Need homework help.

I made a shirt in Carrara for genesis using the gen model so I know it can fit genesis and exported as daz collada then imported the shirt into daz pro 4.5. What next? Or what tutors should I research? I have no problem doing my own homework however I need the correct terms to research to learn this.
What, if anything, do you get when you import the Collada file? I'd be more inclined to use OBJ, since you are almost certainly going to need to redo the rigging anyway. Then use the Transfer utility to roughly rig it, and the Weight Painting and Polygon Selection tools to fine tune the rigging.
All I did was the obj (shirt shape) itself and decided to find out where to go next. I making myself a step A,B,C list of correct terms with my own notes going step by step so I can repeat the process. I've found too often I miss a step or look up a incorrect term in the process. Should have I do more in Carrara before exporting?
I found Carrara modeling tool much easier than Hexagon and reading the Carrara manual on my nook but still confused on what the steps of making clothing is in what order except the texture, that I think I pretty much have down.