Product Updates in DIM

I'm on a Macintosh. I'll start there.

In my DIM today, I see product updates for the GenX add-ons. I'm concerned about where they go. I think it's into Applications/DAZ/DAZ3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/plugins. If so, will the DIM know where to put them?

I also have Studio items in my users/Documents/DAZ3D/My Library, where they used to go until DAZ wanted that switched to 

users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library. So there are also items there.

The DIM is presently set to install items to users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library.

I don't, of course, want anything installed to the wrong place. So, two questions:

(1) Where should these product updates for GenX Add-ons go,

(2) and if it is into Applications/DAZ/DAZ3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/plugins, will the DIM know how to do this?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    DIM should correctly install - it knows to place plug-ins (and other items, such as shaders and some scripts) in the application folder.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,255

    OK, thanks for that information. The GenX shows up as a Pane (Tab), when selected from the Windows Menu in DAZStudio (version 4.8). Now, is there any chance that the newly updated Add-Ons for GenX are not plugins, and should go to either users/Documents/DAZ3D/My Library or to users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library?

    To be a little more specific, what shows up under Product Updates in the DIM are six product updates:


    GenX AddOn Gen3 for V3 and M3 32 kb 

    GenX AddOn Gen3 for V3 and M3  214 kb

    GenX AddOn Gen3 for A3 and H3 32 kb 

    GenX AddOn Gen3 for A3 and H3  297 kb

    GenX AddOn Gen3 for S3 D3 and F3 63 kb  

    GenX AddOn Gen3 for S3 D3 and F3 332 kb

    Each pair seems identical in the naming, but the file size is different. There is a small version, such as 32 kb, but then there is a larger version, such as 297 kb. I don't know what this is about.

    So, do all these AddOn update items go into the Applications and plugins folder? I just don't want to end up with any kind of a big mess. That's why I'm asking once again.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Right-click and choose View Package Files - though as they are updates I imagine they will go in the same palces as the originals for the most part.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,005
    edited June 2016

    Product docs for the GenX Gen3 AddOn's states:  "This product includes separate installers for version 1 and version 2 of Genesis Generation X"  Unfortunately, the installers are not marked which is which.  I installed the set with the higher product numbers and hid the others by deleting the installers and hiding them on the Ready to Install tab.  If I have any issues, I'll try the other set.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,194
    Lindsey said:

    Product docs for the GenX Gen3 AddOn's states:  "This product includes separate installers for version 1 and version 2 of Genesis Generation X"  Unfortunately, the installers are not marked which is which.  I installed the set with the higher product numbers and hid the others by deleting the installers and hiding them on the Ready to Install tab.  If I have any issues, I'll try the other set.

    Version 1 shows as Generation X and GenX; version 2 shows as Generation X2 and GenX2.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,005

    Thanks, I hadn't noticed the difference in the installer names since I had one set hidden and didn't have them displayed all on one tab. I was hoping this program update would address support of Daz Connect installed Genesis Essential packs..  Still hoping Dimension3d will eventually resolve this issue.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,255

    Right-click and choose View Package Files - though as they are updates I imagine they will go in the same palces as the originals for the most part.

    I didn't find a View Package Files. In the DIM, I Right-clicked on each item and selected Show Installed Files. What's shown below is an example of what came up.



    It looks like there are items in my ~/Library/Application Support folder, which is almost impossible to get to in the Macintosh OS X 10.11.5.

    In the Application folder for DAZ Studio, however, I find:

    file:///Applications/DAZ  3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/Genesis GenerationX/  This is a Folder
    file:///Applications/DAZ  3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/Genesis GenerationX/GenesisGenerationX.dsx Within the Above Folder
    file:///Applications/DAZ  3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/Genesis Generation X/GenX.pdf Within the Above Folder

    file:///Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/GenX AddOnGen3forA3andH3/ This is a Folder
    file:///Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/GenX AddOn Gen3forA3andH3/GenXAddOnGen3forA3andH3.dsx Within the Above Folder

    file:///Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/GenX AddOn Gen3 forS3D3andF3/ This is a Folder
    file:///Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/GenX AddOnGen3forS3D3andF3/GenXAddOnGen3forS3D3andF3.dsx Within the Above Folder

    file:///Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/GenXAddOnGen3forV3andM3/ This is a Folder
    file:///Applications/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4 64-bit/docs/Plugins/GenXAddOnGen3forV3andM3/GenXAddOnGen3forV3andM3.dsx Within the Above Folder

    So, would the Product Updates, these AddOns, go within the Plugins Folder of the DAZ Studio Folder, within the Applications folder? It would seem so to me, but I don't want to make a mistake.

    Also, I only bought Version 1 of GenX. I never bought version 2. I do not think that any of the double files shown for each of these AddOns refers to version 2. I don't know why there are double files listed. Can anyone explain that?

    I'm still holding off on updating unless or until I can understand what's going on.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Plug-ins go in the application folder, but I'm not sure what your concern is - DIM will place them for you (you will probably have to give it elevated permissions to do so, as you do for it to install DS itself). There's nothing you need to do manually, you do not need to open those folders yourself.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,255

    Well, now I see that in the DIM there are both GenX and GenX2 files listed. Lindsey, above, seems to have concerns about whether this could cause problems with the use of GenX. Does it? If I install all the files in the Product Updates, wiill GenX still function OK? 

    Updates in DIM.png
    298 x 151 - 26K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    If you don't have GenX2 don't isntall the genX2 packs (and vice versa)

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