October New Users Contest

frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
edited November 2012 in New User Contests and Events

New User's Contest - October 2012
Sponsored by DAZ 3D and Khory

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest contest...

"Ghoulies and Ghosties and Long-Leggedy Beasties and things that go bump in the night"

Intent: To Have some fun for the Halloween month

This month we will be having a more general contest, in whch you can use all the tips and tricks we hope you have learned frorm the previous months, such as Composition, Lights, Posing, DOF and Using Props.

For a list of the current contest rules, please see this thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/3440/


When working on your submissions, if you would like to get feedback as you work or before posting your final image, please post your image to the WIP THREAD HERE. People will be popping in to the WIP THREAD to give you some critique and advice on your entry and help along the way. Please keep all comments on entries etc to the WIP THREAD as well because comments or requests for help/feedback/advice will be removed from the contest thread and merged into the WIP THREAD. This thread is only for posting final contest submissions.

For those veterans of the forums that would like to help, because this contest is designed for the beginner to learn from, we will be randomly selecting posts offering helpful tips and/or critiques to receive a special voucher as well so whether you are a seasoned artist or an aspiring one, there is fun for everyone!

"We would like to thank Khory who has graciously decided to sponsor this months contest" She will be awarding a special prize to the winners of this months "Halloween"contest. To view some of Khory's items please see her store front here Khory's Store

Closing Date: October 30th 2012

Post edited by Chohole on


  • edited October 2012

    Withdrawing from Competition

    Post edited by bluemoon_524a0e29ba on
  • IlenaIlena Posts: 283
    edited December 1969

    Will you come with us?

    Done with DAZ and some small postwork in photoshop

    800 x 640 - 460K
  • FobokFobok Posts: 96
    edited December 1969

    My first entry for this month: "Zombie in a Moonlit Dungeon".

    Daz Studio 4.5
    Reality 2.5
    LuxRender 1.0RC4

    800 x 600 - 237K
  • bartman23bartman23 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Here's my entry so I can finally put it aside :) :

    'You Can Leave Your Hat On'
    Daz 4.5 - no postwork

    800 x 450 - 210K
  • gp139gp139 Posts: 0
    edited October 2012

    this is the first entry for this contest
    a 100 year old witch has to go back to the forest to rejuvenate her self on halloween night

    title the wish to be young again

    rendered in DAZ PRO 4.5

    no post work

    800 x 800 - 1024K
    Post edited by gp139 on
  • BWSmanBWSman Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    My entry for the contest.

    Title: Ready to Trick or Treat

    Rendered in Ds4.5

    800 x 600 - 477K
  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    Title: Unhappily Ever After

    3D Program: Rendered in DAZ 4.5

    Post-work: Minor post-work in Photoshop

    800 x 800 - 347K
  • FobokFobok Posts: 96
    edited December 1969

    My second entry:

    "Reverse Trick-or-Treat" - an elf and orc go trick-or-treating dressed as humans.

    Daz Studio 4.5
    Reality 1.5
    Luxrender 1.0RC4
    Photoshop Elements 10

    800 x 600 - 91K
  • CyonixCyonix Posts: 212
    edited December 1969

    A Wild Last-Minute Entry Appears!

    I've been working on this one here and there for a few months now, and it just so happens that it fits the theme of this contest perfectly!

    "To most people, she simply appears as a beautiful young businesswoman. But things are not what they appear to be....for beneath her false, 'human' beauty lies her true, inhuman form: that of a hideous old witch. She uses her 'human' beauty to attract the attention of unsuspecting young men, imprisoning them in her mansion's wine cellar when they least expect it. For it is the blood of her weakened victims that has maintained her false beauty throughout the years....and the time has come for her 'beauty' to be restored once more...."

    Title: Beauty IS Only Skin-Deep...
    Programs Used: DAZ Studio 4, Postwork in Photoshop

    800 x 600 - 245K
  • WahilWahil Posts: 307
    edited December 1969

    Title: Uh ...... wrong party?

    Software used: Daz Studio with signature added postwork.

    765 x 620 - 335K
  • gp139gp139 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    i hope i made it
    this is my second entry for the contest

    title treat or else

    rendered in DAZ4.5 PRO

    800 x 800 - 990K
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    "Would You Like Fright With That?"
    DAZ Studio 4.5 (no postwork)

    800 x 800 - 435K
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    Wolfman Awakening
    DAZ Studio 4.0
    Postwork to add ground fog.

    1000 x 1000 - 173K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited December 1969

    Contest is now closed. Good luck to everyone.

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    Good luck everyone. :-)
    All great renders.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited December 1969

    Winners are

    1st Fobok1 - Zombie in a Moonlit Dungeon
    2nd Denny L - Uh....Wrong Party
    HM Ilena52 - Will You Come WIth Us

    Congratulations to the winners and all who took part. Will the winners please PM me with their product of choice from Khory's store so I can turn it into DAZ and it can be added to your account.

  • bartman23bartman23 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations to the winners!

    Nice looking renders all around.

  • FobokFobok Posts: 96
    edited December 1969

    Wow, thank you! I wasn't expecting that.

    And congratulations to Denny and Ilena!

  • IlenaIlena Posts: 283
    edited December 1969

    Congrats Fobok and Denny and to everyone who took part in the contest. As bartman said nice, good renders all around. :)

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Well done everyone. not just the winners. :)

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations to the winners and not forget the other people who did with the contest. :-)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, as Szark say, everyone who takes part is a winner,

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    Congrats to the three winners, and to everyone else--impressive work all around!

    In case any other newbies are lurking here...I hope you join us in the next contest! I've found these to be both fun and helpful.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I agree with Scott.

    New Contest found here


  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    Congrats Fobok, Denny and Ilena :cheese:

  • WahilWahil Posts: 307
    edited December 1969

    Fobok1and Ilena52, congratulations.

    And special thanks to Scott-Livingston for the tips in the WIP thread.

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