New to DAZ... Victoria 4 or Victoria 5?

I just found DAZ and would like to purchase some content. Victoria 5 is the latest but Victoria 4 has more content and so forth. Will that content work for 5, such as hair and clothing? I'm still a little confused on the whole "gene-pool" thing. Just would like one good character to begin. Thanks in advance!
Yes, to an extent - hair and clothes can be converted from Victoria 4 to Genesis (and so Victoria 5) using AutoFit, included with DAZ Studio, but some things work better than others (shoes are generally the worst). Skin textures for V4 will work on Genesis, morphs won't without buying the GenX plugin to convert them.
I'm still not sure which is better to purchase first... V4 or V5?
Of course as a DAZ rep I should say "both!" but I have to ask - do you need either? All the Victoria 5 products, except skin textures and morphs that use the V5 morphs, will work on Genesis and the V4 items will work on Genesis as in my earlier reply, so the question becomes what extra features do you want?
Mostly different hair and clothing. And you are saying V4 or V5 hair and clothing will work with just Genesis?
What if I need different skin textures... like an African American person?
He's saying V4's clothing and hair will work with V5. Most, not all. Some minor adjustments might be needed. :) V4 shoes will crumble on V5, though.
Also, if you go to Rendrosity and type in "Genesis" in the search engine, you'll find lots more clothing options too.
Here's some African American morphs that can be used with Genesis and V5.
Here's one for V4.
It also depends on what kind of thing you want to go for with V4 or V5. If you want to have just one or two different characters, then V4 is the way to go. But if you want many characters with many different morph options, then I'd go for V5. V5 (and Genesis in general) have far more realistic limb bending and are weight mapped while V4 doesn't have that realistic limb bending and she isn't weight mapped (not in Daz Studio anyway).
Hope this helps. :)
Okay, thanks Knight, I appreciate your input. So just to get through my thick head...
Will V4 or V5 stuff work with just Genesis?
Will V5 stuff work on V4?
I'm just trying to get a better grasp of Genesis and "Legacy" people... know what I mean?
For example... will November Hair for V4 work with just Genesis? I would assume you need to have V4 like the name implies, no?
Regular V4? No. I'm sure it's probably possible, but you'd have to go through a lot of headaches just to make V5 stuff work for V4. So...answer is no.
However, if you were to get the V4 Iconic shape for Genesis, then the answer is yes.
I do. :)
With some minor adjustments, yes, it will work with Genesis. But only if your willing to play with it. :)
You don't need V4 for the hair to work but it optimized to work best with V4
That answer your questions? :)
I think so, I think so. Thanks so much! Gets confusing!
I would just hate to spend money (even 1.99) and find out I bought the wrong thing.
Your welcome. I know what you mean. ;)
Good luck and welcome to Daz3D. :)