Content Management service wont run

AS the tag line says it wont run.
1) I've uninstalled DAZ4.5, and the content management service.
2) Ran CCleaner to remove anything left over in the registry
3) deleted the directory where DAZ resided.
4) deleted all content (yeah that took a while)
5) Ran CCleaner again.
6) rebooted.
7) Reinstalled DAZ4.5
And I still have nothing.
I'm running DAZ4.5 on an Asus G74sx (if interesting in the specs)
And it won't run at all. D|S does run just not CMS.
I've looked over the firewall logs for both Trendmicro and Windows 7 firewall and neither appear to be shutting it down...suggestions anyone?
Vlog for ContentManagementService reads as follows.
Thu Oct 4 2012 20:33:56.568000 ContentManagementServer (4.8, Kernel 4.8 )
Licence license_emb_(Numbers deleted)- is registered to DAZ3D.
Valid until 9999-12-31. Subscription valid until 2013-02-08.
Maximum number of connections: 5
Thu Oct 4 2012 20:33:56.662000 (TID 4300): VProject facilities are disabled since no appropriate license found
Thu Oct 4 2012 20:33:56.662000 (TID 4300): Server started
Thu Oct 4 2012 20:33:56.662000 (TID 4300): Non-secure port: 27997
I've been having problems with CMS shutting down from time to time, especially if I'm working in the shader mixer.
my problem was similar but I did not see the log file for CMS. My db grew to 67 gb in size somehow and was causing untold problems.
Did you also clean out the DAZ3D folder in \APPDATA ?
Steps 3 and 4..when I deleted everything...would that not have taken care of deleteing the APPData or is that located outside the DAZ install directory?
On a side note, I've some how managed to get CMS run by installing installing it in a same directory name as normally named in during the install only change I made was added a 1 at the end of the name. ContentManagementServices1.
nothing will load into it in DAZ. the Products and content tab for CMS remain empty...what the heck am I doing wrong?
I'm tempted to just run D|S4.5 like I did version 3. everyting and anything is done manually and laid out like a Poser runtime.
ie Sets, Props, clothing, skins...etc.
Again what the heck am I doing wrong?
Look in the folder where the CMS.exe is located for a folder called Vlogs. The CMS log files are located there.
Have you tried installing the CMS with your firewall and/or AV disabled?
If you can get it to install and work with them disabled, you'll need to find out how to set them to allow the CMS to run as an approved/whitelisted item. The CMS is, in part a database SERVER, and as such NEEDS to have network access.
i had the CMS crash problem
using the install auto-detect-remove old version not success..
because older database not removed
i uninstall the CMS,
i delete old folder and instal fresh
problem fixed..
if you uninstall, delete older folder of previous CMS or install in another folder (qdded a 2 or B at cms new install folder)