Get Your Encrypted Daz Connect Content Here Thread - none at the moment 2018-01-30



  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996
    lx said:
    Spit said:
    Spit said:

    Curious. If connect grabs the metadata for all your installed products (7649 with another 10028 ready to download) what is the CMS good for? Is DAZ killing that when it kills DIM?

    Well, first theer is no "when it kills DIM" - what Daz has said is that if the usage of DIM drops to a low level they might well stop using it, but it was (as I recall) a double cionditional - if this maybe that - not a black capped judge and a muscular guy checking his axe fro sharpness.

    To the specific question, the CMS is what uses the metadata, however it is delivered - downloading it for Connect, so that the product list can be populated with all products rather than just those already installed, has nothing to do with using or not using DIM to download and install content.

    That's one of the reasons I haven't updated to 4.9 and another reason I'm sure DIM will go away sooner than DAZ soon. The list of available but not dowloadeded prods is now in Connect. Even if you don't use Connect DAZ will have little compunction to define "low level" of DIM usage lower than many customers would. After all, Studio does everything DIM does--whether you like it or not. Installs are always tricky but having to wait while the program grabs almost 17 thousand products worth of metadata taking up well over an extra gig is a bridge of annoyance waaaaaaaay too far for me.

    Many don't know or, if they do, don't care about turning our favorite renderer into a database and bloating its footprint. Well, I care, care a lot.

    I completely agree.

    I did upgrade to 4.9 for the new Iray shaders, only to find that half of them haven't even been updated so it makes no difference whether you're in 4.8 or 4.9; a load of them will have to be manually fixed anyway. The Content Library items got their text boxes bloated for no apparent reason, wasting screen space without even offering anything in return. If there are a certain number of pose dials no scrollbar will appear but the bottom dial will be obscured offscreen. The mess that is Connect. I don't need a massive metadata database, thank you - especially not one that constantly wants to update itself. I just want to download a product package, have it securely sitting there, offline, as a backup, and be able to tell the program to use those files (as well as be able to browse to them myself without looking up a code guide. And edit them if they need fixing.) There was repeated feedback that Connect was fundamentally flawed, and in turn it spawned a whole new Installer tab and another entire new shortcuts system that creates extra link files. 

    I understand the desire to make things simpler for customers but this bloated mess isn't it.

    "The Content Library items got their text boxes bloated for no apparent reason..."


    Performance could be considered a very good reason. 

    It wasn't just Content Library that was changed, it was every instance of an Asset View in the entire application. The Asset View widget, used in quite a few places, was made to have consistently sized items because Qt (the cross-platform framework that Daz Studio and Install Manager are built on) performs faster and is more memory efficient when that option is used; it doesn't have to calculate/store the size of each individual item in the list when all items in the list are known/expected to be the same size. The folks that develop Qt believed in the performance gains so much, it is part of the framework (

    Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the background info (it's still ugly though.)

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817
    barbult said:

    Half the time I can't even find any of encrypted content.  I found a character for G3f that I didn't realize was encrypted and do you think I can find her anywhere in my studio?  no.  doesn't matter how I search, she just doesn't show up. So, I have a character I bought but cant' find.  Half and hour is far too long to search for something I purchased. So I can't even install it because I can't find it.  Things are NOT easier to find with connect and smart content.  Typing her name does nothing, choosing any of the options smart content does nothing.  Another reason I avoid smart content and encrypted.  Far too frustrating to find my stuff.  And honestly its not just encrypted only content I can't find with smart content.  No thanks...

    Daz Studio 4.9 offers a lot of ways to search for your content. You can display only the products that you haven't installed yet and sort them so that the most recent purchase is at the top of the list. That is what I do to quickly find new products I bought but haven't installed yet. This is how I do that.

    In the Smart Content pane:

    1. Select Products at the top of the pane, where your choices are Files or Products.
    2. Select All Products right below the Products selection done in step 1
    3. To the Right of All Products is a drop down Sort By selection list. Choose Sort by Order Date : Recent First
    4. At the bottom of the Smart Content pane, beneath all the product icons, select Available
    5. In the lower left corner of the Smart Content pane, uncheck Filter by Context

    The order you do these things in is not important.

    You can also just go to the Install pane which shows only items that haven't been isntalled at all, with no filtering, so just use the button at the top to set the sort order (Name, the default, or Order date are probably best), seelct the items you want to isntall, and click the Install Selected button.

    Did all of these and she still didn't show up.  I eventually found her in the Alphabetized Products listings.  Hence my frustration.  I should be able to type the name of the product into the search bar under the right spot and have her show up.  But she didn't. Sorted newest first, no show.  Available, no show. double checked to make sure I had filter by context unchecked still no show. Most of the time I can eventually find things but this time, she was nowhere to be found. 

    Zev0 said:

    You can still use 4.9 without connect. I did that for a while and still mainly use my normal content Library tab.. It's worth the upgrade for Iray and 3dl improvements alone.

    This is how I use Daz. I don't do smart content (Too old school). But you can see all my Daz connect stuff is under one folder and my normal content remains the same. 4.9 didn't change my workflow at all. I just have the added connect content structure for encrypted files.

    That's very interesting to see. I tried to run this way and DAZ !STILL! replicated almost my entire library into its own directory:

    D:\Users\<username>\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud


    I did NOT buy any "encrypted/cloud/connect" garbage. I loathe the entire concept of their so-called "low/no intrusive" scheme. This is why. Without asking; no popup message, no notification at all, DAZ Studio copied nearly my entire asset directory contents into that \cloud directory.  You might want to look again at your \cloud directory content.  Since I have NO daz-connect content, why did it copy non-encrypted data to the \cloud directory?

    I realize there are those proponents of protecting their assets/works by any means necessary. That seems to also include performing background manipulation without operator notification.  So we go from what, protecting assets using an encryption scheme (ok, I see inherent problems in that implementation as others have) to have the DAZ Studio product deciding that since it's on the users machine we'll just take the opportunity to do things behind their back?  Since this data migration occurs without notice, what else is this "connect" doing that they don't want to have absolute transparency in information?

    When they say it's protecting the creator's works, what's protecting us from background processing they don't feel compelled to share with us?

    This is potentially a symptom of something else. Until "daz-connect" was implemented I knew what was going on. I'm not saying "the sky is falling" but am drawing attention to DAZ Studio behavior that should NOT occur.  After attempts to get a clear answer on this from the tech staff, I was told it should not happen. That non-connect assets should not migrate because the "cloud directory" was for connect-only assets.

    I have installed the whole smash on a different system and it did it again. Copied everything from the assigned DAZ install location to the \cloud directory. If you have non-connect assets installed you might just mouse-over them and see where they link to. Even though I have the original, non-connect content in the install directory I chose in DIM, the mouse-over link points to the asset as being in the \cloud directory.

    No explanation is forthcoming from D3D. It's the kind of thing that makes you question what else does this "protect the creator's works" take advantage of while it runs. I have used the login to get updates to products but since I have no encrypted content there should be no reason to put stuff in \cloud.

    It's not a fear of the unknown, it's seeing behavior that should not occur and did not occur before "connect".  Ok, so worst case scenerio: DAZ decides to force encryption on everything, retroactively using the migrated assets (the \cloud directory).  Since they didn't pop-up notification for the migration, what's to stop them from shoving this "it's good for everyone" idiom down our throats?

    Give a mouse a cookie...


    edit1: I removed the contents of the \cloud directory. Behold, all my links point to the original DIM configured install directory locations. So if I update Metadata or do a Product Update, what will it do?

    edit2: ok. The links/mouse-over are correct. Browse to file location pulls up the DIM installed directory and all the assets are there. I'm using on the Content Library just to be clear. When I try to add the asset to the scene I get the Resource Error message box "Could not open file : /<location of duf file is shown>" "File does not exist."

    Interesting since all the assets do, in fact, exist exactly where the Content Library link shows. So by clearing out the \cloud directory it has made the original assets unavailable.

    So the argument that the encryption scheme doesn't cause a valid, paying customer to have problems is a fallacy.  So I will attempt now to use DIM to reinstall and see if that corrects the broken linkages that "connect" created.

    edit3: I had to uninstall all assets and reinstall using DIM in order for them to work again. So "connect", without notice, copied all content to its \cloud directory and then all the links overrode the actual DIM install directory setting.  That is NOT connect-only data being manipulated here. This is DAZ-connect performing an undesired function without authorization. That has nothing to do with encryption or DRM. It forced that to happen. Now tell me "connect" is a good thing. Like many others I won't be spending my resources on encrypted assets. After the far too many thousands I've spent at the DAZ store only to be treated this way.

    I understand the PA's desire, but making a good customer angry is the best way to get no income.

    And I find this very disturbing.  Going to have to check mine but there is no way I can re install at this point, I'm not about to do all of my categories from scratch.  If this is true I will not be a happy camper.  I don't want my stuff on the cloud, I like my stuff to stay where it belongs which is on my computer.

    Don't worry, your stuff doesn't end up in the cloud. Products are only installed through Daz Connect if you tell Daz Connect to install or update them, it won't go through and update your DIM installed products without you explicitly telling it to. Even if you explicitly tell it to update your DIM installed product through Daz Connect it will still leave the DIM installed product alone so you could always switch back if you decided you preferred it that way (unless you uninstalled it through DIM, of course).


    There is a lot of misinformation about Daz Connect that keeps popping up, so perhaps it is time for a new Q&A thread.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943

    Another "No Connect Download item" ?

    Or an error?

    Install Types:

  • lx said:
    lx said:
    Spit said:
    Spit said:

    Curious. If connect grabs the metadata for all your installed products (7649 with another 10028 ready to download) what is the CMS good for? Is DAZ killing that when it kills DIM?

    Well, first theer is no "when it kills DIM" - what Daz has said is that if the usage of DIM drops to a low level they might well stop using it, but it was (as I recall) a double cionditional - if this maybe that - not a black capped judge and a muscular guy checking his axe fro sharpness.

    To the specific question, the CMS is what uses the metadata, however it is delivered - downloading it for Connect, so that the product list can be populated with all products rather than just those already installed, has nothing to do with using or not using DIM to download and install content.

    That's one of the reasons I haven't updated to 4.9 and another reason I'm sure DIM will go away sooner than DAZ soon. The list of available but not dowloadeded prods is now in Connect. Even if you don't use Connect DAZ will have little compunction to define "low level" of DIM usage lower than many customers would. After all, Studio does everything DIM does--whether you like it or not. Installs are always tricky but having to wait while the program grabs almost 17 thousand products worth of metadata taking up well over an extra gig is a bridge of annoyance waaaaaaaay too far for me.

    Many don't know or, if they do, don't care about turning our favorite renderer into a database and bloating its footprint. Well, I care, care a lot.

    I completely agree.

    I did upgrade to 4.9 for the new Iray shaders, only to find that half of them haven't even been updated so it makes no difference whether you're in 4.8 or 4.9; a load of them will have to be manually fixed anyway. The Content Library items got their text boxes bloated for no apparent reason, wasting screen space without even offering anything in return. If there are a certain number of pose dials no scrollbar will appear but the bottom dial will be obscured offscreen. The mess that is Connect. I don't need a massive metadata database, thank you - especially not one that constantly wants to update itself. I just want to download a product package, have it securely sitting there, offline, as a backup, and be able to tell the program to use those files (as well as be able to browse to them myself without looking up a code guide. And edit them if they need fixing.) There was repeated feedback that Connect was fundamentally flawed, and in turn it spawned a whole new Installer tab and another entire new shortcuts system that creates extra link files. 

    I understand the desire to make things simpler for customers but this bloated mess isn't it.

    "The Content Library items got their text boxes bloated for no apparent reason..."


    Performance could be considered a very good reason. 

    It wasn't just Content Library that was changed, it was every instance of an Asset View in the entire application. The Asset View widget, used in quite a few places, was made to have consistently sized items because Qt (the cross-platform framework that Daz Studio and Install Manager are built on) performs faster and is more memory efficient when that option is used; it doesn't have to calculate/store the size of each individual item in the list when all items in the list are known/expected to be the same size. The folks that develop Qt believed in the performance gains so much, it is part of the framework (

    Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the background info (it's still ugly though.)

    This might be related to why the "blue highlights on new content" were removed as well.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404

    Another "No Connect Download item" ?

    Kerya said:

    This is a temporary product, after a week it vanishes (which seems a bit odd). Anyway that could be why it is missing a DAZ Connect option.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Gogger said:

    I'm usually fully onboard with DAZ and LOVE using DIM but I simply can't get Connect to work for the simple fact that *my* 'Smart Content' just absolutely refuses to work. Had it up and running once for a few minutes then something happened and I'm back to manual directories (perhaps it was around the time I installed Carrara?).  I've tried this, tried that, did this, these, those and whatever else I found in the forum, even with supervised help we just finally gave up. No joy. No luck. (Yes even install/uninstall/reinstall of DAZ as well as firewall this and that and blah blah blah until I was sick of the whole mess. I USUALLY manage to get things working - ALWAYS actually, but this just sucked the will to live right out of me.)  So, without a super simple, very bullet-proof system it will exclude lots of people. I don't care about it being locked down and I'd like to help protect DAZ assets, but *I* don't pirate or give stuff away but I sure am paying a price. The irony - hacked stuff WOULD run for anyone. Legitimately purchased stuff sits in some secret bomb shelter underground wasting away and neglected for lack of ability to use it. And I'm peeved at myself right now for having just bought something and failing to notice that it was Connect only. Grrr.  

    Return it.

    Protecting something should increase sales; if it has the opposite effect, then it is pointless.

    This is an excellent example of why I hate DRM products. Thieves not inconvenienced; customers are.

  • lx said:
    lx said:
    Spit said:
    Spit said:

    Curious. If connect grabs the metadata for all your installed products (7649 with another 10028 ready to download) what is the CMS good for? Is DAZ killing that when it kills DIM?

    Well, first theer is no "when it kills DIM" - what Daz has said is that if the usage of DIM drops to a low level they might well stop using it, but it was (as I recall) a double cionditional - if this maybe that - not a black capped judge and a muscular guy checking his axe fro sharpness.

    To the specific question, the CMS is what uses the metadata, however it is delivered - downloading it for Connect, so that the product list can be populated with all products rather than just those already installed, has nothing to do with using or not using DIM to download and install content.

    That's one of the reasons I haven't updated to 4.9 and another reason I'm sure DIM will go away sooner than DAZ soon. The list of available but not dowloadeded prods is now in Connect. Even if you don't use Connect DAZ will have little compunction to define "low level" of DIM usage lower than many customers would. After all, Studio does everything DIM does--whether you like it or not. Installs are always tricky but having to wait while the program grabs almost 17 thousand products worth of metadata taking up well over an extra gig is a bridge of annoyance waaaaaaaay too far for me.

    Many don't know or, if they do, don't care about turning our favorite renderer into a database and bloating its footprint. Well, I care, care a lot.

    I completely agree.

    I did upgrade to 4.9 for the new Iray shaders, only to find that half of them haven't even been updated so it makes no difference whether you're in 4.8 or 4.9; a load of them will have to be manually fixed anyway. The Content Library items got their text boxes bloated for no apparent reason, wasting screen space without even offering anything in return. If there are a certain number of pose dials no scrollbar will appear but the bottom dial will be obscured offscreen. The mess that is Connect. I don't need a massive metadata database, thank you - especially not one that constantly wants to update itself. I just want to download a product package, have it securely sitting there, offline, as a backup, and be able to tell the program to use those files (as well as be able to browse to them myself without looking up a code guide. And edit them if they need fixing.) There was repeated feedback that Connect was fundamentally flawed, and in turn it spawned a whole new Installer tab and another entire new shortcuts system that creates extra link files. 

    I understand the desire to make things simpler for customers but this bloated mess isn't it.

    "The Content Library items got their text boxes bloated for no apparent reason..."


    Performance could be considered a very good reason. 

    It wasn't just Content Library that was changed, it was every instance of an Asset View in the entire application. The Asset View widget, used in quite a few places, was made to have consistently sized items because Qt (the cross-platform framework that Daz Studio and Install Manager are built on) performs faster and is more memory efficient when that option is used; it doesn't have to calculate/store the size of each individual item in the list when all items in the list are known/expected to be the same size. The folks that develop Qt believed in the performance gains so much, it is part of the framework (

    Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the background info (it's still ugly though.)

    This might be related to why the "blue highlights on new content" were removed as well.

    In a sense - identifying the folders which needed to be shown in blue was slow (scanning the file list for new items and tagging the folders, parent folders, parent folders of parent folders and so on) and that performance drag was unacceptable for some users; using shortcuts reduced the time taken but led to inaccurate flagging and that was unacceptable to some users. Trying to find a balance point was consuming an excessive amount of development time to get an unsatisfactory result. That is why the system was changed to that in 4.9 where grouping can be used (which has been designed to be more efficient, but not if it reverts to flagging the whole folder tree to show the location of items in a group).

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318

    Only if the new grouping did the same function as the Blue Highlight did - I can't get group::new to do anything at all in the Beta, and I can't see it working for non-Daz content like the Blue Highlight did. Flagging all the related folders in the tree made it very easy for me to quickly find and catagorise new purchases from here and elsewhere. So all I can see these changes as is a serious backward step.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,855
    edited August 2016

    It's case sensitive, at least for the Group keyword - Group::New Not true - I suppose when it seemed to be for me I must have had other typo(s), that would ahrdly be surprising.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318

    Still nothing showing up even copying exactly what you put - and I have just installed something with DIM, so there is something for it to find. And would this work with non-Daz content? Will it segragate out materials from the base product so I can catagorise it easily with a quick right click?

  • 3Ddreamer said:

    Still nothing showing up even copying exactly what you put - and I have just installed something with DIM, so there is something for it to find. And would this work with non-Daz content? Will it segragate out materials from the base product so I can catagorise it easily with a quick right click?

    You are using the Smart Content pane?

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318
    edited August 2016

    I tried both Content Library and Smart Content - nothing showed in either but given a choice I would never use Smart Content because I don't like the way it works. I don't even have the tab in 4.8


    Sorry I didn't mean to derail the thread, can we split this off?

    Post edited by 3Ddreamer on
  • GreeboGreebo Posts: 161
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    There is a lot of misinformation about Daz Connect that keeps popping up, so perhaps it is time for a new Q&A thread.

    I would suggest that a better option is to provide a Real Manual for the program instead of random FAQs

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    DAZ_Rawb said:
    barbult said:

    Half the time I can't even find any of encrypted content.  I found a character for G3f that I didn't realize was encrypted and do you think I can find her anywhere in my studio?  no.  doesn't matter how I search, she just doesn't show up. So, I have a character I bought but cant' find.  Half and hour is far too long to search for something I purchased. So I can't even install it because I can't find it.  Things are NOT easier to find with connect and smart content.  Typing her name does nothing, choosing any of the options smart content does nothing.  Another reason I avoid smart content and encrypted.  Far too frustrating to find my stuff.  And honestly its not just encrypted only content I can't find with smart content.  No thanks...

    Daz Studio 4.9 offers a lot of ways to search for your content. You can display only the products that you haven't installed yet and sort them so that the most recent purchase is at the top of the list. That is what I do to quickly find new products I bought but haven't installed yet. This is how I do that.

    In the Smart Content pane:

    1. Select Products at the top of the pane, where your choices are Files or Products.
    2. Select All Products right below the Products selection done in step 1
    3. To the Right of All Products is a drop down Sort By selection list. Choose Sort by Order Date : Recent First
    4. At the bottom of the Smart Content pane, beneath all the product icons, select Available
    5. In the lower left corner of the Smart Content pane, uncheck Filter by Context

    The order you do these things in is not important.

    You can also just go to the Install pane which shows only items that haven't been isntalled at all, with no filtering, so just use the button at the top to set the sort order (Name, the default, or Order date are probably best), seelct the items you want to isntall, and click the Install Selected button.

    Did all of these and she still didn't show up.  I eventually found her in the Alphabetized Products listings.  Hence my frustration.  I should be able to type the name of the product into the search bar under the right spot and have her show up.  But she didn't. Sorted newest first, no show.  Available, no show. double checked to make sure I had filter by context unchecked still no show. Most of the time I can eventually find things but this time, she was nowhere to be found. 

    Zev0 said:

    You can still use 4.9 without connect. I did that for a while and still mainly use my normal content Library tab.. It's worth the upgrade for Iray and 3dl improvements alone.

    This is how I use Daz. I don't do smart content (Too old school). But you can see all my Daz connect stuff is under one folder and my normal content remains the same. 4.9 didn't change my workflow at all. I just have the added connect content structure for encrypted files.

    That's very interesting to see. I tried to run this way and DAZ !STILL! replicated almost my entire library into its own directory:

    D:\Users\<username>\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library\data\cloud


    I did NOT buy any "encrypted/cloud/connect" garbage. I loathe the entire concept of their so-called "low/no intrusive" scheme. This is why. Without asking; no popup message, no notification at all, DAZ Studio copied nearly my entire asset directory contents into that \cloud directory.  You might want to look again at your \cloud directory content.  Since I have NO daz-connect content, why did it copy non-encrypted data to the \cloud directory?

    I realize there are those proponents of protecting their assets/works by any means necessary. That seems to also include performing background manipulation without operator notification.  So we go from what, protecting assets using an encryption scheme (ok, I see inherent problems in that implementation as others have) to have the DAZ Studio product deciding that since it's on the users machine we'll just take the opportunity to do things behind their back?  Since this data migration occurs without notice, what else is this "connect" doing that they don't want to have absolute transparency in information?

    When they say it's protecting the creator's works, what's protecting us from background processing they don't feel compelled to share with us?

    This is potentially a symptom of something else. Until "daz-connect" was implemented I knew what was going on. I'm not saying "the sky is falling" but am drawing attention to DAZ Studio behavior that should NOT occur.  After attempts to get a clear answer on this from the tech staff, I was told it should not happen. That non-connect assets should not migrate because the "cloud directory" was for connect-only assets.

    I have installed the whole smash on a different system and it did it again. Copied everything from the assigned DAZ install location to the \cloud directory. If you have non-connect assets installed you might just mouse-over them and see where they link to. Even though I have the original, non-connect content in the install directory I chose in DIM, the mouse-over link points to the asset as being in the \cloud directory.

    No explanation is forthcoming from D3D. It's the kind of thing that makes you question what else does this "protect the creator's works" take advantage of while it runs. I have used the login to get updates to products but since I have no encrypted content there should be no reason to put stuff in \cloud.

    It's not a fear of the unknown, it's seeing behavior that should not occur and did not occur before "connect".  Ok, so worst case scenerio: DAZ decides to force encryption on everything, retroactively using the migrated assets (the \cloud directory).  Since they didn't pop-up notification for the migration, what's to stop them from shoving this "it's good for everyone" idiom down our throats?

    Give a mouse a cookie...


    edit1: I removed the contents of the \cloud directory. Behold, all my links point to the original DIM configured install directory locations. So if I update Metadata or do a Product Update, what will it do?

    edit2: ok. The links/mouse-over are correct. Browse to file location pulls up the DIM installed directory and all the assets are there. I'm using on the Content Library just to be clear. When I try to add the asset to the scene I get the Resource Error message box "Could not open file : /<location of duf file is shown>" "File does not exist."

    Interesting since all the assets do, in fact, exist exactly where the Content Library link shows. So by clearing out the \cloud directory it has made the original assets unavailable.

    So the argument that the encryption scheme doesn't cause a valid, paying customer to have problems is a fallacy.  So I will attempt now to use DIM to reinstall and see if that corrects the broken linkages that "connect" created.

    edit3: I had to uninstall all assets and reinstall using DIM in order for them to work again. So "connect", without notice, copied all content to its \cloud directory and then all the links overrode the actual DIM install directory setting.  That is NOT connect-only data being manipulated here. This is DAZ-connect performing an undesired function without authorization. That has nothing to do with encryption or DRM. It forced that to happen. Now tell me "connect" is a good thing. Like many others I won't be spending my resources on encrypted assets. After the far too many thousands I've spent at the DAZ store only to be treated this way.

    I understand the PA's desire, but making a good customer angry is the best way to get no income.

    And I find this very disturbing.  Going to have to check mine but there is no way I can re install at this point, I'm not about to do all of my categories from scratch.  If this is true I will not be a happy camper.  I don't want my stuff on the cloud, I like my stuff to stay where it belongs which is on my computer.

    Don't worry, your stuff doesn't end up in the cloud. Products are only installed through Daz Connect if you tell Daz Connect to install or update them, it won't go through and update your DIM installed products without you explicitly telling it to. Even if you explicitly tell it to update your DIM installed product through Daz Connect it will still leave the DIM installed product alone so you could always switch back if you decided you preferred it that way (unless you uninstalled it through DIM, of course).


    There is a lot of misinformation about Daz Connect that keeps popping up, so perhaps it is time for a new Q&A thread.

    Thank you for clearing that up.  I am most unlikely to tell it to put it there so I should be good lol.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    3Ddreamer said:

    Only if the new grouping did the same function as the Blue Highlight did - I can't get group::new to do anything at all in the Beta, and I can't see it working for non-Daz content like the Blue Highlight did. Flagging all the related folders in the tree made it very easy for me to quickly find and catagorise new purchases from here and elsewhere. So all I can see these changes as is a serious backward step.

    The group new doesn't work for me either.... I WANT it to work, I want Smart content to make my new stuff easy to find but it just doesn't. I really really want it to.  Sadly the one thing that worked the best for me is gone. I understand the reasoning behind it and I understand that you can't please everyone and that's okay.  But it was truly the one thing that always worked the best for me to find my new stuff.

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856
    Greebo said:
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    There is a lot of misinformation about Daz Connect that keeps popping up, so perhaps it is time for a new Q&A thread.

    I would suggest that a better option is to provide a Real Manual for the program instead of random FAQs

    Hey, come on, you can't just go making sensible suggestions...

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Kerya said:

    Another "No Connect Download item" ?

    Or an error?

    Install Types:


    3Ddreamer said:

    Only if the new grouping did the same function as the Blue Highlight did - I can't get group::new to do anything at all in the Beta, and I can't see it working for non-Daz content like the Blue Highlight did. Flagging all the related folders in the tree made it very easy for me to quickly find and catagorise new purchases from here and elsewhere. So all I can see these changes as is a serious backward step.

    The group new doesn't work for me either.... I WANT it to work, I want Smart content to make my new stuff easy to find but it just doesn't. I really really want it to.  Sadly the one thing that worked the best for me is gone. I understand the reasoning behind it and I understand that you can't please everyone and that's okay.  But it was truly the one thing that always worked the best for me to find my new stuff.

    I use dim to see what I should be looking for; on the rare occasions  I can't find something; I have a folder that I can install it to, see where it is then put it in Daz's Library. Not quite as quick as the blue highlights, but I found them to be annoying at times, so while useful, I can live without 'em.

  • Nath said:
    Greebo said:
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    There is a lot of misinformation about Daz Connect that keeps popping up, so perhaps it is time for a new Q&A thread.

    I would suggest that a better option is to provide a Real Manual for the program instead of random FAQs

    Hey, come on, you can't just go making sensible suggestions...

    Real manuals take time to write and could likely be outdated somewhat by the time they are finished; this is why a wiki that is regularly updated would be nice. And the information in that could be collected in a pdf like the current manual is (though it is several versions old).

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046

    Even an out-of-date manual would be preferable to what we have now.


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Even an out-of-date manual would be preferable to what we have now.


    What actually do we have now?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    nicstt said:

    Even an out-of-date manual would be preferable to what we have now.


    What actually do we have now?

  • argel1200argel1200 Posts: 759
    In a sense - identifying the folders which needed to be shown in blue was slow

    If indexs were set up properly, this should be pretty quick. It does take time and expeirence to optimize databases, but that's probably another example where time spent on DAZ Conenct and the DRM could have been spent improving the actual product.

  • argel1200 said:
    In a sense - identifying the folders which needed to be shown in blue was slow

    If indexs were set up properly, this should be pretty quick. It does take time and expeirence to optimize databases, but that's probably another example where time spent on DAZ Conenct and the DRM could have been spent improving the actual product.

    I don't think you're understanding what Richard was saying; it's not about the database, since not everyone wants to install it, it's about actually checking the ON-DISK folder structure to see what was most recently installed so it can display the new highlights on the recently installed content. However, unlike some users that liked it and had it work for everything the installed (via DIM or manual install), it never found my none-DIM installed files as "new".

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Hmm, I'm seeing no information on Install Type at all on Tween Julie 7, I'd like to know before I put her on my wishlist.

  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996
    Nath said:

    Hmm, I'm seeing no information on Install Type at all on Tween Julie 7, I'd like to know before I put her on my wishlist.

    I was about to post that too. I'm super suspicious ;o No buy for now.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    lx said:
    Nath said:

    Hmm, I'm seeing no information on Install Type at all on Tween Julie 7, I'd like to know before I put her on my wishlist.

    I was about to post that too. I'm super suspicious ;o No buy for now.

    LOL - me too!

    What does it say about me when I am opening all new releases in new tabs and only look at the install types instead of the Promo pictures?

  • lx_2807502lx_2807502 Posts: 2,996
    Kerya said:
    lx said:
    Nath said:

    Hmm, I'm seeing no information on Install Type at all on Tween Julie 7, I'd like to know before I put her on my wishlist.

    I was about to post that too. I'm super suspicious ;o No buy for now.

    LOL - me too!

    What does it say about me when I am opening all new releases in new tabs and only look at the install types instead of the Promo pictures?

    This is literally what I do every day the new releases roll out. Open all new items, check all install types, check file list, then maybe look at the actual products.

    Her page isn't in the index yet and when you go to it there's no file list or install types or anything so... who knows.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    lx said:
    Nath said:

    Hmm, I'm seeing no information on Install Type at all on Tween Julie 7, I'd like to know before I put her on my wishlist.

    I was about to post that too. I'm super suspicious ;o No buy for now.

    Seems to be fixed - all three download options.

  • argel1200argel1200 Posts: 759
    argel1200 said:

    If indexs were set up properly, this should be pretty quick. It does take time and expeirence to optimize databases, but that's probably another example where time spent on DAZ Conenct and the DRM could have been spent improving the actual product.

    I don't think you're understanding what Richard was saying; it's not about the database, since not everyone wants to install it, it's about actually checking the ON-DISK folder structure to see what was most recently installed so it can display the new highlights on the recently installed content. However, unlike some users that liked it and had it work for everything the installed (via DIM or manual install), it never found my none-DIM installed files as "new".

    Why would you ever have to look at the filesystem?? The install date is tracked in the database. There's no need to hit the file system.

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,318
    argel1200 said:
    argel1200 said:

    If indexs were set up properly, this should be pretty quick. It does take time and expeirence to optimize databases, but that's probably another example where time spent on DAZ Conenct and the DRM could have been spent improving the actual product.

    I don't think you're understanding what Richard was saying; it's not about the database, since not everyone wants to install it, it's about actually checking the ON-DISK folder structure to see what was most recently installed so it can display the new highlights on the recently installed content. However, unlike some users that liked it and had it work for everything the installed (via DIM or manual install), it never found my none-DIM installed files as "new".

    Why would you ever have to look at the filesystem?? The install date is tracked in the database. There's no need to hit the file system.

    Though I desperately want the new highlight back, I have to agree it would have to scan filesystem to find things that were not in the database, especially in the case of 3rd Party manual installs. Okay ideally it should do that automatically, but I could work with catagorising DIM content and then scanning and catagorising 3rd party/freebie content - infinately better than 4.9, which doesn't find anything new for me at all.

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