Moving Catalog

I have a new computer and I will be reinstalling DSPRO 4.5 on it. Is there a way to transfer the catalogue so that I do not have set it up all over again?
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I have a new computer and I will be reinstalling DSPRO 4.5 on it. Is there a way to transfer the catalogue so that I do not have set it up all over again?
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Are you talking about the content or the categories? What version of DS was on the old computer?
I know how to move content (if I understand your quetion correctly). When I reinstall DSPRO 4.5 on my new computer, I don't want to lose all the categories and the way I have structured them. I had DSPRO 4.5 on the old machine.
There's a tutorial in the link in my signature below that covers moving the Content Database from one computer to another.
Thanks for the link to the Tutorial.