Is possible to hide the lights without switching them off?

I only want to hide them in the display viewport but hiding them always deactivate them also. The only other option to hide only hides them from the list but nothing else. But there is not option to hide them in the viewport and have them active, as is normal in other 3d programs. Where is that funtion, if it exists?
You can hide the rays on a spot lightby setting Ray Opacity to 0% in the Parameters pane, but I don't think you can hide the actual light icon or DoF widgets. I'm not sure whether or not that is the intended behaviour, there is an opacity cotnrol that isn't doing anything.
I haven't found a way either, beyond the rays. The red and green crosshairs are also annoying with nulls and groups. It wasn't a much of a problem, of course, before we had Iray draw mode. It would be great if all those widgety things could be hidden for Iray use.
You can hide the light icon with a little trick just use the scale option in the parameters setting, this will make the icon smaller but not affect the light itself. Use -0.0010% Scale then you won't see the icon anymore, if you go for example -1% the icon becomes larger again.