Autofit not working for purchased content

I am using Daz 3D to create static poses for my illustration work. The idea is to use M4 with a cloth product. My first try was with the Angelic Robe for M4. However, I don't seem to be able to get the autofit working. Can someone advise whether autofit is available with alll products for M4.
I have no problem with autofit when I use standard components supplied with the Daz basic product installation, e.g. pants on Genesis.
The Angelic Robe is a Dynamic clothing item, nad you need to use the Dyanmic Clothing Control. Window > Tabs > Dynamic Clothing Control.
Autofit only works with conforming clothing.
I can't find any documentation about "conforming clothing" in Daz 3D. Seems to be a Poser feature. Is there any way that I can convert the dynamic clothing I have into "conforming" clothing. i am only interested in static pose.
Conforming Clothing in DAZ Studio is exactly the same as in Poser.
Poser has Dynamic clothing, but it is just a 3d Mesh which has not been rigged (boned), and uses Physics to drape the item onto the model using collision detection.
DAZ Studio Dynamic Clothing is made by Optitex, and I'm not sure if you can get at the OBJ mesh to extract it, but if you could, it would then need to be rigged for whatever figure you are using it on.
The Dyanmic robe for M4 should work with the tools you have already, the Dyanamic Clothing Control which comes with DAZ Studio, assuming that you are fitting it to M4, but is should still fit reasonably well onto Genesis.
Hi alankst100 :)
Dynamic clothing (physically simulated cloth), can be used to render out a static shot, or an animation of a moving figure and clothing.
whether you choose to render out a single frame,. or a Sequence of frames, is your choice.
Dynamic clothing needs to be simulated using physics, so it'll work well on an animated figure, but you can render a single frame of that simulation you like.
Any other clothing in Daz Studio or Poser, is called "Conforming clothing"
It has a set of bones which matches the figure wearing the clothing,. and once the clothing is "Conformed" (poser) to or,.. "Fitted to" (Daz Studio) the selected figure, then wherever the figure moves , the clothing will follow.
Dynamic cloth is made specifically to be dynamic and has a different structure than normal conforming clothing.
Try animating your figure moving from the default (T-Pose) into any other pose over a couple of seconds,. Add the Dynamic clothing, and Simulate the Dynamic clothing on that animated figure.
Once it's simulated,. you can scrub the time-line to find a pose you like,.. then render that single frame out .
That's a lot easier than trying to convert dynamic cloth , reduce the mesh, import the object, add the bone rig, and weight map it to make it into conforming clothing. ....If you don't need to.
Hope it helps :)
Thank you all for your help. I now have a clearer understanding of conforming and dynamic clothing.
I quite like the suggestion to use the render option at the end of animation. But I can't achive this. Following the steps, I inserted M4, had a few animated poses, then added the Angelic Robe I bought. The rope remains in a T shape, and the animated M4 pokes through the cloths. Am I missing some steps?
I am not sure what this means: “and Simulate the dynamic clothing on the animated figure”.
Also, eventually, I would need to combine several figures in different poses in the same scene, rotate around to select a good shot. Will your suggestion work for more than one figure?
Basically, I don’t intend to do heavy customization work. I am a painter, and I am hoping to use the Daz to see how the robe looks in different poses and under different lighting condition. I will not be particular about the quality of the output image.
Start your figure in the T pose with the Dynamic clothing Loaded To the Figure, in your Dynamic Control Panel set the Dynamic item to collide with your figure. Now add a second pose down your Time line then do a animated Drape. The figure and item will both go into the new pose over time and the Item will drape properly for the finished pose.
To render different poses from the timeline just move your pointer on your Timeline to the Frame that has the pose you like, open Render Settings and do a Still Image (Current Frame) render that will render just that one Pose.
Jaderail beat me to it :)
basically with dynamic clothing, once it's on the animated figure (preferably in the default pose) you would "simulate" the physics of the cloth and actor moving together by using the "Dynamic clothing controller".
Windows / tabs / Dynamic clothing.
This can take some time, depending on the length of the animated sequence, and your computer spec, since it's calculating the collisions of the cloth against the figure as it moves, plus the action of gravity on the cloth.
As Jaderail points out, you can move the camera to a different view, and you can scrub through the animation to find a shot you like, then render out that single frame as an image.
Hope it helps :)
Hi All
Your explanations on dynamic clothing, draping by collision between cloth and figure, are clear to me. Thanks.
The strange thing is, I have done everything as you have advised (even before I did the first post), and yet I am not getting the intended result. I decided to recorded the sequence and perhaps you can tell me which steps are wrong or whether I am missing something:
Pic 1. M4 loaded with rope added. Figure does not look very good.
Pic 2. I set collision of cloth with Michael, clicked “animated” and “drape”.
Pic 3. 20 seconds later, I got this good image
Pic 4. I started a timeline and added a new pose.
Look at the mess. What went wrong?
I think your item is not FIT to M4. When you load your dynamic item select it in the Scene tab and the open your Parameters Tab, scroll to the bottom and find FIT TO use the drop down to select M4. Once you do that do the rest and run your dynamic simulation. To Run the Simulation you Press the Drape button on the Dynamic Control panel. That is the only way to run a Dynamic Drape Simulation.
Image T pose loaded item, item fit two timeline open frame 25 second pose added. Collision set to M4
Image after Drape button is pushed with Dynamic set to animation.
You do the T pose to the End pose as one Animation not as two steps. For that to work you need to run a New DRAPE.
That works! Thank you very much for your quick reply.
Pic 1 shows two M4 loaded, fitted and draped. This capability is what I need and is good enough for my work. It appears that it would be easier to design the poses, then add the cloth, then drape. Is this sequence correct?
I don’t need animation, but I have a few questions for my learning:
1. As soon as I fitted the rope to M4, it appears to become “conforming” without draping. I added animation and the cloth follows the movement, as shown in Pic 2. The only trouble is that there are lots of intersections. Is it possible for the rope to be conforming as well as dynamic?
2. In fact, after adding a few animated poses, followed by collision, animated draping, the rope stops to follow the movement, as show in Pic 3.
I am confused with what has happened between 2 and 3.
Also, where can I find the documentation on this topic? the online help and video just not enough.
I'm not sure what happened in 2 3 either. As for your first question do it the way that is easy for you as long as it works. I never use more than the T pose and the End Pose in my Animated Drapes, I thought it worked with full animation but I have never tried it.
EDIT: One more tip I leave 5 frames after my second pose so the item can do more drape runs, sometimes that gives a better result on the last frame.
Thank you very much for your help