FM Prison Yard - Install Failed

I was installing "Prison Yard" with DIM - but I can only download it then I keep getting "install failed", tried several times....
tried another item and installed it with no problem, what could that be?

2380 x 254 - 34K
Post edited by fixmypcmike on
Try right-clicking on the entries in Ready to Install and deleting them, then go to Ready to Download and try to fetch them again.
Tried it all even more than once but nothing changed, installing starts but ends before 70%....
Are there any messages at the end of the log?
sorry I think I don't know where to check the log......!
Click the gear (Settings) icon in the upper right, then the Show Log button in the lower left.
Thanks, I think it's this
"Installing product : Prison Yard DS
WARNING: Error opening save file "/Volumes/Black/CG Library/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/textures/FMPrison/FMP_fence01_B.jpg.ztmp" : could not open file
Could not extract file : /Volumes/Black/CG Library/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/textures/FMPrison/FMP_fence01_B.jpg
Product installation failed : Prison Yard DS
Install Queue finished in 0 min 4.8 sec."
and there is another one for the ps version
That sounds like a corrupt file in the zip -- submit a ticket to Tech Support.
I added the name of the product to the title of the thread to see if others are encountering this.
Thank you for your help, I will submit a ticket and post the solution when I'll get it !
Hello guys, sorry for the delay - I've been helped by Daz and even if we didn't understand why, we realized it was a problem of location, the DIM didn't like the installation path, maybe because it was on an external hard drive - so I changed it temporarily and installed the file elsewhere then dragged and dropped the files in my Daz library - anyway all other items installations have no problem! :)