M4 Morphs++: cant find where to put them.

I am trying to load the M4 Morphs++ into Poser 2010. i get the message on the attached image.
I cant find a Poser.exe file. Any ideas as to what to do?
Obviously. i am new to this stuff so go easy on me.

809 x 607 - 79K
Select DAZ Studio as the target application, then install to the folder you selected as your Poser content library (the folder that holds the Runtime folder) - that won't usually be the application folder.
did not work. see attachments.
also tried runtime folder within the Downloads folder. that did not work either.
does this help? where in here would you put it?
M4 morphs++ must be installed to the same place you installed M4 Base.
no that did not work. see attached. is this file not where the M4 base is?
am i still supposed to target DAZ Studios and not Poser? (i tried both..did not work)
Ah, you're using Windows 7 or Vista. Putting content inside the Program Files hierarchy will not work, as the operating system protects those folders, so the files aren't really there. You need to move your content outside of Program Files.
I really wonder why the heck Daz hasn't updated the stupid installers for M4 and V4 yet. And why the heck is there no metadata?
i am not sure if my reply went thru. so ...i am not sure what this means about the Program Files as everything else works there
so..i am not sure moving everything is a good idea. why would everything else work even V4++ but not M4++?
are we not supposed to use our real names? i have not used this forum before and so i dont quite know the ropes i guess.
thank you for your help though. i guess maybe i should try the DAZ tech people for this one.
User content should NEVER be installed into the Program Files area in Windows 7 or Vista.
This has nothing at all to do with DAZ 3D, but Program Files is a protected area. When an application tries to write anything there, it is sent of to a 'Roaming' folder. DAZ Studio content or Poser content will not work properly is stored in Program Files, so it is a very good idea to move it as soon as possible.
The recommended place to install user content is in the Documents area, but any other folder will do, as long as it is not inside the Program Files folder.
You can use your real name if you like, there are no rules about that.
if not in the Program Files, then where should it go?
so you say i should simply move all the files over to...somewhere else.
i have had no problems with anything being in the Program Files,
so i dont understand why i should move it. you said NEVER. but why is that?
i have gotten a lot of conflicting advice on this subject of how to install the M4++. so i am not sure what to do.
why does the V4++ work? where are they stored? i cant find anything that says V4++.
are you saying i now need to re-install everything over again into the Documents folder, or just move everything there;
the whole Smith Micro file? how will the program know where the content is? will it find it? you can see my trepidation here.
i dont want to make things worse.
i am sorry i am so dumb, but i just dont know what to do with the sparse advice. i guess i need
but, again, thanks for the input, albeit a bit confusing input to a novice. sometimes those in the know forget what it is like to be
a beginner?
a bit more explanation.
Did you previously have an XP computer, and copied the whole runtime folder over on your new computer? Any morph packs you installed under XP would probably still work, but new morph packs probably won't.
PP2010 defaults to putting content under Documents, but it can be anywhere as long as it is not a protected folder. You don't need to reinstall Poser, just move what's under the Downloads folder into a new location.
First of all, where did you install M4 into?
Michael 4 is in Poser format, so you should install the Poser files for it, the ones with DPC in the filename. If you are only using Poser, you do not need the files marked DS at all.
The best way out of this I think, is for you to reinstall M4 into your Poser runtime where it is now. It should be installed into the folder which 'Holds' the Runtime folder. Only install the files that have DPC in the filename.
Then the Morphs++ file will install if you select DAZ Studio as the target application. The installer will not then look for a file called 'Poser.exe' whcih you wont have anyway.
How V4 and V4 Morphs++ work in your current setup I don;t know, but storing user content in the Program Files area is not a good idea if you are using Win 7 or Vista (are you?)
Sorry Mike, XPost