WTF? I Mean WTF?

When I go to lodge a BUG report it says that my account has been blocked and or disabled! MY FRICKING GOD! I mean really WTF! I MEAN WTF is going on at DAZ?
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When I go to lodge a BUG report it says that my account has been blocked and or disabled! MY FRICKING GOD! I mean really WTF! I MEAN WTF is going on at DAZ?
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Did you set up a separate user name and password for Mantis? It's a separate account from DAZ's site.
Okay, I purposely entered a wrong value when trying to log in to the bug tracker and received the same message you said you had. I entered the correct value and I logged in successfully.
I'm not trying to be an ass Rich, but you do have a tendency to have horrible typing (at least on the forum) and it gets worse as the anxiety level grows. Is it possible that maybe you've entered a wrong value, hit caps lock or forgot your name/password or remember it wrong? Maybe had a typo you were unaware of while setting it up?
Sorry edited :)
No I know your not trying to be and ass and yes my typing does bite... but i am getting better.. Today I can type with both fingers
But any ways, when I go to log in to bugs it already HAS my information in the correct fields so I have no idea HOW I could mistype it! SO I tried a few times to do it with the information already recorded on the correct fields then tried every variant of my password I know thats the correct one....
I now most 95% of issues are usually OPERATOR ERROR but I log into for the forum with the exact information I tried to log into BUGS!
The bug system is separate from the forums and requires a completely different registration. Before you can add a bug report you will eed to create an account in the bug reporting system. Even if you already have an account in the store and forums.
Thanks KEN see thats what I wanted.. an answer!
Did you set up a separate user name and password for Mantis? It's a separate account from DAZ's site.
Okay no matter how I try to log in aBUG I simply can not get there! I tried to REGISTER using my current LOGIN info and this is what I get! (1) THEN I tried to register with a sort different name and this is what I get (2)
It doesn't like the "." in your email address. This could be a problem. You may need to use a different email (if you have one).
Try using:
RichardChaos (in the top entry)
"richard.chaos at" (in the lower entry replace the "at" with @)
So you go here and then click sign up for a new account ???????
And then what happens. screen shot if possible. OK sorry I see the screenshots
So is it possible that you have created a Mantis account before, and have just forgotten about doing so ? As with everything it will not allow you to set up an account if the email address has been used before.
So OK it could be blocked, or username or password could be incorrect.
So maybe try using a completely different username and email address, see if you can sign up for a new account that way.
Or if you are sure that you do already have a Mantis account, have you tried using the "lost your password" bit.
Well if you will look at some of the first screen shots. When I do try to submit a e-mail any e-mail or even mine it says I cant use LATIN LETTERS, NUMBERS, SPACES, HYPHENS, and underscores... O assume that means I cant use the (@) which means one cant enter and e-mail address!
Never mind I'll just buy MAYA!
The first line is for a username. No @ or .
The second line is for an email address.
Going by your screenshots you were trying to enter a password into the second line, not an email.
Maya is a fine piece of software. I own it. However, it has MORE than its share of issues. Also, the user forums are nowhere near as tolerant as these, so be prepared for quite a bit of nastiness about just about any question.
I mean it says I MUST USE ONLY ect ect ext!
On the signup screen try to enter the following:
RichardChaos in the top line
richard.chaos (at) in the bottom line (replace the (at) with @)
Let's see if that will get you registered. You will receive an email with the connection information.
On the signup screen try to enter the following:
RichardChaos in the top line
richard.chaos (at) in the bottom line (replace the (at) with @)
Let's see if that will get you registered. You will receive an email with the connection information.
THAT did it KEN thanks at least its on the record now
THAT did it KEN thanks at least its on the record now
I'm glad that I could help.