Studio/Hexagon Bridge

I have updated to the newest release on Studio- and until this morning had not had an issue while using Hexagon/Studio using the bridge. That is until about ten minutes ago when I transferred G3M from Hex to Studio one last time and made the dial for his head morph. Studio locked up on the saving of the scene. I had to close it out manually (using the task manager) and re-started it; then received an error message about duplicate files.
This I've seen before, but it was odd to me considering the only thing I have done so far was to make the morph dial; no ERC or saving it as an asset- just the dial.
Ok, so I opened up the scene again and noticed some vertices along his septum had smashed together. Went to send the no textured, otherwise blank figure back to Hexagon via the bridge. Hexagon opens....lo and behold, no G3M. I switch to Studio and it's locked up and the entire program screen is whited out. Frustrating, yes.
I open the log and find a whole new box of errors that now seem to show up every time I've opened Studio (and by this point- I've tried this about ten times). The errors, however, seem to be all about Iray (I have no Nvidia driver, so this is basically telling me that...duh, I have no GPU, have to render CPU) and nothing about the system locking up when I try to use the bridge.
So, now I keep trying. I have tried to send the so far nearly finished morphed G3M to Hex- nothing in Hex, Studio locked up. Re-start.
I try sending an unmorphed Dev. G3M to Hex. Nothing shows up, Studio locks up, re-start.
I have tried sending the morphed file from Hex to Studio (this usually just gives you an obj and not a morphable, moving G3M, but I wanted to see if I could even send it over) and Hex locked up. Nothing went to Studio.
I've deleted the saved scene file with the morphed figure. I've deleted all of the morph dials (I do this in incriments- there were 10 dials of various stages of morphing; number 10 started this lock up issue). I've gone into Hex and tried to see if I've somehowe accidentally removed a polygon, or vertice, but there's no difference that I can see going on here. I've opened up previous stages of the morphing process (there are seven scenes saved so far) and can't figure out between the last one that had this lock up start, and the previous ones what happened.
I've tried to use the Morph Loader Pro with the object file that was saved form Hexagon- and the scale is He's tiny now. So, other than giving up on this (and I can't, I use Hex to make morphs for figures!), I'm not sure how this can get fixed between the two programs besides uninstalling and re-installing both for a fresh start?
There's nothing in the log that says what happened other than the Iray warnings and this:
2016-15-29 05:15:35.776 WARNING: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Which I'm fairly certain is not the issue between the two programs.
Oohkay- so closing both Studio and Hexagon and restarting the computer fixed the issue? Odd, but hey- whatever works.