Smart Prop Question

I have a quick question. I am able to smart prop items to people but cannot figure out how to smart prop something to another prop (i.e. a scope to a rifle). I have perused the forums and was able to find out how to smart prop to a character's hand, thank you very much for this info btw, but have been unable to find out how to smart prop to another prop.

If someone could help with this I would be very grateful.

Thank you.


  • Bring both items onto the stage and place them where they need to be by the x,y,z translate dials. Open Scene tab and drag Prop1 on top of Prop2, Prop1 is now a child of Prop2...where ever Prop2 goes Prop1 follows. Save as Props. smiley

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Thank you. WIll this enable me to load the item later and have it appear already attached to the parented item? I am working on a firearm with accesories and I want to have the ability to have the item appear on the proper place when added. Right now I have all the accesories attached and the user can either remove them, having to reattach them later by placing it and reparenting it, or toggling the visibility on and off.

    I was hoping to be able to have the prop and have the ability to have the accesories snap to it when desired.

    Anyone have any advice about converting this to a figure instead?  I could then save the accessories as wearables.

  • Select both and Save as a Prop Asset.

    You can make the whole thing into a Figure but that is unfortuneatly more that I can speak to here.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Thank you. I have been messing around with Daz for a caouple of years now and had never stumbled across the prop asset setting. I will try to find out how to use it now. Thanks again for the heads up.


  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    DarkEdgeDesign, thanks alot. That works great. Still need to work on the figure conversion but this solved my other issues. You have been a big help.


  • DarkEdgeDesignDarkEdgeDesign Posts: 489
    edited June 2016

    Sigurd you are most welcome!

    Not trying to be a "Sales Whore" but I do have a video tutorial coming to market that is about this very thing, bringing a hard edged model into Studio and creating a Figure from it...and then all of the various aspects that you would need to implement if you wanted to market it to Daz. It's packed full with a lot of info. If you are still interested keep an eye out for it! laugh

    Post edited by DarkEdgeDesign on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    I am sold! Let me know when it is coming out because this is exactly what I am working on. Do you have an ETA?


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