Content issues installed by DIM DAZ 4.9 Mac

I have been using DAZ install manager since it came out of beta.  At one point, I wip[ed the slate and re-installed EVERYTHING with DIM so as to avoid content issues.

I have kept DAZ studio up to date.  Currently on 4.9 on a Mac running El Capitan (also up to date).

If all of my DAZ content is installed, why am I having to go back and re-install it?  Worse, it seems to be filling up hard drive space even though DIM says everything I own is installed (so it should just be overwriting).


My concern here is winding up with a bunch of duplicates spead over several folders.


Why does DAZ Studio see the product, but require a right click install ?  Do I need to re-wipe out everything and start over?  That seems tedious.  But since I can't just tell DS to "just install everything,"  nor can I shift-click a buch of content, going through and telling it to install everything is a pain.  Then, once I install it, often times I have to immediately rich click and update it also.



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    Are the thumbnails actually grey, and does double-clicking on them launch the download via Connect 9or the log-in dialogue if you are offline)? All items installed by DIM (that are Connect ready) should have the Connect download icon, but they should also have colour thumbnails and be usable without installing via Connect.

  • They are all grey.  I click Download.  Then (sometimes) I click again to update.

    DIM says everything is already installed (and some of this is really old content like V3 era).  I can see the "free space" on the drive going down as this stuff is re-installed.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    edited June 2016

    Edit to add another thing to check - if you reinstalled in a batch it's possible that DIM wasn't able to communicate with the CMS (for example, if you'd run but then closed DS and started DIM before PostgreSQL had finished shutting down, so that it didn't restart for DIM). Please try making sure that DS and PostgreSQL are fully shut down (or are currently running - either will work), uninstall a few items that you have not since installed with Connect, reinstall them, start DS (if it isn't) and see if they now show correctly.

    There have been a couple of people with similar issues, please open a support ticket and if they can't resolve the issue for you they can at least add your details to those of the other victims and bring a fix that much closer if it is a DS, CMS, or DIM bug.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • There seems to be an alphabetical component.  In Content Library, I can select a given letter and go through the products down the list in alphabetical order.  At some point, I hit a grey product.  All of the rest of the products in that letter are grey.  When I start the next letter though, they aren't greyed out until I am part way down again.


    So it is not like A-L are installed and M-Z are not.  It is the top half of A, the top half of B and so on.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933

    I edited my previous reply, though by the sound of it what I added is not applicable.

  • Thanks for yout help.  I submitted a ticket on this.

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