Having trouble with FBX and Collada exports from Carrara 8
I'm hoping this issue is my fault. Has anybody successfully exported FBX character models and or collada ones from Carrara. I'm trying to get a pipeline from Carrara to unity3D? The FBX files and dae files are very distorted upon after export or they just don't work all.
I wish unity could ready the ,car files.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Strange, I am using the FBX format to export to Unity, and it works fine. I am using 8.5 pro.
Even boned character animations work correctly (the only downside is the difference in axes between Unity and Carrara - Unity Y is up and Carrara Z is up).
Perhaps you can post an example of a Carrara file which doesn't export correctly and I can figure out why.
It may be a scaling issue, I have worked out the correct scaling (i.e. you want a 1 metre cube to be 1 metre in unity). See below
Carrara – Use the right size
To get Carraras weird idea of what a metre is into unity you need to scale to 255%.
Remember in unity 1 unit = 1 Metre. Not so important for static meshes, but important for physics and characters to get scaling correct in Carrara, rather than adjusting scaling in Unity.
WHEN WORKING ON STATIC OBJECTS. Work in metres throughout. Then group all objects together and do an overall scale of 255%.
WHEN WORKING WITH BONED OBJECTS (CHARACTERS). Create mesh. Then scale up to 255% before adding bones.
Thanks for the reply. I found that I had something wrong with my model and the scene. since I posted this I have been having about 90% success with Import and Export of FBX. I think tips you provided above will bring it up to 100%..
The scaling up to 255% before adding bones, is this for mesh that import into Carrara or for mesh that I create in Corrara as well. This seems to explain some difficulty I have had. Some mesh that import and rigg work fine but every one and them I run into problems out side of Carrara.
Why does sometimes when you import if distorts the mesh in ball?
I was speaking about mesh created and boned in Carrara. Also creating a mesh in Hexagon and adding bones in Carrara works fine as well. Don't know what the issue is with 'mesh in a ball' never come across this.
To fix the inverted axes problem in Unity (doesn't really matter for static objects) for characters create an empty game object and make it a parent of your character.
Please add a note to this issue in Bug tracker in support of my suggestion.
Is there a way to export skeleton constraints from Carrara 8.5 to FBX/DAE?
I believe all constraints are exported within the FBX file. However, it would be a normal workflow to do animation in Carrara and then export. All animation data is contained within the FBX.
Not clear what you wish to do.
Is there any chance you can confirm that, if you aren't 100% sure? My objective is to export rigged models to be used by others.
Thanks for responding.