DSON sale - was: Why C ... - an assumption -

Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
edited October 2012 in Carrara Discussion

For those interested, the products that are listed as DSON compatible means that you can also use them in Carrara. The DSA files that Carrara can't read, have been replaced with DUF files which Carrara 8.5 does read.

From the sticky beta thread.

So it seems to me, that the delay on a new Carrara version wasn't Carrara's programmers fault but the needs for DAZ to develop a file format which can be used by Poser. What is now done, obviously.

That is - of course - reasonable, because Poser-only users are - maybe - 40% of the paying customers at DAZ. With Genesis they lost a big part of them and they tried all the time to get them back. That's a wise business decision. And I don't blame DAZ for doing the right thing.

But, there was a "but" coming, you already knew :) , I blame DAZ for not being straight to their own software-customers. Yes, the Carrara users are only a small fraction and DAZ's business isn't to sell software but content. Who cares about sold Carrara software units when they gave Studio Pro away for free? But: Carrara users buy content, too. I bought a lot (2395 itemized order history and still going up) and I use them for renders in Carrara. Or simple: no use in Carrara no buy.

I digress ... :) (all day programming converts the brain into flavourless meat)

Why couldn't DAZ come out straight and tell its Carrara users, that they are seeking for a solution to please the Poser users? And if they found one, that these solution would be implemented into Carrara, then. Most if not all of us would have understand it (my 2nd paragraph).

They choose to left us in the dark and I'm sorry for the Carrara programmers who implemented the DS4 file formats into Carrara only to implement them again for the 4.5 file formats, which made the Carrara development-cycle so long for a beta-version. And kept them away from bug fixes and new features.

(Flavourless meat, I already mentioned it; now going back to work.)


Post edited by Frank__ on


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    Hey Frank_ got a link to that Daz spooky quote by chance. I'd like to see what else he had to say!

    Yes, Daz aint the best customer friendly company around.
    I like how they took our $ and still didn't give us a manual :)
    But its good they are still working on Carrara,
    It could be way worse.
    They could sell it to whoever closed Truespace down....

  • Kodiak3dKodiak3d Posts: 223
    edited December 1969

    Here's a link to the thread, but he didn't say anything else. The quote above is everything.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Kodiak 3d - obliged :)

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    Hey Frank_ got a link to that Daz spooky quote by chance. I'd like to see what else he had to say!

    Yes, Daz aint the best customer friendly company around.
    I like how they took our $ and still didn't give us a manual :)
    But its good they are still working on Carrara,
    It could be way worse.
    They could sell it to whoever closed Truespace down....

    Truespace was bought and destroyed by none other than Micro$oft.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited December 1969

    do we get those new .duf files resetting those DSON items, do not wish to buy them again and while importing .duf from Studio sometimes work, quite a few Genesis things DO give me Carrara issues!
    I find the beta good btw, works VERY WELL with my non-genesis figures and fbx imports from iClone so definately want it already.
    Do use Genesis too but I find myself doing a lot of saving and merging because of crashes and errors.
    do we need DSON at all too? (might grab it while free incase I ever upgrade Poser)

  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited December 1969

    do we get those new .duf files resetting those DSON items,

    When they're done by DAZ, yes. As far as I understood it.

    More information in this thread in the commons:


    where a lot of DAZ staff answers question.

    And they even have a manual for the Poser importer right from the start ... :)

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311
    edited December 1969

    Hi All :)

    Carrara already supports loading and working with Genesis,... this new plugin allows Poser users to have genesis too.

    as for purchased content , normally if the product you bought is updated or changed , you download the new version, no charge.

    I'm not sure why anyone is "blaming" anyone for anything,..

    Adding Genesis support to Carrara has always been one of the main reasons for the c8.5 beta.
    plus the fact that the other main issue (not working on Mac) seems to be resolved, and many other bugs have been dealt with, and we have some new features and shaders added to Carrara.

    Occasionally, daz3d staff answer question, or make comments in all forums,. including the Daz Spooky comment at the top of the thread

    The documentation for the poser DSON converter is a simple (how to install and use this)
    it's not a 1000 + page manual . and the product is fully developed, which makes it easier to provide finalised information.


  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited October 2012

    Just to add something useful:

    The DSON-sale


    is also helpful in seeing what is already available in the new format, so that you can reset your downloads.

    Post edited by Frank__ on
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