FBX Export Causes White Ring Around Iris.

I'm having an odd problem with the export of the eye texture, only when I export as FBX or DAE. I'm getting a weird ring around the Iris as if the textures don't quite lineup correctly. (It doesn't happen with OBJ export, but I need morphs and skeleton, so that doesn't help me). I know this is a problem with the DAZ export itself, because I can see it happen inside DAZ when I export, and it happens no matter what eye materials I use. When I export, it starts going through the export process, and when it gets to a certian point, I can actually see the artifact happen inside the Daz software. I've attached a screenshot of what I'm talking about from Daz itself. The texture applied to the eye shows this white ring around the Iris, and it ends up getting exported that way and showing up no matter where I import the model to and what shader I use. I'm wondering if anybody else has come across this and knows a workaround or how to resovle this issue.

Is the Genesis3?
If it is, you probably are not including any of the eye morphs when exporting (there are a couple that may be 'on').
Yes, it's Genesis 3. I am including all head morphs, so I don't think that's the issue. Unless the eye morphs are labeled differetly?