rig human mesh

Hi, i have a human mesh. now i do transfert utility but when i do animation my mesh isn't correct. After i do adjust rigging to shape, but the problem persist. What do need i do?


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    The Transfer Utility works on meshes thata re more-or-less the same shape as the source, if your new human mesh doesn't line up (which seems likely unless you are just trying to up-res) then it will put the joint centres in the wrong place and the projected weights will be odd. Adjust Rigging to Shape is for adjusting joint centres of well-rigged figures to accommodate morphs, it does nothing to a base rig. You really need to use the Figure Setup pane for this, then adjust the joint centre and end points with the Joint Editor and finally set up the weight maps with the Geometry Editor and Node Weight Paint Brush tools.

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