Wow! They are really starting to roll this out. Gotta start looking more carefully at these product listings before purchasing. No more load stuff into cart and go (though, I quit doing that some time ago, since I missed a few deals that didn't start until later in the day).
Noticing this also. I had just put the Fight Like a Girl Poses for Aiko 7 in the cart when I noticed it was encrypted only, couldn't hit the delete button fast enough, LOL.
Yeah, the DRM minefield almost makes me glad that my hand injury has kept me from doing 3d for a while and thus from trying to buy much for it. Don't know if it's worth keeping up the hobby when I have to look over every potential purchase to avoid the unwanted DRM.
I bought the female version of the Addition Blood Layers and I'm now peeved that the male version is encrypted...
If it's meant to be encrypted, you've lost a sale from me too. :(
Hi, Devilsatdusk15, I saw in another thread that there was some concern as to whether the Additional Blood Layers for G3F was an all-or-nothing proposition; have you had a chance to play with the product? Is it possible to apply a "blood layer" to the face but not the body, or just one limb, for example? It seems as though that would make sense, as making it "everywhere or nowhere" would be pretty limiting.
Great, now I have to return the G3F version. And I'm so tired of having to look that I'm going to go back to playing Witcher III (finally started playing it a couple weeks ago)l and skip buying ANYTHING from ANY vendor today. This is sucking the fun out of this hobby. Sorry the Yura and the other PAs stuck with products coming out alongside DRM'd content, but I lost ALL interest in buying anything today after seeing these two.
Great, now I have to return the G3F version. And I'm so tired of having to look that I'm going to go back to playing Witcher III (finally started playing it a couple weeks ago)l and skip buying ANYTHING from ANY vendor today. This is sucking the fun out of this hobby. Sorry the Yura and the other PAs stuck with products coming out alongside DRM'd content, but I lost ALL interest in buying anything today after seeing these two.
Why you have to return the 3GF Version? It's not encrypted, and never was. Just wondering.
Both added to the lists in the first post. Is Release Date: 2016-07-17 correct?
I am in a different time zone and readme's are not yet up ...
Yup it's the 17th. Release date should be whatever "tomorrow" you're just reaching is, or if you're European or further east, what day it already is.
In principle ... it is easy. In principle. But we are talking about Daz3d ... LOL
Doesn't matter. DRM products are still DRM products. If you have issues, you will get locked out.
That's why there is a "Sort by release date" list - after one year the things should become unencrypted and downloadable as zips via DIM ...
But wont help if the issues happen in the year before-hand. And if I want an item, once it becomes non-DRM is the time to buy it, and it will be much cheaper.
Why return the ones for G3F? Maybe because I was planning to use both in a scene? And DAZ is very clearly playing marketing games. Edit: This decision very clearly reduces the value of the G3F version because I will not buy the DRM'd G3M version. So the value of the product has gone down because I will have to wait a year for the G3M version to come out. DAZ knows some of us are not buying DRM'd content (and DAZ Connect only for that matter (4.8 users, people with little bandwitdth)), so this is the price they pay for that. They know they are trying to force something on us. This is one of the ways I let them know that I do not apprecaite these kind of games.
For those following at home, this is the kind of thing I was talking about wrt self reinforcing ideas about 'what sells.' Again, there are certainly trends, but I don't know how accurately people really know given how easily confirmation bias creeps in.
I'm considering getting a gift card, even though I'm going to let my PC expire. The exchange rate is sucking and sucking harder all the time (despite a brief rally due to the cabinet reshuffle and new PM in the UK). But the DRM presence is making me hesitate; maybe I'll compromise, and just buy a lower amount.
I find it particularly annoying that I have to pay attention to what is and is not DRMed.
Actually Connect should be a benefit for people on low bandwidth as updates are handled file-by-file - so the inititial download uses roughtly the same bandwidth as DIM but later downloads are usually much smaller.
Why return the ones for G3F? Maybe because I was planning to use both in a scene? And DAZ is very clearly playing marketing games. Edit: This decision very clearly reduces the value of the G3F version because I will not buy the DRM'd G3M version. So the value of the product has gone down because I will have to wait a year for the G3M version to come out. DAZ knows some of us are not buying DRM'd content (and DAZ Connect only for that matter (4.8 users, people with little bandwitdth)), so this is the price they pay for that. They know they are trying to force something on us. This is one of the ways I let them know that I do not apprecaite these kind of games.
Just some ideas:
Is there any possibility to use Map Transfer (does that work with Genesis 3?) to transfer the maps from G3F UV to G3M UV? Or apply the G3F blood layers to a geometry shell on G3M? Or will Slosh's UV Swap help at all? What if you put the desired G3M skin on G3F with the UV swap, applied the blood layers, baked the LIE maybe, and put the resulting skin back on G3M?
I don't own the blood layers, so I don't know if any of these ideas will work, but maybe you could try if you really want G3M blood layers..
Curiously, according to "What's Hot" double slider of unreadability, the male blooders are outselling the female, as well as on Trending Now. However, on Most Popular, the female vastly outranks the male one.
Of course I don't know what any of these metrics actually mean so I don't know why anyone would shop using them as a guideline, but it's interesting that it's doing well on two of them (and even moreso not the third.)
I bought the female version of the Addition Blood Layers and I'm now peeved that the male version is encrypted...
If it's meant to be encrypted, you've lost a sale from me too. :(
Hi, Devilsatdusk15, I saw in another thread that there was some concern as to whether the Additional Blood Layers for G3F was an all-or-nothing proposition; have you had a chance to play with the product? Is it possible to apply a "blood layer" to the face but not the body, or just one limb, for example? It seems as though that would make sense, as making it "everywhere or nowhere" would be pretty limiting.
It is an all-or-nothing item.
It's not a complete waste of money. It has it uses. Although, it would be nice if there was a way to add blood to clothing, so that it doesn't look like your model has been fighting in the nude, and put her clothes on after.
Attached are pictures from my library of the models who the UV's cover (both Iray and 3Delight). As you can see, there are no options to add the UV's to a certain area of the body.
I've been trying to do a render of the product for the last three hours (to upload), but my computer is really playing up and I keep getting Brickyard errors (but it doesn't have anything to do with Additional Blood Layers).
Curiously, according to "What's Hot" double slider of unreadability, the male blooders are outselling the female, as well as on Trending Now. However, on Most Popular, the female vastly outranks the male one.
Of course I don't know what any of these metrics actually mean so I don't know why anyone would shop using them as a guideline, but it's interesting that it's doing well on two of them (and even moreso not the third.)
It's not like DAZ has published how the WHat's Hot list works. If they wanted to tweak it to push DRM I'm sure they could. Not sayign they are, but cosndiering they are pushing DRM harder now, some additonal grains of salt are in order. Of course, there's also the possiblity that the store is acting up again. Or DAZ_Steve is buying several copies of the product to boost sales.....
Actually Connect should be a benefit for people on low bandwidth as updates are handled file-by-file - so the inititial download uses roughtly the same bandwidth as DIM but later downloads are usually much smaller.
Or bringing DIM up to the level it can do an incremetal update (a technique a quarter century old, like rsync, and polished a bit in a dozen different "package managers"). Then again, considering how it handles multiple download connections...
Great, now I have to return the G3F version. And I'm so tired of having to look that I'm going to go back to playing Witcher III (finally started playing it a couple weeks ago)l and skip buying ANYTHING from ANY vendor today. This is sucking the fun out of this hobby. Sorry the Yura and the other PAs stuck with products coming out alongside DRM'd content, but I lost ALL interest in buying anything today after seeing these two.
This is a really important point about DRM sucking the fun out of this hobby. It's pushing people away. I know I'm spending less. And I spend a LOT. It started out because I enjoyed this. But I absolutely do not tolerate DRM of any kind for content creation products. I just don't need the hassle. I can make my own products. I'm a programmer. I can find other hobbies in the same area. And Connect IS DRM despite what people who I can't name will say. The fact that you have to login is DRM right off the start. DAZ Studio 9 has been popping up a dialog every time I launch that my configuration has changed (it has not) and I NEVER log in. And there's no way to make it stop. Even if you don't accept Connect as DRM, it's at the very least nag-ware with the constant popup every time you launch.
So yeah, it's not just DRM products, but the changes in 4.9 that are sucking the fun out of this.
Noticing this also. I had just put the Fight Like a Girl Poses for Aiko 7 in the cart when I noticed it was encrypted only, couldn't hit the delete button fast enough, LOL.
Yeah, the DRM minefield almost makes me glad that my hand injury has kept me from doing 3d for a while and thus from trying to buy much for it. Don't know if it's worth keeping up the hobby when I have to look over every potential purchase to avoid the unwanted DRM.
Heard back from marketing, the encryption on the male version was delibrate as was the no encryption on the female version
Now let's all sit back and watch them complain that male content doesn't sell as well...
Two lost sales from me then, and I'm sure I'm not the only person that thinks that way.
I would probably buy encrypted content if the delay to be unencrypted was a month or two. A year? Nope.
Hi, Devilsatdusk15, I saw in another thread that there was some concern as to whether the Additional Blood Layers for G3F was an all-or-nothing proposition; have you had a chance to play with the product? Is it possible to apply a "blood layer" to the face but not the body, or just one limb, for example? It seems as though that would make sense, as making it "everywhere or nowhere" would be pretty limiting.
Great, now I have to return the G3F version. And I'm so tired of having to look that I'm going to go back to playing Witcher III (finally started playing it a couple weeks ago)l and skip buying ANYTHING from ANY vendor today. This is sucking the fun out of this hobby. Sorry the Yura and the other PAs stuck with products coming out alongside DRM'd content, but I lost ALL interest in buying anything today after seeing these two.
Why you have to return the 3GF Version? It's not encrypted, and never was. Just wondering.
But wont help if the issues happen in the year before-hand. And if I want an item, once it becomes non-DRM is the time to buy it, and it will be much cheaper.
My PC memberships expires soon.
I won't be renewing for a variety of reasons, DRM is one of em.
At least at Rendo, I don't have to check for that; nearly bought those poses yesterday.
I like a fun hobby, this turns it into work.
Marketing! Say no more.
In this case it is the PA's fault - Marketing does NOT make the decision to encrypt PA items.
Not for DAZ Originals, which the last two Encrypted Connect items are.
The conversation was about the Bloody whatsits for Genesis3Male - so Marketing is not at fault there.
The bloody whatsit is a DO.
The blood layers are DOs.
Ooops - thank you! When I looked last at the product page (to find the sku and with that the at that time nonexistant Readme) I didn't see the DO ...
I take everything back and claim the contrary. ;o)
Why return the ones for G3F? Maybe because I was planning to use both in a scene? And DAZ is very clearly playing marketing games. Edit: This decision very clearly reduces the value of the G3F version because I will not buy the DRM'd G3M version. So the value of the product has gone down because I will have to wait a year for the G3M version to come out. DAZ knows some of us are not buying DRM'd content (and DAZ Connect only for that matter (4.8 users, people with little bandwitdth)), so this is the price they pay for that. They know they are trying to force something on us. This is one of the ways I let them know that I do not apprecaite these kind of games.
I'm considering getting a gift card, even though I'm going to let my PC expire. The exchange rate is sucking and sucking harder all the time (despite a brief rally due to the cabinet reshuffle and new PM in the UK). But the DRM presence is making me hesitate; maybe I'll compromise, and just buy a lower amount.
I find it particularly annoying that I have to pay attention to what is and is not DRMed.
Actually Connect should be a benefit for people on low bandwidth as updates are handled file-by-file - so the inititial download uses roughtly the same bandwidth as DIM but later downloads are usually much smaller.
Just some ideas:
Is there any possibility to use Map Transfer (does that work with Genesis 3?) to transfer the maps from G3F UV to G3M UV? Or apply the G3F blood layers to a geometry shell on G3M? Or will Slosh's UV Swap help at all? What if you put the desired G3M skin on G3F with the UV swap, applied the blood layers, baked the LIE maybe, and put the resulting skin back on G3M?
I don't own the blood layers, so I don't know if any of these ideas will work, but maybe you could try if you really want G3M blood layers..
Curiously, according to "What's Hot" double slider of unreadability, the male blooders are outselling the female, as well as on Trending Now. However, on Most Popular, the female vastly outranks the male one.
Of course I don't know what any of these metrics actually mean so I don't know why anyone would shop using them as a guideline, but it's interesting that it's doing well on two of them (and even moreso not the third.)
It is an all-or-nothing item.
It's not a complete waste of money. It has it uses. Although, it would be nice if there was a way to add blood to clothing, so that it doesn't look like your model has been fighting in the nude, and put her clothes on after.
Attached are pictures from my library of the models who the UV's cover (both Iray and 3Delight). As you can see, there are no options to add the UV's to a certain area of the body.
I've been trying to do a render of the product for the last three hours (to upload), but my computer is really playing up and I keep getting Brickyard errors (but it doesn't have anything to do with Additional Blood Layers).
Hope he can claim as a legimate expense.
Or bringing DIM up to the level it can do an incremetal update (a technique a quarter century old, like rsync, and polished a bit in a dozen different "package managers"). Then again, considering how it handles multiple download connections...
This is a really important point about DRM sucking the fun out of this hobby. It's pushing people away. I know I'm spending less. And I spend a LOT. It started out because I enjoyed this. But I absolutely do not tolerate DRM of any kind for content creation products. I just don't need the hassle. I can make my own products. I'm a programmer. I can find other hobbies in the same area. And Connect IS DRM despite what people who I can't name will say. The fact that you have to login is DRM right off the start. DAZ Studio 9 has been popping up a dialog every time I launch that my configuration has changed (it has not) and I NEVER log in. And there's no way to make it stop. Even if you don't accept Connect as DRM, it's at the very least nag-ware with the constant popup every time you launch.
So yeah, it's not just DRM products, but the changes in 4.9 that are sucking the fun out of this.
Why do that when he can just return them!?!