button it counts as a character, so too many line spaces means you run out of characters if you are too long winded when you post. I just posted a contest and it cut out part way through the last parargraph and it now tells me I have -71 characteres left. Hmm
OMG you're killing my eyes, Daz..
*drive by waves hallo! at Fisty*
:coolsmirk: may need to wear shades to surf
The new forum is way too bright and a strain on the eyes.
See this post :
Something else I would like to see changed: The new forum email notifications all arrive with the same subject line. This makes threading in the email messages useless. Saving an email with a link back to a thread I was interested in worked well before. Now it would all be saved as one thread, say in Gmail. That and having links go directly to the post response instead of going to the top of the thread. That's a known issue, I believe.
Yep, I posted about this today in the thread about forum issues :)
I have used a combination of Color That Site and resizing everything quite a lot to get things easier for me to view. Now, we need avatars so I can recognize everyone! It's funny how you associate people with those avatars!! ;)
Hello everybody. Glad to see you all survived the wait. *giggity*
Octopus dumplings, anyone?
Don't forget to get your submissions in soon to be in the next issue of C3DE magazine!!!
If you need more info about submitting your work, please go to Carrara 3D Expo
Well, my monitor is calibrated with a Spyder 3 Pro and it is still too bright,
What if we wanted to use a computer at work or a smartphone or a friends computer to check the DAZ website, you shouldn't expected us to download a webpage coloring program and change the colors here to something easier on the eyes.
I don't get it, after all the complaining of this website being too bright, why wont you all change it?
Can't say for sure, but if I were to guess, DAZ's web staff have more pressing issues like getting the forum to "work" better before they start working on making it "look" better.
where's the like button?!!
o, wait......
What if maybe from now on, we all start only writing with white letters, then maybe DAZ would consider changing the website color?
And today's tea-on-monitor experience... Bah. Has anyone got a squeegee? *squints* Actually, the forum's not half-bad in drippy sepia-tone...
I suspect DAZ won't be the ones who notice it.