Daz Connect

Been working out of state for a while and noticed the daz update when I returned. The faq sheet says that Daz connect is not a requirement when installing 4.9, but gives no details on how to by pass that portion. I am relunctant to install 4.9 because I like using Install manager and having all my files right on my pc. However, because of my being out of state for so long my last install was 4.7 (so no Genesis 3 for me) and I am unable to find a download for 4.8 anywhere!  So, how does one install 4.9 while keeping install manager as the default download mode?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me some guidance in this.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    A few things first: Connect will only download and install content if you explicitely tell it to, and the files will still be on your PC, just in another folder.

    Anyway, the easiest way to tell DS4.9 not to use Connect at all is to answer "no" and check "do not ask again" when it asks you if you want to connect to your account the first time you open 4.9 after install.

  • Thank you Leana for the information!!

    I assume that will allow the download manager to continue working for my updates and downloads right?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848

    DIM woill still work even if you connect DS to your account, and using Connect doesn't disable it. Simply if you install one product with Connect you then use Connect to update it.

    There are some things that can't be installed with Connect anyway (like plugins, or V4/M4 bases and morphs).

  • And again THANK YOU,

    One last question to make sure I do it right. This action happens after the install of the product on the first open of Daz. It will simply ask me if I want to connect and answering no (and checking don't ask again) will leave everything in the download process still attached to Install Manager. Files will then still install into the folder they currently download into (which for me is The Daz Folder in my Public Documents)

    Do I have this right?


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848
    edited May 2016

    Yes, if you answer "no" then nothing will change about your downloads.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Even if you do use Connect, your DIM-installed content will still be there and recognized by DS.

  • Thanks again to both of you.

    *Fixmypcmike*  my original concern came in with the big red warning to back up data. I have a fairly large library (to me) and that worried me. It seemed to suggest that all my files might be gone or corrupt. I am in the process now of making sure I have backup files for all my files on an external drive and a complete record of purchases .... etc. Last thing I will do is the backup before loading 4.9

    There were also posts that concerned me ... something about "metadata" no longer downloading to the pc, instead it is in the cloud somewhere or something like that. I suck at technical stuff so that just helped to increase my frustration. I don't use the cloud for anything, if I can't keep a complete hard copy to the drive I don't want it. I know it is "old" thinking, but if I pay for it, I want all of it. (chuckle .. snort)

    Anyway that is why I wanted to know how to do this without moving to connect. Well, that, and someday wanting to understand how to actually make original things. I have all my files and programs where I can find them and if connect starts moving them to other folders that would reek havoc in my otherwise well structured wheel! Ha Ha

    I do appreciate you both taking time to read and answer my post. It is nice to know there are folks like you out there that will help with my "technical disfunction".

    Have a great day both of you!!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    The warnings are about backing up the CMS database if you create your own categories/tags/metadata -- the actual files in your library aren't touched.

    The term "Cloud" was an unfortunate choice, as the files all stay on your computer, they aren't actually in "the cloud".

  • Hmmm .... that makes some of the post I have read very confusing.

    Okay so ...... if I use Daz connect they will be deposited into a diffrent folder then the one in my public documents "My Daz 3D Library"?

    ... If I download something with Daz connect I cannot use Install manager for an update to any item I download with connect?

    ... Any product I downloaded with Install manager will still send updates to products to be downloaded?

    Am I getting this stuff right?

    I also have tons of 3rd party downloads will those need to be backed up as well. As I have yet to learn how to create objects on my own, I assume I would have none of the above. I created new folders in my Docs for any 3rd Party downloads. I never really played with the Daz folder for fear of killing files!  So do I need to do a back up?

    BTW thanks for being so patient with the questions. ;)


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Hmmm .... that makes some of the post I have read very confusing.

    Okay so ...... if I use Daz connect they will be deposited into a diffrent folder then the one in my public documents "My Daz 3D Library"?

    Yes (although you can set it to the same location), items installed with Daz Connect are in a sepoarate set of folders inside the Data folder.

    ... If I download something with Daz connect I cannot use Install manager for an update to any item I download with connect?

    If an item is installed with both Install Manager and Connect, then DS will use the Connect version and ignore the Install Manager version (although it won't delete the files).  If you uninstall the Connect version it will go back to using the Install Manager version.

    ... Any product I downloaded with Install manager will still send updates to products to be downloaded?

    Yes, products downloaded with Install Manager continue to work the same way, with Install Manager showing any updates.  However, some updates (like metadata updates) may only be done in Connect -- the Install Manager version may noit be updated until there is a more substantive update.

    I also have tons of 3rd party downloads will those need to be backed up as well. As I have yet to learn how to create objects on my own, I assume I would have none of the above. I created new folders in my Docs for any 3rd Party downloads. I never really played with the Daz folder for fear of killing files!  So do I need to do a back up?

    The files on disk won't be touched.  If you created categories/tags/metadata for them, you'll want to Export User Data to make sure that information is backed up.

  • What is meta data, and is it necessary for a product to work properly?

    See .... I wasn't joking .... technically dysfunctional here!!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Metadata is what makes content "Smart" -- it indicates whether a particular item is a material, a pose, a shape, etc., what it's meant to be used with (e.g. what figure an item of clothing is for, or what item a material preset is for).  It's not required for an item to work, but it supplies extra information to make it easier to use.

  • Wow, I could pick your brain like this all night, but that would just be selfish!

    A tremendously big thank you for all your help. I am a little less terrified of connect now. LOL.

    Not sure if I will use it, but it is on the table for possible "okay to use".

    You have been awesome! Really thank you very much!

    Hopefully I will get the hang of this all soon,

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