Victoria 4.2 Shapes++ and Other Questions

hallo to this forum,
i like DAZ Studio,
there are some little things I havent figured out yet, has anbody got any ideas please
1) bitrock installer does not run. ?
i just bought this ADD on. from you.. But i get this message,
some files look like it says ( MAC ) i don't think its for windows
i have a file __MACOSX
10495_1_dpc_BombshellBeautiesV4Joanie_1 and 2
partly Installs But i can't seem to use It on any Figure /character
Problem with BitRock Installer SOLVED
thanks from : mal
Post edited by DAZ_Bcreek1 on
hi, i'm new to this forum, i hope someone can give me some advice, how to use this
Genesis Pin-Up Pack by Jabba
file exsists but i can't seem to use any of its contents
the installation path for morph loader cannot be found Loader DS3 ( 64-bit)
So cannot be installed.
i can find it in the menue Inside DAZ Studio, but nothing seems to work
i can't apply it.
many thanks
RE-Installed DAZStudion .
Not using Genesis Pin-UP by Jabber Untill I have Better Understood the DAZ File Structure
thank you all for your help and advice
from: mal
hallo again, sorry to have to write again
I can't install Morph Loader DS3 64bit .
in the menue system ( Inside ) Daz is a morphing tool.
I wonder if thats it? But i Don't think it is the same one For Victoria 4.2 Morphs
in the PlugIn menue, ALL GREEN i have all the plugins Installed, It looks like it anyway
But i'm not sure because something looks like it is missing
I have the product Key, But it never askes me for it, so does that mean it does not need it
or it has not installed correctly?
thank you for any help and advice
FRom mal
i have just gor the
Victoria 4.2 Morphs++ - V4 Morphs++ Power Loader - exe - pc
But It did not want to install
It said: cant find The Installation path . thats the first thing.
whats wrong? how can i fix this,
I know all content is or should go into the Documents DAZ content folder
find DAZ or parts of it, On at least 3 other File locations in the C Drive.
inside the DAZ menue System i can find some things, but it needs to be given runtime in the paths
i got to be honest, i don't know how to work this
please can you give me some help and adivice
best wishes
Malcolm Jacobs
Hello Malcolm
The morph pack for V4, Morphs++, MUST be installed into the same folder as Victoria 4. I assume that you are using DAZ Studio?
Do not add 'Runtime' to the end of the install path. The install path MUST end with My Library, or things will get messed up.
Everything gets installed into the My Library folder. Do not let the installer put it anywhere else. You can change the Path that the installer shows you, and some of the older content tries to install itself into a folder called Content. Don't allow that, change the path to end with the My Library folder, always.
Does that help any?
Do you mean DS4 64 bit? and not DS3?
If you have installed DS4 64 bit, then Morph Loader is part of the main installer, and you should not install a seperate copy of it.
When you first install DS4, it will say 'Standard' in the bar at the top of the program. You need to enter the Pro serial number which should be in your My Account area under Available Serial Numbers. After you have enetered that number, exit from DS4, and restart, it should now say 'Pro' in the bar at the top.
It looks as though you have downloaded the wrong version of the product. If you check in your available downloads you should find 2 versions, one for PC and one for Mac. If you are using windows then you want the PC one.
If this is my free download from ShareCG, you need to apply this texture to the basic supersuit which comes with the Supersuit for Genesis.
You cannot use these on base figures.
Mal, if I were you, I would not bother to install any freebies from ShareCG until you get your program installed properly.
Please tell us what Operating System you are using, and what version of DAZ Studio, and what you have already installed..
Just a little request Malmaoo. I notice that you are asking all sorts of questions, each one in a different thread. It wiould make it far easier of you asked all your questions in one thread, as you obviously need lots of help getting started. Just an idea. I can actually merge all your questions into one thread if your prefer.
hi and thank you for your help and advice
My System: Microsoft Windows7Ultimat 64-Bit Operating System
Memory 4GB RAM with Processor 2.71GHZ
NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 Video Memory 1.0 GB Integrated RAMDAC
4.2.0 OpenGL Provider: NVIDIA Corporation Hardware: GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2
Using DAZ Studio 4 4.5.0. 114 pro edition 64 bit
if i can't install it correctly, it could be you are absolutly Right about that.
I Read From Help files : installed everything into My Content Folder.
because thats where the IntroductionVideo says everything should be,
i think i totaly misunderstood where things should be loaded,
maybe i should try to install it there
thank you
Best wishes
From: mal
Malamoo, DS should be installed with all default settings. It will create the My Library folder in the My Documents folder for you.
You do install ALL content to the My Library folder but some older installers and zip files use the OLD content folder those need pointed to My Library as the last folder. All exe installers should be pointed to MY Library as the LAST folder in the path.
thank you for writing a reply to me about Morph Loader
My System: Microsoft Windows7Ultimat 64-Bit Operating System
Memory 4GB RAM with Processor 2.71GHZ
NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 Video Memory 1.0 GB Integrated RAMDAC
4.2.0 OpenGL Provider: NVIDIA Corporation Hardware: GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2
Using DAZ Studio 4 4.5.0. 114 pro edition 64 bit
when i start up DAZ Studio 4 comes a menue
unimat2 ( enter Product key Box ) xxxxxxxxxxxx ect ect.
i can't enter anything. Ive tried it, from my account . but if i ignor it, and let the program run
i have in About Plugins, i have everything maked GREEN, where there is a box With a space ( product key xxxxxxxx ) ect
its green plug symbol, but the xxxxxxx Box is not highlighted with a tick.
perhaps this is not activated properly?
i did what you said and it still starts up showing the start up menuebox enter xxxx
after i get into the program it says pro at the top, i supose that must be ok then?
I have Pro Eddition 64Bit at the top of the Screen
i think it's allready installed like you said.
but maybe things arn't where they should be because i put everything into the
My Content File .
maybe i should Install again in My Libruary
thank you for writing to me,
on forum
yes please "merge all"
that would be great!!
and thank you because i'm quite new as you probebly have noticed to DAZ forum
THere you go then, all questions and answers so far, merged into one thread, with thread title changed slightly.
Thanks for allowing me to do that. :coolsmirk:
i'm using " DAZ Studio 4 4.5.0. 114 pro edition 64 bit "
thank you for your reply
it says Pro at the top of the bar, so maybe it's right
You cannot use these on base figures.
thank you Wendy,
maybe i need to Download
basic supersuit Supersuit for Genesis
than everything will be ok?
thank you for your reply
If this is my free download from ShareCG, you need to apply this texture to the basic supersuit which comes with the Supersuit for Genesis.
You cannot use these on base figures.
i will download the basic supersuit Genesis soon
after ive worked out some of the other little issues thank you
for your reply
hi and thank you for your help and advice i have ReInstalled DAZ Studio On my Computer,
Because something went wrong, and the Character Character turned into muliple Blocks on the Screen
so i have a clean Install, Now i have to reinstall all the ADDon products
but strange thing after i installed it, It wants the
DAZ Decimator xxxxxxx and animat 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
it wants the product keys IN Menue About Plugins, i can't enter any Product key for this Why?
i don't have it. the Product key from DAZ dose not Do it
have you any Ideas?
My System: Microsoft Windows7Ultimat 64-Bit Operating System
Memory 4GB RAM with Processor 2.71GHZ
NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 Video Memory 1.0 GB Integrated RAMDAC
4.2.0 OpenGL Provider: NVIDIA Corporation Hardware: GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2
Using DAZ Studio 4 4.5.0. 114 pro edition 64 bit
i like your quote, your right, there is only one person stopping us from doing anything,
it's alwasy yourself, the only one i'm working against is myself. overcome that and we can do anything!
i like your quote, your right, there is only one person stopping us from doing anything,
it's alwasy yourself, the only one i'm working against is myself. overcome that and we can do anything!
You are so right, if we can understand something we can do it. All that holds us back is our self's.
I'm pretty good at getting content installed and then finding it in DS4.5. We have two versions of content now, Smart Content and the Older content that can only be used from the Content Library Tab. Also as a new user you will need to learn the difference between an item that will load to your Character or Scene and a expansion that will need the original item before it will work. It will take a bit before it all becomes automatic but as you can see all us other users figured it out so you will as well. Hint, if I can everybody can.
Hi Malmaoo
The Decimator, and the Animate2 plugin's are not part of the Daz Studio Pro.
they're sold as separate products in the store if you need them.
You should have Animate lite in Daz Studio, which will allow you to use Animate blocks of motion capture data, but it doesn't allow you to create and save your own clips for sale. only the full Animate2 will do that.
The reason your Character appeared as a bunch of Blocks is .... it's a display option,(Bounding box),.. like Wire-frame, or Shaded.
You can change the options for figure display from a drop down menu on the main screen.
no need to re install the application.
Hope it helps :)
Animate and Decimator and paid for products, you don't need to worry about entering the serial numbers for those two plug-ins.
very helpful thanks
here its evening but i'm still at it!
bye for now
I'm pretty good at getting content installed and then finding it in DS4.5. We have two versions of content now, Smart Content and the Older content that can only be used from the Content Library Tab. Also as a new user you will need to learn the difference between an item that will load to your Character or Scene and a expansion that will need the original item before it will work. It will take a bit before it all becomes automatic but as you can see all us other users figured it out so you will as well. Hint, if I can everybody can.
you have a sense of humor, thats good!! it helps! yes, i'm looking at that now different content that only loads with with some things and others not. i'll get there someday..
i thought i can do this... then i realized it's not a simple as it looks!
have a good evening
Pardon me for jumping in, but I'm curious as to whether you were able to make the "blocks" go away. Just to recap it is possible, somewhere in the area of DS 4.x and Windows Vista 64-bit, to end up with the models looking a bit funny. In my case ALL the models turned into blocks, even minor props stopped working.
In my case I was not able to fix the problem, and have had to set aside the offending computer as far as using DS 4.x
Per your other questions I was able to get V4++ morphs to work, but it took me a long time -- many weeks in fact -- and I had to use a different computer and OS as, under Vista 64-bit I'd initially tried to customize my install path... no particular reason why and when I did it, I wasn't aware that it was a VERY BAD IDEA to do it that way.
If what you are seeing is like the image below, then go to Window > Tabs > Tool Settings, and change the dropdown for Draw Style to 'Current (Off)', that should fix it.
Hi :)
Jimmy beat me to it,.. :( ..but I'm posting the image here anyway , since it's an alternative way to do the same thing.
In the pic,. (click for full size) I've circled the little icon where all the "Display Options" are available in a drop-down menu.
click there, then you can select a different draw style from the menu.
Hope it helps :)
Thanks to ( JimmyC_2009 Roman_K2 3DAGE
DAZ Studio Does not seem to work properly
on the list of items below.
i thought it might be a good idea, if i listed what i have installed
to give people a better idea whats on my computer.
I had to do a complet Clean Install, I Re- installed everything again
but i have still other problems which i can't rectify at the moment
maybe i should delete everything again.
I always Make sure installing 64bit
where i had the option to do so
still it installed 32bit content manegment service
Items I have Installed On DAZ 4
Bombshell Beauties V4 Joanie
Item Number 10495
Morph Loader
Item Number 3658
Femme Fatale
Item Number 15079
Create 'Fiery Genesis' in DAZ Studio
Item Number 13162
Victoria 4.2 Morphs++
Item Number 4787
Victoria 5
Item Number 13439
Alysa Character and Hair
Item Number 15089
to be found On my system on the following:
in : documents / DAZ 3D / My Libruary
alysa. Femmefatale. genesis. vicroria. victoris 4. victoria 5.
in: libruarys / DAZ 3D /studio/ My Libruary/ Runtime
Geometrys. Libruaries. Support. Textures. Weblinks.
My System: Microsoft Windows7Ultimat 64-Bit Operating System
Memory 4GB RAM with Processor 2.71GHZ
NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 Video Memory 1.0 GB Integrated RAMDAC
4.2.0 OpenGL Provider: NVIDIA Corporation Hardware: GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2
Using DAZ Studio 4 4.5.0. 114 pro edition 64 bit
list of things that Don't work!!!!!
well i'm sorry to say. but it seems nothing works as it should.
on starup of DAX 4 message i get is : no importer for the file format can be found
in smart content : basic female basic male, basic child genesis , none work.
same message : no importer for the file format can be found
please note: there is an exclamation mark on most of the icons in Smart Content
orange colure
Alysia Hair:
* no importer for the file format can be found
alysa character and hair
Alysia hair : no importer for the file format can be found
Alysia hair does not fit on her head, it is positioned not on the charater.
in dialog box : what figure was it originaly designed for?
Message Unsupported!
textures marci: not found
joanie does not work without victoria 5 !!
But i have victoria 5!!!
marci eyes not there cannot be used
on start up the first message that i see, is No importer file format can be found
sorry it's such a Big list
hope someone can help
From mal
Sorry to hear it. I tried JimmyC_2009 and 3DAGE's suggestions and for me it seemed to work so for me, the "offending" computer (running Vista 64-bit) is back up and running. Yay, no more blocky models! Thanks people!!
I realize it is frustrating when you get "file not found" and "unable to locate file". I myself have installed many things where the pieces still tend to be all over the place, even on my other computer that's working better. A third computer has everything more or less shipshape, but out of the blue a video problem has developed which seems to be confined to DS 4's preview window.
Sometimes when it can't find something I will go in and manually "import" or open the .CR2 or other file... for instance with Nerd3D's deluxe backdrop tool I change the tool to "Surface Selection", then click on the backdrop. Next, I "merge" the corresponding .DSA file that I want and click "ok", and the texture is applied that way.