GenX2 Update / Genesis 3 Add-On [Commercial]



  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    Now that I have GenX2 working in my DS Beta , will any transfers I save in the beta be available in DS4.9 general? I can only use the beta at the moment as yesterday I upgraded my 4.8 to 4.9 because the beta was working so well, both on my Win7 laptop and Win10 desktop, so I figured Go for It!!  Big mistake, now 4.9 general release just shuts down on the laptop (works great on the desktop) as soon as I load a charcter and then move the mouse. So I was curious to kow if these will show up in  the regular version or will I have to do them again once I get it up and running again?

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300
    edited June 2016

    The Genesis 2 files are from the Genesis 2 addon product, that has been updated as well. The installer file is 18322_GenX2AddOnforGenesis2Win_2.0_ds.

    post deleted: sorry i totally misunderstood your post

    Post edited by IsaacNewton on
  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    OK, let me start again...


    Is the file "18321_GenesisGenerationX2forDAZStudio45Win64bit_2.1.0_ds.exe ;size:7.04 MB (7,390,029 bytes), size on disk:7.05 MB (7,393,280 bytes)" the latest version of GenX2?

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300
    edited June 2016


    I downloaded the 18322_GenX2AddOnforGenesis2Win_2.0_ds again and to my suprise the file is different than the one I downloaded a couple days ago.

    I now have : 18322_GenX2AddOnforGenesis2Win_2.0_ds.exe with size 7276481 bytes (7278592 bytes on disk)

    and also 18322_GenX2AddOnforGenesis2Win_2.0_ds.exe with size 7189497 bytes (7192576 bytes on disk)

    Could you tell me which one I should be using?

    I would also ask DAZ3d to rename installer files if they are updated as this will help to avoid massive amounts of confusion.

    Post edited by IsaacNewton on
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214


    I downloaded the 18322_GenX2AddOnforGenesis2Win_2.0_ds again and to my suprise the file is different than the one I downloaded a couple days ago.

    I now have : 18322_GenX2AddOnforGenesis2Win_2.0_ds.exe with size 7276481 bytes (7278592 bytes on disk)

    and also 18322_GenX2AddOnforGenesis2Win_2.0_ds.exe with size 7189497 bytes (7192576 bytes on disk)

    Could you tell me which one I should be using?

    I would also ask DAZ3d to rename installer files if they are updated as this will help to avoid massive amounts of confusion.

    Isaac, do the files have dates on them?  The old files I had installed had a date of 2014 and the new ones are 2016.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Hi Kharma,

    All the installation files (GenX2 and the addons for Gen2 and 3) have 2016 dates.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    I completely removed all GenX2 files yet again and reinstalled GenX2 and the two addons. This time I used the larger of the two versions of 18322_GenX2AddOnforGenesis2Win_2.0_ds.exe with size 7276481 bytes (7278592 bytes on disk) .

    I went throught the procedure: drag and drop my V4 figure (with desired morph applied) into the GenX window. I selected the specific morph on the head (see attached image for details). When I selected transfer, it gave me a warning pop up which i don't understand. "Morphs should be in the Morph folder for the according figure." Really, I have no idea what this means. The V4 figure already has the morph applied. I have it selected in the GenX window.

    Please explain what more is needed.

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  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,801
    edited June 2016

    Sorry, my mistake, all your content directories start with the same folder as the Connect path, so GenX issues the warning in any case. Probably, GenX is a bit to restrictive here, all it should prevent is to exclude the data/cloud section, not the base folder. For the moment, you have to add a content directory outside of the Connect path at the top of the DAZ Format list, so GenX can write its morphs there. (Note that you have to restart DS after changes in Content Directory Manager for GenX to be aware of them.)

    Yeah... I kind of figured that one out almost right after my last post...

    Well, I finally managed to get what I needed out of it and both my DAZ Connect-rooted G3F & G3M are now loaded with Gn1 & G2F/M (respectively) morphs after a very frustrating series of directory changes, copy/pastes, and reboots...

    I really love all you do for GenX, I really do! But, I really think something needs to be done about this Connect circus act.

    Post edited by RCDeschene on
  • mgessat_f159911d19mgessat_f159911d19 Posts: 81
    edited June 2016

    First - it's great that the product is finally available, I bought it immediatly.

    Transfer from V4 figures to G3 was successful so it was worth the money already - but I have no luck when I try to convert G2 to G3 female. The only figure which worked was the unchanged G2 Female. Other figures produce very large cr2-files (1,5GB), and when i try to load them in the GenX panel the morphs are loaded, the progress bar goes up to 99%, and then in the last moment there is an error message "Poser figure not supported." Perhaps the problem accures during loading the Genesis2Female obj-File which was produced during the export to cr2. Interestingly these obj-Files have strange file names like Genesis2Female_8617857e_88b8_97c4_5d34_e30adb717143.obj . So I am rather puzzled - perhaps it is because the Gen2 figure is already carrying all the V4-Gen2-morphs. My computer should be good enough, 16GB memory, i7-4790 @4Ghz and GTX980. Any ideas (i see that other people had no problems with this conversion...) ? 

    Post edited by mgessat_f159911d19 on
  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464

    Kharma: If your beta and regular DS share the same content folders, then all morphs transferred in one of them, will be available also in the other. GenX only creates morph files, it is not required to use those morphs.

    IsaacNewton: This is just a warning message. You have selected your own output path for the morphs in the options (the check box on "Output folder"). GenX will create the morphs there if you like, but DS will not find these morphs when loading a Genesis figure. Morph files must be located in the Morphs folder for the according figure to be loaded.

    RCDeschene: It's partly my fault, because my check in GenX for not storing morphs inside the "cloud" (where they would be ignored) is too restrictive.

    mgessat_f159911d19: To use a Genesis figure as source, you simply click on the "Source" button and select the Genesis figure. No need to create a CR2 or something (and also not supported).

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    Ok that's good to know as they do share the same content folders, I don't want to do it all twice altho they say practice makes perfect enlightened


    mgessat_f159911d19: To use a Genesis figure as source, you simply click on the "Source" button and select the Genesis figure. No need to create a CR2 or something (and also not supported).

    Oh thanks - I had forgotten in the meantime (since the G2 version had appeared...) how GenX worked, I just re-discovered it again :)... But if I want to transfer a custom dialed G2 figure to G3? I remember there is a way to convert all dialed-in parameters into one morph (rather sure I will find the right buttons in DAZ :) ...) and then I would have to transfer that morph with GenX to G3. Right? 

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464

    You can use the "Create Single Morph" mode in GenX to merge a dialed morph from the source figure into a single morph of the target figure. No need to merge it in the source figure before.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited June 2016

    What is the output path supposed to be set at at the bottom of the GenX window?  If I put nothing there I get an error saying the output path must be outside of Daz Connect folder, so I tried putting in the path E:/My Library/data which didn't work so I tried E:/My library/V4 Converted and checked the box beside output folder and then I get a warning saying Morphs should be in the morph folder of the according figure, continue anyway? What does this mean and what is the according figure...V4 that I am transferring from or G3F which I am transferring to?

    So when I put the output path to V4 Converted and say yes to continue anyway GenX goes through the process of transfering the morphs that are selected and then I close studio, restart and load G3F the go to the shaping tab and dial in V4 then loook for my 3D Celebrity Lola morph and there is no morph or slider, so I look in the V4 converted folder in content library and there is the Lola thumbnail and a lola.dsf file.  What am I doing wrong?

    Post edited by Kharma on
  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464

    By default, GenX writes the created morphs in the folder "Morphs\D3D Gen X" at the location, where it finds the geometry file of the target figure (or the first content directory, if the target figure is in Connect). For G3F, this is "data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\D3D Gen X". Some customers requested an option to set an explicit output path, because they wanted to distribute transferred morphs, so they wanted to place them in their own subfolder of "Morphs".

    However, DS only loads morphs for a figure, if the morph files are in a folder "Morphs" with the according relative path. So, morphs for G3F must be in "data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs", but this path may be in any content directory. If you set your own output path in GenX, GenX checks that the output path is one where DS will find the morphs when loading the figure. Sure, you may ignore the warning message, but then your transferred morph will not load with the Genesis figure.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    Ok I still don't quite understand...I don't use connect all my files are installed with DIM so does this mean if all my transfers are to G3F the my output path should be set as "data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\D3D Gen X" or can it be E:\My library\V4 Converted\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 3\Female\Morphs\D3D Gen X"  and then if I am transferring to G3M I have to change the path to the data file where the Male is instead?

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464

    You can simply uncheck "output path", and GenX will write the morph files to the correct folder for each figure.

    The "output path" is just an option for those who don't want to use the default path (i.e. "Morphs\D3D Gen X"). If you want your own output path, it has to be the full (absolute) path starting with drive letter on Windows, and the data folder must be within a content folder for DAZ Format listed in Content Directory Manager. Also, you have to adjust the path for each target figure in that case.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    OK I will try that on my laptop today, and on the desktop tonight when I get home from work and see how it goes as I get different results and errors on each machine, why that happens I don't know.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited June 2016

    Finally got my v4 to G3 transfer to work on my laptop....this is 3DCelebrity's Lola for V4 on G3F, I also used Cayman's uv's to tranfer the mat file over, and Sloshwerks UTC Hair Shader 2


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    Post edited by Kharma on
  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Hi D3D,

    I deselected Output folder to allow GenX2 to save the V4 morph where it would like to do so. After selecting Transfer, I see a window open showing a progress bar and various activites. Once this has stopped I load g3f and in the Shaping tab under Actor I find Generation X and the subfolder ***People***. According to the GenX2.pdf, this is where I should find my converted V4 morph for G3f, however, it is not there as shown in the attached image.

    Am I looking in the wrong place or have I missed something else? I have tried this process using all three Victoria4 Shape options (Clone, Legacy and Shape) but the results are the same, that is... no V4 morph for G3f.

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  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Where oh where is Tiffany_g3f hiding??? (see attched image; V4_Tiffany and Base G3f are in the scene but Tiffany_g3f is no where to be seen)

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  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited June 2016

    Isaac what are the steps you are doing to transfer your morph? Are you trying to create indivdual dials for each morph or one dial that will dial in your character head and body? I am by far no expert with this program but I can try to help a bit, and hopefully won't confuse you. I did manage to get my own morph tranferred without alot of trouble.

    Post edited by Kharma on
  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    I finally got it to work on 4.8 through uninstalling everything and reinstaling with DIM. When things are just so it works well. Would be great if Connest just installed latest versions and put everything where it needed to be like it does with old scenes where some of the included products has been uninstalled. How about that, Jack?

  • Dimension3DDimension3D Posts: 464

    Where oh where is Tiffany_g3f hiding??? (see attched image; V4_Tiffany and Base G3f are in the scene but Tiffany_g3f is no where to be seen)

    *** People *** is ony for the clone morphs, that are adjusted automatically by GenX. Your transferred morphs are in the sub folders of the Generation X folder named by the source figure and target shape. For a morph to work correctly, you always need to dial in the base shape of the source figure as well.

    If you are searching for a particular morph, you can use the search feature in DS. In the "Enter text to filter by..." field on top of the morphs, you enter "Tiffany", and DS highlights the folder(s) where it is.

  • IsaacNewtonIsaacNewton Posts: 1,300

    Hi Kharma,

    Any suggestions are useful.

    Despite the image above I don't usually have any figure in the scene, though it does not seem to make any difference.

    Here is what i do:

    1) Open the Windows Panes Tab and select GenX

    2) Drag the morphed V4 character from the Content library Tab to the GenX window just below Load Figure. (Loading the figure also works and has the same effect)

    3) Under "Morphs" I select the head and under the expanded list I find the specific morph I want to transfer (a head morph) and select it.

    4) I leave "Mode" at Selected Morphs.

    5) For "Shape", I select one of the Victoria 4 options (legacy, clone or shape), it does not seem to make any difference which I choose.

    6) On the right of "Shape" I select the option Fast, Edges or Smooth, again it does not seem to make any difference which i choose.

    7) For Target I choose genesis 3 female.

    8) I leave "Output folder" unchecked.

    9) I presss Transfer!

    As far as I can tell, that should result in the creation of a morph which I can apply to g3f.

  • You can use the "Create Single Morph" mode in GenX to merge a dialed morph from the source figure into a single morph of the target figure. No need to merge it in the source figure before.

    I know, but if I cannot load the source figure because it seems to be impossible to create/load a working cr2 from my morph-dialed-in custom G2 figures? Of course it should be possible to edit the dial values in the morph parameters in the GenX panel, or I could perhaps transfer the base figure and morphs and try to dial-in the several morphs into G3 to reproduce the figure shape. Both would be rather hard work because the figures I am speaking about have not only 2-3 morphs, but lets say 30 from different sources - from transferred V4 morphs to several G2 morphs; figure and face morphs from different content packs.

    So the easier way for me was to create an obj file from the G2 figure and to create a G2 morph which I could then transfer with GenX to G3. I am rather happy with the result - it looks like it's not possible to transfer HD morphs, but in comparison with my G2-G3-transfers with obj files which I tried before GenX was available the problems in the eyes and teeth/mouth area seem to be solved by using GenX. So my result: Nice work - thanks!



  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    Spoke too soon. Transfers from M4 only appear to go through but they don't produce an accurate morph for G3M. Just makes the figure taller and little else. Genesis to G2 and G3m worked seamlessly.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited June 2016

    @IsaacNewton is the character you are trying to tranfer a custom morph that you made from V4 and then saved as a .cr2 or is it in duf format?


    The first few times I tried tranferring a morph GenX looked like it was working but when I went to try out the newmorph there was nothing there



    Post edited by Kharma on
  • LinkRSLinkRS Posts: 168

    Howdy folks,

    I purchased this add-on as soon as I saw that it was out.  My primary render environment is Carrara Pro, and thus no Genesis 3 for me, so I was looking forward to this.  I have been able to get the morphs to transfer from Genesis 3 to Genesis 2 fairly easily, but am strugglign with the textures.  I assume that this is caused by the UVs?  Is there a Genesis 3 UV for Genesis 2 avaialble?  Thanks!

    Rich S.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    Ok I don't know why but on my laptop GenX works fine and I have no output path defined, but on my desktop I have no output path defined and I keep getting that stupid error about must be outside of connect path and if I define the path where the GenX morphs are supposed to go /D3D/GenX I get that other error about morphs should be in the morph do I get past this? Obviously there has to be an error somewhere!

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