Anisotropic surfaces?

Hi all,
Could swear I saw something to do with rendering anisotropic surfaces (without using bitmaps) but I can't find it... maybe I was thinking of another program.
Any help appreciated.
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Hi all,
Could swear I saw something to do with rendering anisotropic surfaces (without using bitmaps) but I can't find it... maybe I was thinking of another program.
Any help appreciated.
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Hi Turner :)
In the shaders editor,. at the top of the list,. click the "multichannel" blue button,. and select Lighting models / Anisotropic model.
then you can change the direction if you want.
Hope it helps :)
Thanks! Found it!
That said.. sure could use a tutorial.
Basically, I'm trying to create a flat piece of metal with a linear brushed finish.
Any ideas?
Look at the included content. There's some brushed metal shaders. You could open them and up and see how they're constructed. If there's some effect you like see how it was done. If there's an effect you don't like, it helps to look to see what to avoid.
Yep... done that. Couldn't really replicate what I am looking for.
Here's an example of the surface texture (lower half of the object, subtle lines from extrusion mold)
You may be able to use some of Carrara's other shader functions for that. I might experiment to see what I get.
I played around a bit, and if you want a rougher looking extrusion/tool marks it'll require someone more skilled than myself. I did get a decent (in my opinion) look, but it looks a little too uniform and clean compared to your reference photo. You might get a rougher look by layering more procedural functions on top of each other. The other possibility is to use an image map.
Here's a sample image and the shader settings. I copied the Highlight's settings and pasted them into the bump channel, so they're identical.
...And what the mixer's blender was set at:
Thanks - that looks more like the top to me; the real effect I'm going for is a slightly irregular, very shallowly "scraped" surface (what happens when the metal comes through the extruder) with anisotropy, if that's possible.
The included settings work well for curved surfaces, but I haven't found how to create the same effect on a flat surface.
You might be able to adjust the regular clean look by playing with noise in the bump channel. Otherwise, an image map may be the way to go.
Thanks -
I'll have to experiment, as I need it to look realistic when animated, too... I'm sure there's a way to do it, just not sure what way that is yet! :)
Veloute (inagoni) has procedural noise that you could stretch along an axis to get that kind of brushed effect. I believe Enhance:C (DCG) can do this as well. I think you can also add a procedural bump effect as well in both Veloute and Enhance:C
While its not exactly the same as anisotropic, it might be close enough.
Actually most of Carrara's built in patterns or noises have a "Transform" tab where you can adjust the scaling on whichever axis you need.
I was messing around with this, and made a shader which uses fractal noise, cellular and the scan-lines pattern, mixed with a gradient so that you can control where the scanlines start and stop,
it's a bit rough,. and it's not a good example of lighting, ...or modelling :) but it's the shader I'm playing it'll do.
I think this shader is still kind of rough, and perhaps a bit too shiny reflective, but workable.
test render.
Looks really good Andy. I knew that it could be done! I just didn't have time to futz with it as much as I would have liked.
HI Evil :)
Thanks :
I think the transform tab in the noises and patterns is an under used option, so it was good fun to play around with this over the weekend.
Here's the scene with the model and shaders.
Maybe you can use one of these texture?
hope it helps^^
i also used metal texture on the next image.
i don´t have a link for the texture.
but if you need just pm me ^^