Misleading Product Labelling

The blurb: "Compatible Products: Daz Studio". No mention of version
The reality: only works in DS3
The blurb: "Compatible Products: Daz Studio". No mention of version
The reality: only works in DS3
Some connection between the two products perhaps? Why yes, both by the same vendor. Sorry, but this really is a bit poor. I know we can reclaim money wasted on buying products that won't work in the version of DS we happen to be using, but we really shouldn't be lured into buying them in the first place. Be honest and say "DS3 only" in the Compatible Products box, if that is the only version of DS in which the product works
Post edited by Harry Ominous on
File a bug report here - https://bugs.daz3d.com/login_page.php (requires a seperate login and pass)
Posting it here in the forums will most likely not get it changed. If it does, it wont happen anywhere as quickly as submitting a bug report
i do occasionally report bugs in the bug tracker, but i don't consider this to be a bug as such, and in any case there's no reporting category in the system that i can see which covers something like this
there's a more general point too, that all products should be properly labelled, and certainly shouldn't be misleadingly labelled (as these two are)
the reasons for the original post were that in the first place i was extremely irritated to find that i can't do animated textures in DS. i didn't buy the product just so's i could come here to complain that it doesn't work in DS4, i bought the product because i wanted to USE it. and the other reason was to warn other potential buyers about these particular products, and perhaps to flag up to anyone who might be listening, that all store products should be labelled in a way that makes it possible for potential buyers to make an informed decision on whether or not to buy them
i had, and extensively used LDP2, in DS3, and i'm still waiting for it to be updated for DS4. a forlorn wait i think, and both of these products show, to me, the intrinsic problems inherent in using add-ins for DS, that we're very much at the mercy of whether or not the add-in creator can be bothered to update them when new versions of the app come out
Report it in the bug tracker -- in the upper-right, change the Project to "Content Products", and then under Category choose "Web Page Issues".
i could do that, and now you've pointed out where to post the issue, perhaps i will, just to see if anything gets done about it
the point really is that if the store was run properly i shouldn't HAVE to do that. it shouldn't be up to individual users to correct any misleading labels they happen to come across. if anyone cared about the issue then controls would be installed to prevent it from happening in the first place
The other side of that coin is that there are thousands and thousands of products in the store. If a version number wasn't updated on 2 items (or even 10) it isn't a crime. A bug report alerts them that they missed some.
yeah, i guess you're right. if only they had some kind of, i dunno, database or something, with all the product information on, and there was such a thing as a... database enquiry, that could be run to catch these things
but no, i guess the technology just hasn't reached those heady heights yet
anyhoo, until the boffins manage to invent such a miraculous thing i've raised a bug report in the meantime